Will "cloth masks dont work" catch on or have we gone too far?

Yeah dude I’m a nurse’s assistant. Nice one 😂Maybe if you weren’t all drugged up you would realize that I banged your wife amongst other things
Clearly you aren't a doctor even though you insinuate being one. Doctors care about people and want them to be healthy, so I would think by now you would have been encouraging people to take vitamins, possibly some other treatments that you would have come across, but certainly not just laughing at anything that isn't a vaccine. I doubt that you are even a CNA. Maybe a pharmaceutical rep or financial office worker.
Clearly you aren't a doctor even though you insinuate being one. Doctors care about people and want them to be healthy, so I would think by now you would have been encouraging people to take vitamins, possibly some other treatments that you would have come across, but certainly not just laughing at anything that isn't a vaccine. I doubt that you are even a CNA. Maybe a pharmaceutical rep or financial office worker.
When did I EVER SAY THAT I WAS A DOCTOR? We all know that you’re an unemployed handyman on disability for years due to mental instability. You’re also a 43 year-old ugly, celibate loser. You haven’t graduated from Nebraska, correct? 😂😂😂

By the way, ivermectin is not FDA approved for the treatment of COVID and no vitamins are going to work, so get a job and stop searching for Twitter information 24/7
When did I EVER SAY THAT I WAS A DOCTOR? We all know that you’re an unemployed handyman on disability for years due to mental instability. You’re also a 43 year-old ugly, celibate loser. You haven’t graduated from Nebraska, correct? 😂😂😂

By the way, ivermectin is not FDA approved for the treatment of COVID and no vitamins are going to work, so get a job and stop searching for Twitter information 24/7
You aren't a nurse either.
Sure, its an absolute joke that we aren't swimming in N95 masks right now. We are facing the greatest threat to our well being for going on 3 years now, and we haven't sent a couple N94 or KN94 masks to every household along with a test or two every month with instructions to wear these out in public and take the test and quarantine if you're positive? Sure there are right wing nuts jobs that won't follow these basic compassionate acts, but most people are good at heart and can band together to help get through.
And how well have 'government solutions' worked out so far?
And you want them to do this?!
Furthermore ... didn't several people warn about the US Federal Gov't screwing with testing and other supplies just 2 months ago as Omicron was coming out of South Africa?! As well as the post-May 'ramp down' on masks and testing manufacturing and supplywhen the administration said it was over?

This falls on both administrations at this point. We are going to have a million dead Americans because of this and no one is batting an eye.
Or you could have just listened to me in March-April 2021, instead of making fun of me or calling me an idiot. If there is one detail that is proof positive that I'm a true, American Libertarian, it's this ...

I'm independent, self-sufficient and I don't give a flying **** what the mob masses say, much less their peer pressure. There are several of us on this board, and people like yourself owe us a huge ass ****ing apology.

But nope, you want more government. Sorry, but I'm no longer counter-laughing. You're part of the ****ing mob group ****-up, and yet you want more government and mass stupidity.
So was allegedly Gary Johnson ... don't knock self-made handimen and handiwomen.
He’s an unemployed handyman.

Can you please spell correctly. I know you’re at least better than that
Yes, that was him. Good find. Honestly, he was a little overweight, but I wouldn’t say he was fat
sucks regardless bc it was avoidable . He probably thought he was out of the woods bc Alpha was burning out then the more lethal Delta hit. also gave another poster a scare.

thankfully Omicron seems weaker but don’t get the anti vaxxers that continue to play roulette when treatments are still not widespread and convenient .
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Some folks said he posted on Facebook some pretty stupid shit for months--some of it even borderline racist--and was vociferous about his antivax status.

I don't wish death on anyone, so it is a damn shame. I bet a lot of money he wishes he took the the vaccine now.

There are people in this very thread calling others "betas" if they get vaccinated or wear a mask in crowded spaces.

