When is last time you had a cold?

Had the flu last month. 102 fever spiked with alternating chills and overheats. Lasted 3 days of which I isolated to the master suite of the house. No fun at all.
Or maybe Covid.
Didn’t get tested but neither my doctor nor the medical professionals in my family thought it was anything but the flu. Many of the symptoms are similar but I didn’t really have a cough, no trouble breathing, no loss of taste or smell, no headache, no nausea, and not too much of the sinus issues. Just alternating chills and hot spells, with a fever that responded to acetaminophen, muscle aches, and fatigue. I also hadn’t been around anyone that was sick and I work from home, so my risk was low (although I still got the flu; viruses gonna virus).

Neither my 2 year old nor my pregnant wife got sick nor did anyone else in my family so, even if it was COVID, it ended with me.
Neither my 2 year old nor my pregnant wife got sick nor did anyone else in my family so, even if it was COVID, it ended with me.
When the flu bug hits one family member, it was always my experience that the whole family ended up getting it. Thank goodness your pregnant wife didn't catch it from you. That could have been really bad.
When the flu bug hits one family member, it was always my experience that the whole family ended up getting it. Thank goodness your pregnant wife didn't catch it from you. That could have been really bad.
Yup. I would never have heard the end of it. Like I said, as soon as my temp spiked I went off to isolation and we minimized contact until the fever broke.
I currently have the flu or Covid (waiting on test results), and I feel better wearing a mask and isolating myself in a separate room knowing I shouldn’t get the rest of the family sick. I had the flu last December and didn’t wear a mask inside and still slept in the same room as my wife and we all ended up sick. The silver lining in this whole pandemic is that we will be smarter when we do get sick to not spread it and we will stay home and isolated.
I currently have the flu or Covid (waiting on test results), and I feel better wearing a mask and isolating myself in a separate room knowing I shouldn’t get the rest of the family sick. I had the flu last December and didn’t wear a mask inside and still slept in the same room as my wife and we all ended up sick. The silver lining in this whole pandemic is that we will be smarter when we do get sick to not spread it and we will stay home and isolated.
I'm sure that you aren't going into work? The fact that the POTUS is traveling is extremely irresponsible.
I'm sure that you aren't going into work? The fact that the POTUS is traveling is extremely irresponsible.
You don't know that. If their tests are showing no viral shedding or very low viral load in the POTUS, then he is not contagious.
I'm sure that you aren't going into work? The fact that the POTUS is traveling is extremely irresponsible.
I work in Tech and work from home so I have been quarantining since I started feeling fatigued. My girls also didn't go to soccer practice or games over the weekend while I was waiting and we didn't go out for groceries. Got a negative result yesterday, so I guess I caught an early flu bug. I'll keep quarantining until I feel better, but they will start going to everything again.
You don't know that. If their tests are showing no viral shedding or very low viral load in the POTUS, then he is not contagious.
If they tested, but they aren't testing. I know this (we all know this) because if the results were positive the POTUS would be sharing and bragging about them.
Why is it irresponsible if he is negative for covid after kicking it in a few days? Nobody is doing the 14 quarantine.
He didn't test negative because he would have tweeted a pic if he did. His staff is quarantining for 14 days. Also, he was riding around in seal vehicles with people days after testing positive. He's a train wreck.
Took multiple test over multiple days using various companies testing systems. One being the Abbott labs instant test. No way is he positive at this point.
So they lied about his first positive test, he went to the debate shedding virus. :flush:
So the conspiracy is that Trump knew he was positive to try to infect and kill Biden because he is weaker?
Certainly you aren't claiming that Trump is healthier than Biden. That would be insane because Biden challenges people to push-up contests so clearly he is in top physical condition.
These @sshats were telling us that they didn't need to wear masks or social distance because they were getting tested everyday. Now we find out that they weren't getting tested, so that they didn't have to deal with a positive test results. 🤡