Diamond Knight
Well, maybe. Only if that zygote attaches to a uterine wall and is adequately fed by the mother through the uterus, have that zygote develop into a healthy fetus, have that fetus survive birth, and have the resulting baby develop normally will result in it developing into a self-aware being. And that attachment (and of course everything else that goes with child-bearing) is not guaranteed, and in some women isn't even likely with or without birth control. Even then, it is possible for the mother's body to slough the uterine lining and the zygote with it due to a hormonal imbalance in the mother (or other conditions). Saying life begins at conception is failing to understand that not all conceptions result in live births, even naturally. It's not automatic. All conception is is the combination of two people's DNA into a single cell. Somewhere between that event and around age 1 (post-birth), that entity becomes self-aware.
Again, the concept of "life" beginning at fertilization is 100% arbitrary. In biology, Life begins when an organism is able to show forms of instinct and utilize a flight or flight reaction from environmental stimuli. This happens, observed with and limited by current technology, around the beginning of the 3rd month...embryos are seen sucking their thumb for example. Just because something exists as a blastocyst does not mean it is "alive". There are many more steps that must take place as commuter mentions that others willfully leave out as they do not assist in their argument.
Again, based on what we already know to be fact, I am against any termination after the 3rd month.