If 850,000 dead Americans dying and someone from this very board dying won't change their mind then nothing will. They've had their minds warped irreparably and are conditioned to believe every crazy thing that they read in their Twitter echo chambers.
Yep. And you're a janitor. Glad we could both admit truths about ourselves.
If you want to compare salaries and net worth (of a janitor) that can be arranged 😂. Although it will cost you
sucks regardless bc it was avoidable . He probably thought he was out of the woods bc Alpha was burning out then the more lethal Delta hit. also gave another poster a scare.

thankfully Omicron seems weaker but don’t get the anti vaxxers that continue to play roulette when treatments are still not widespread and convenient .
Yes, it was in August. About that exact time. He would still be alive today. Sad. I looked at his Facebook and we had mutual friends
sucks regardless bc it was avoidable . He probably thought he was out of the woods bc Alpha was burning out then the more lethal Delta hit. also gave another poster a scare.

thankfully Omicron seems weaker but don’t get the anti vaxxers that continue to play roulette when treatments are still not widespread and convenient .

Yeah, wayne was on a ventilator wasn't he? Or at the very least in the ICU. At least he's smart enough not to come back to the cooler after calling covid a common cold.
sucks regardless bc it was avoidable .
Genetics and other factors play the greatest role, more than a very, very limited, new vaccination vector. Sorry, but truth.
Everyone needs to get off that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Was he stupid for not getting any vaccine? Don't know, probably. Anyone 40+ was probably not looking at the risk-reward correctly if they decided not to get vaccinated. Those under 30, let alone vaccinated parents of kids 16 (Pfizer) or 18 (others), I can understand their hesitancy, because the statistics don't support vaccination, let alone the utter lack of clinical trials.

Those aged 30-40 were more debatable. I could see their arguments either way as of Spring 2021.

Generically, the statistics don't support 12-15 (Pfizer) or 12-17 (other). Sorry, but truth, and the fact that Pharma repeatedly refused to submit data to the US FDA just pissed off the expert panels. We only pushed it on them because of the 'herd immunity' lie, saying kids needed to protect the elders.
And the fact that there is a royalty-free, traditional vaccine that has much lower rate of complications among kids is just proof that this is now about money. Just like we're going to be pushing mRNA flu vaccines this fall, for monetary reasons, not statistics (they were a failure in multi-year trials).

And people wonder why we're so Pharma, not vaccine, hesitant?!

He probably thought he was out of the woods bc Alpha was burning out then the more lethal Delta hit. also gave another poster a scare.
The unvaccinated do not think that way. I know that's the US Media Narrative, which like everything else they spew, is bullshit for 90%+ of people. But the 'echo chamber' of the Mass Media Mob is going to 'echo.'
  • Most of the early 'this is just like the flu' crowd were gone by early 2021. I don't know how anyone believe they still existd by mid 2021.
  • The remaining 'hold outs' changed by the Delta surge by July, becuase they knew it wasn't ending. Most were working remote / staying at home types, and not going out.
That's why the Delta surge in the US June-July was by, of and for the vaccinated, those no longer taking precautions because the Biden administration overrode the US CDC, and changed their advisement.

And then the Biden administration did the same in late July to the US FDA, after it publicly balked at the CEO of Pfizer over re-vaccination (aka "Boosters").

thankfully Omicron seems weaker but don’t get the anti vaxxers that continue to play roulette when treatments are still not widespread and convenient .
Stop with the anti-vax bullshit. Seriously. If you don't stop to understand why people are Pharma hesitant, you're not understanding the problem.

A lot and I mean a lot of signature experts, many of who have been censored by were also right about Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes, are literally waiving their arms up. Even engineers and major leaders were Theranos advocates and Holmes believers too. And that's the problem.

A lot of conspiracy theories are turning out to be true ... many I refused to believe myself in months earlier. The hope and believe ... turned out to be blind faith ... and wrong. I mean ... when I read FDA expets who have been working on SARS since 2003 ... I tend to respect them over the bullshit out of the 'new FDA.'

mRNA is not the pancea, and it needs to stop being oversold.

