The problem both the left and right have is that the 2nd Amendment and Roe v. Wade are "Supreme Laws/Rulings."
So instead of getting a supermajority of Americans to agree, and overturn either, they play games like ...
- Waiting periods
- Registration lists and tracking what people do
- Redefining things so it's difficult to exercise the right
- Hiding real statistics
- Etc...
And most of all, my absolute favorite ...
- Ex-post-facto ... turning something that was previous legal, and exercised, into something illegal, after-the-fact
We've now reached the point in the US that state laws are not only turning law abiding citizens into criminals, but most Americans are choosing to become criminal than give into the new laws. That was the original argument against outlawing abortion too ... that women will exercise the claimed, inalienable right any way, legal or not.
The US courts also have a lot to say about that. In other words, an American state is not allowed to pass a law when it knowingly makes Americans criminals and they will choose to be criminals. It's one of the things that goes back to the British, and where most of our legal differences are, why prohibition failed, etc...
So far ... the courts have sided with freedom. In fact, in cases where states like New York tried to hide -- for 2 years -- the fact that 95% of firearm owners decided to become criminals under the new law, the New York Supreme Court lambasted the state for hiding such information.
As a freedom loving, civic-minded Libertarian, I'm honestly getting tired of Americans not realizing what the left-right rhetoric is resulting in.