Masks are so 2020.
Genetics and other factors play the greatest role, more than a very, very limited, new vaccination vector. Sorry, but truth.
Everyone needs to get off that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Was he stupid for not getting any vaccine? Don't know, probably. Anyone 40+ was probably not looking at the risk-reward correctly if they decided not to get vaccinated. Those under 30, let alone vaccinated parents of kids 16 (Pfizer) or 18 (others), I can understand their hesitancy, because the statistics don't support vaccination, let alone the utter lack of clinical trials.

Those aged 30-40 were more debatable. I could see their arguments either way.

Generically, the statistics don't support 12-15 (Pfizer) or 12-17 (other). Sorry, but truth, and the fact that Pharma repeatedly refused to submit data to the US FDA just pissed off the expert panels. We only pushed it on them because of the 'herd immunity' lie, saying kids needed to protect the elders.
And the fact that there is a royalty-free, traditional vaccine that has much lower rate of complications among kids is just proof that this is now about money. Just like we're going to be pushing mRNA flu vaccines this fall, for monetary reasons, not statistics (they were a failure in multi-year trials).

And people wonder why we're so Pharma, not vaccine, hesitant?!

The unvaccinated do not think that way. I know that's the US Media Narrative, which like everything else they spew, is bullshit for 90%+ of people. But the 'echo chamber' of the Mass Media Mob is going to 'echo.'
  • Most of the early 'this is just like the flu' crowd were gone by early 2021. I don't know how anyone believe they still existd by mid 2021.
  • The remaining 'hold outs' changed by the Delta surge by July, becuase they knew it wasn't ending. Most were working remote / staying at home types, and not going out.
That's why the Delta surge in the US June-July was by, of and for the vaccinated, those no longer taking precautions because the Biden administration overrode the US CDC, and changed their advisement.

And then the Biden administration did the same in late July to the US FDA, after it publicly balked at the CEO of Pfizer over re-vaccination (aka "Boosters").

Stop with the anti-vax bullshit. Seriously. If you don't stop to understand why people are Pharma hesitant, you're not understanding the problem.

A lot and I mean a lot of signature experts, many of who have been censored by were also right about Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes, are literally waiving their arms up. Even engineers and major leaders were Theranos advocates and Holmes believers too. And that's the problem.

A lot of conspiracy theories are turning out to be true ... many I refused to believe myself in months earlier. The hope and believe ... turned out to be blind faith ... and wrong.

mRNA is not the pancea, and it needs to stop being oversold.
Yes, it was in August. About that exact time. He would still be alive today. Sad. I looked at his Facebook and we had mutual friends

If you are talking about SCK, he wasn't "a little overweight". He was obese. This memorial video was made back in August but if you watch 'til the end, you'll see that he had a massive weight gain in a short amount of time. It's sad to see really because someone can't be healthy and happy if they're packing on that amount of weight so quickly.

If you are talking about SCK, he wasn't "a little overweight". He was obese. This memorial video was made back in August but if you watch 'til the end, you'll see that he had a massive weight gain in a short amount of time. It's sad to see really because someone can't be healthy and happy if they're packing on that amount of weight so quickly.

Wow. Happened so quickly. No wonder UCFBS is scared shitless. Crazy and Knighttime must be little porkers too
If you are talking about SCK, he wasn't "a little overweight". He was obese. This memorial video was made back in August but if you watch 'til the end, you'll see that he had a massive weight gain in a short amount of time. It's sad to see really because someone can't be healthy and happy if they're packing on that amount of weight so quickly.

That does put things into perspective.
A bunch of comments around him being anti-vax. Maybe overweight, posting personal stuff, etc.
Some folks said he posted on Facebook some pretty stupid shit for months--some of it even borderline racist--and was vociferous about his antivax status.

I don't wish death on anyone, so it is a damn shame. I bet a lot of money he wishes he took the the vaccine now.
I really try to stay away from personal attacks but I am going to say something here.
UFMzikes, you don't know Jack about me or my life or my little candy shop.

For starters I was successful in my career . I started to invest in vacation homes in the Smokies in 2000.. I was successful and eventually grew my real estate holdings to 5 vacation rentals . I have 4 homes plus my business with two retail locations. I make award winning chocolate now . I have multiple wholesale accounts and I am in negotiations to buy out a competitor. Should we close that deal I will have over $1.5 million in sales .

My second child had meningitis when he was 24 days old. he is severely disabled and is now 23 years old and is blind as well. I quit my career sir to focus my life and future so my son never has to be in a group home. I structured my life so I don't have to answer to a boss . I structured my life for my son .. every day I wake up as a caregiver , getting my son toileted ,showered,dressed, fed and out the door with me.

My son has had up to 8 specialists and by the time he was 12 he has had 4 major surgeries. I ask doctors a ton of questions and research stuff. Straight up there are few here on this website that have lived or live the life as being a parent to severely involved kid. I don't bring it up ,but I take some offense to your jab about my science background and my career choice. Walk in my shoes for a week then ridicule me on line . I argue building a small business is harder than working for a big corporation. why? Because I don't have huge amount of capital to just make things happen. We work our butts off to grow it.

So, go ahead and make fun of me for my little ole candy shop and such , I don't care . I took the day today to take my Grady White boat to Greenville for it's annual service. I got a big Keys fishing trip planned for May. I have a great life and between my real estate portfolio and my growing business I think I am doing well. Leaving a career to be an entrepreneur so I can be the dad I need to be is a choice i have never regretted.

Cloth masks are to covid as a chain link fence is to Mosquitos.
I really try to stay away from personal attacks but I am going to say something here.
UFMzikes, you don't know Jack about me or my life or my little candy shop.

For starters I was successful in my career . I started to invest in vacation homes in the Smokies in 2000.. I was successful and eventually grew my real estate holdings to 5 vacation rentals . I have 4 homes plus my business with two retail locations. I make award winning chocolate now . I have multiple wholesale accounts and I am in negotiations to buy out a competitor. Should we close that deal I will have over $1.5 million in sales .

My second child had meningitis when he was 24 days old. he is severely disabled and is now 23 years old and is blind as well. I quit my career sir to focus my life and future so my son never has to be in a group home. I structured my life so I don't have to answer to a boss . I structured my life for my son .. every day I wake up as a caregiver , getting my son toileted ,showered,dressed, fed and out the door with me.

My son has had up to 8 specialists and by the time he was 12 he has had 4 major surgeries. I ask doctors a ton of questions and research stuff. Straight up there are few here on this website that have lived or live the life as being a parent to severely involved kid. I don't bring it up ,but I take some offense to your jab about my science background and my career choice. Walk in my shoes for a week then ridicule me on line . I argue building a small business is harder than working for a big corporation. why? Because I don't have huge amount of capital to just make things happen. We work our butts off to grow it.

So, go ahead and make fun of me for my little ole candy shop and such , I don't care . I took the day today to take my Grady White boat to Greenville for it's annual service. I got a big Keys fishing trip planned for May. I have a great life and between my real estate portfolio and my growing business I think I am doing well. Leaving a career to be an entrepreneur so I can be the dad I need to be is a choice i have never regretted.

Cloth masks are to covid as a chain link fence is to Mosquitos.
GOOD FOR YOU SIR, GOOD FOR YOU. I became an entrepreneur so I could care for my severely disabled son.. you are insensitive .
Nobody is being insensitive. Once I read about a candy shop and selling chocolate, I didn’t need to go on further about your “EXPERTISE” about Covid and vaccines. Just like the rest of the unqualified moronic, foursome

If you want to talk about your career and disabled son, that’s fine, but at this point nobody knows what to believe. I’m a janitor, pharmaceutical rep, “nurse’s assistant” (WTF is that), and a “financial officer.” (LOL).
Which experts? Those ones that said the mask didn't work, then works, and back to doesn't work? The ones that said if you get the vaccine you wouldn't get symptomatic covid? The ones that said 2 weeks...

Which expert in particular? You're a good sheep though. Here we are surging with almost 1 million daily infections with 85% of the adults vaccinated.
Definitely not an unemployed, loser uneducated, Twitter whore who spews out BS random facts hourly that he pulls out of his ass, then tries desperately to put it into a valid argument, but can’t.

Then calls people sheep, but is only doing half the things that the ones that he’s calling sheep are 🤪🤪🤪
I see the sheep isn't going to answer which particular expert.
I don’t try to discuss anything of importance with uneducated, unemployed, loser Twitter whores. Not worth my time.

Isn’t it time for you to go to bed, so you can wake up for your daily 7:00 A.M. Russian Bot Twitter posts for 15 hours?

Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. 🤪🤪🤪🤪

You’re pathetic and a waste of a life.
Nobody is being insensitive. Once I read about a candy shop and selling chocolate, I didn’t need to go on further about your “EXPERTISE” about Covid and vaccines. Just like the rest of the unqualified moronic, foursome

If you want to talk about your career and disabled son, that’s fine, but at this point nobody knows what to believe. I’m a janitor, pharmaceutical rep, “nurse’s assistant” (WTF is that), and a “financial officer.” (LOL).
You don't know what a nursing assistant is? It's called a CNA or a med-aid.

Do you even work in the Healthcare industry at all?
You don't know what a nursiing assistant is? It's called a CNA or a med-aid.

Do you even work in the Healthcare industry at all?
😂😂😂😂😂^^^^^^ Do you even ever leave your house dude. What a pathetic loser

You can’t even tell your mommy and daddy this you’re this anymore, because you’re unemployed 😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪

😂😂😂😂😂^^^^^^ Do you even ever leave your house dude. What a pathetic loser

You can’t even tell your mommy and daddy this you’re this anymore, because you’re unemployed 😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪

Meh. I'd tell you what I did today but you wouldn't care anyway, as usual. You, OTOH, can't even tell us what kind of work you do for a living, which leads me to believe you may actually be the one here that is unemployed. You've been posting since 7 AM.
Meh. I'd tell you what I did today but you wouldn't care anyway, as usual. You, OTOH, can't even tell us what kind of work you do for a living, which leads me to believe you may actually be the one here that is unemployed. You've been posting since 7 AM.
I worked a full day today loser. You’re unemployed

Meh. I'd tell you what I did today but you wouldn't care anyway, as usual. You, OTOH, can't even tell us what kind of work you do for a living, which leads me to believe you may actually be the one here that is unemployed. You've been posting since 7 AM.
Post your W-2 loser. Go ahead and embarrass yourself
Nobody is being insensitive. Once I read about a candy shop and selling chocolate, I didn’t need to go on further about your “EXPERTISE” about Covid and vaccines. Just like the rest of the unqualified moronic, foursome

If you want to talk about your career and disabled son, that’s fine, but at this point nobody knows what to believe. I’m a janitor, pharmaceutical rep, “nurse’s assistant” (WTF is that), and a “financial officer.” (LOL).
UCFmikes, me quiting my career as environmental planner ,having a degree in biology from UCF and master's from FSU doesn't indicate I am some kind failure and couldn't cut it . I left with purpose .

No I am not a doctor and like you I listen to the experts but I also had great training at UCF what science is and what it ain't. I also have a shit ton of experience with medicine over the last 20 years because of my kid. We managed his diet for epilepsy through the ketogenic diet for seizure management. based on your opinion because I am not a doctor I should not ask questions or research stuff. I question my kids neurologists all the time. Experts are people and are wrong at times.

My kid was on two seizure drugs as a 4 year old with one rise of topomax at 3,500 mg and the other lemectol at 2,500 mg. He was a zombie,. I was killing his liver and it was bad . So I researched it ..I asked his doctors and ultimately transferred his neurology care to Shands. They put him on the ketogenic diet and I got my kid back. The ketogenic diet is alternative medicine that works .

I ask questions. Fauci ,the NIH,CDC none of them are above question. None. I have never said don't get the vaccine. I have never said it didn't work. I have said it's not an inocculatiion or sterilizing treatment and data shows it does not always stop getting sick from it,transmitting it or dieing from covid. See my friend Rusty . It's not perfect . Get the shot know it has limitations and some risks . All drugs have limitations and risks . We did study vaccines in microbiology and touched on them in genetics .

Because my son has half a brain due to a massive bleed of his occipital lobe, some vaccines like the original pertussis (whooping cough) can't be given to kids with brain injury due to it causing uncontrollable seizures. Am I a vaccine expert nope. Can I question stuff about it yep. We didn't authorize the pertussis vaccine for my son. it could have killed him.

So,making a jab at my current profession to some how throw shade on my views is in my opinion uniformed.. It's amazing how much chemistry and organic chemistry I use now . I know enough to replace my air filtration in my stores with medical grade heppa filtration and Honeywell UV sterilizers in the hvac. Weird how UV light kills viruses and heppa filters trap them. Weird how in microbiology, evolutionary biology and cell physiology how we learned that viruses and bacteria are killed by UV light.

I get it it's the internet and people lie all the time. I am honest brother . You hit a nerve , unknowingly , about my career,the choices I made and such and why I did what I did. I am very much science driven in my business and in detecting bull crap from my government.
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UCFmikes, me quiting my career as environmental planner ,having a degree in biology from UCF and master's from FSU doesn't indicate I am some kind failure and couldn't cut it . I left with purpose .

No I am not a doctor and like you I listen to the experts but I also had great training at UCF what science is and what it ain't. I also have a shit ton of experience with medicine over the last 20 years because of my kid. We managed his diet for epilepsy through the ketogenic diet for seizure management. based on your opinion because I am not a doctor I should not ask questions or research stuff. I question my kids neurologists all the time. Experts are people and are wrong at times.

My kid was on two seizure drugs as a 4 year old with one rise of topomax at 3,500 mg and the other lemectol at 2,500 mg. He was a zombie,. I was killing his liver and it was bad . So I researched it ..I asked his doctors and ultimately transferred his neurology care to Shands. They put him on the ketogenic diet and I got my kid back. The ketogenic diet is alternative medicine that works .

I ask questions. Fauci ,the NIH,CDC none of them are above question. None. I have never said don't get the vaccine. I have never said it didn't work. I have said it's not an inocculatiion or sterilizing treatment and data shows it does not always stop getting sick from it,transmitting it or dieing from covid. See my friend Rusty . It's not perfect . Get the shot know it has limitations and some risks . All drugs have limitations and risks . We did study vaccines in microbiology and touched on them in genetics .

Because my son has half a brain due to a massive bleed of his occipital lobe, some vaccines like the original pertussis (whooping cough) can't be given to kids with brain injury due to it causing uncontrollable seizures. Am I a vaccine expert nope. Can I question stuff about it yep. We didn't authorize the pertussis vaccine for my son. it could have killed him.

So,making a jab at my current profession to some how throw shade on my views is in my opinion uniformed.. It's amazing how much chemistry and organic chemistry I use now . I know enough to replace my air filtration in my stores with medical grade heppa filtration and Honeywell UV sterilizers in the hvac. Weird how UV light kills viruses and heppa filters trap them. Weird how in microbiology, evolutionary biology and cell physiology how we learned that viruses and bacteria are killed by UV light.

I get it it's the internet and people lie all the time. I am honest brother . You hit a nerve , unknowingly , about my career,the choices I made and such and why I did what I did. I am very much science driven in my business and in detecting bull crap from my government.