Yet another shooter stopped


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
It was right after the first Amazon contract worker was shot (but not killed) by a non-Amazon worker who entered the Amazon pickup lot that a second Amazon contract worker, who was armed, aimed and successfully incapacitated the shooter (who died from the gunshot wounds before police arrived).

Yet another day, and yet another shooter stopped by a citizen who was there, witnessed it, could pull, aim and end the incident. I don't think people realize, especially in a 'migrant heavy' area like SE Phoenix, where nearly 2/3rds of violent crime is by undocumented residents, that disarming the population and waiting on police will only result in more, uninhibited crime.

Armed citizens stop crimes when they are already involved as a potential victim. They are not vigilantees running off to find (and try to stop) crime. That's the job of trained police. Citizens are only involved when the crimes happen as they are eyewitnesses, so they can stop the killing right then'n there.
It was right after the first Amazon contract worker was shot (but not killed) by a non-Amazon worker who entered the Amazon pickup lot that a second Amazon contract worker, who was armed, aimed and successfully incapacitated the shooter (who died from the gunshot wounds before police arrived).

Yet another day, and yet another shooter stopped by a citizen who was there, witnessed it, could pull, aim and end the incident. I don't think people realize, especially in a 'migrant heavy' area like SE Phoenix, where nearly 2/3rds of violent crime is by undocumented residents, that disarming the population and waiting on police will only result in more, uninhibited crime.

Armed citizens stop crimes when they are already involved as a potential victim. They are not vigilantees running off to find (and try to stop) crime. That's the job of trained police. Citizens are only involved when the crimes happen as they are eyewitnesses, so they can stop the killing right then'n there.
Tell that to the people of the Buffalo supermarket that had an armed retired police officer working as a security guard and he actually shot at the killer

Manifesto response in 3,2,1…..
Tell that to the people of the Buffalo supermarket that had an armed retired police officer working as a security guard and he actually shot at the killer

Manifesto response in 3,2,1…..
The whole of Fatty Arbuckle's day in Haiku form:

Writes manifestos
Pulls into the buffet line
Eats himself to death.
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More of the 'good guys with guns' myth-making bullsh*t.
It's not bullsh--. The FBI statistics don't lie. Only politicians lie about the AWB statistics, which the FBI not only studied and released reports on every 3 years, but the AWB sunset because the FBI proved it made no difference. But politicians are lying about the stastistics today, and it's unreal how much people believe it.

Furthermore ... no stats can show that without any deterence, organized crime overruns neighborhoods and the suburbs become the hood. Florida is only 25th per-capital in gun crime, despite organized crime, because enough of the law abiding population is armed.

That's why both law enforcement and the FBI are pro-ownership! They realized what happens without legal ownership. Only law abiding citizens stop organized crime from overruning everywhere, not police.

For every story like this, there are many more examples of where the so-called 'good guys' added more to the body count than they subtract.
Not true! Only 1,000-1,500 homicides are by non-organized crime each year. There are far more stoppages, let alone deterence, by law abiding citizens.

Think about it ... even pre-COVID ... over 70M households had firearms. If that was the case in any other country, even non-organized crime would be worse. We should have 30,000 gun deaths from intentional discharges that aren't suicides, but everyone 'shooting everyone else up.'

And yet we don't. The number of American families that pull out and commit crimes with their guns are a whole 1 in 50,000 households. It's organized crime by a order of magntiude more! Organized crime is the problem, not legal ownership!

But here in the us, nearly 10,000 homicides are organized crime, and over 90% of teenage deaths by guns are organized crime ... not including accidents by kids in organized crime being stupid -- which is were most of the accidents also come from too.

This is all at the FBI. But you don't want to listen.
Tell that to the people of the Buffalo supermarket that had an armed retired police officer working as a security guard and he actually shot at the killer
Hey, ****tard ... he was an eyewitness!!! That's exactly how law abiding citizens work too!


That armed eyewitnesse are the best! But ... we don't have enough law enforcement to do that! Not 1/100th!

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Hey, ****tard ... he was an eyewitness!!! That's exactly how law abiding citizens work too!


That armed eyewitnesse are the best! But ... we don't have enough law enforcement to do that! Not 1/100th!

He’s dead and so were 10 other people or so. Wrong again dickhead. Tell your father that he wasted a sperm to create human trash
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Hey, ****tard ... he was an eyewitness!!! That's exactly how law abiding citizens work too!


That armed eyewitnesse are the best! But ... we don't have enough law enforcement to do that! Not 1/100th!

Hey, ****tard ... he was an eyewitness!!! That's exactly how law abiding citizens work too!


That armed eyewitnesse are the best! But ... we don't have enough law enforcement to do that! Not 1/100th!


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He’s dead and so were 10 other people or so. Wrong again dickhead. Tell your father that he wasted a sperm to create human trash
No, you're not listening, and now you further make my point! A security guard, like a police officer, is wearing an uniform and the first people targetted. Concealed carry means ... everyone is a security guard!

That means just 1 of those 10 people can save everyone!

That's not my opinion, but that of law enforcement and the FBI! So ... why do you guys think you're better experts than law enforcement and the FBI? And please don't give me "That's because law enforcement is racist."
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAhahahahahha!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaah!!!!!

Fukcing priceless coming from someone who received his medical degree from Golden Corral and Arby's and thinks he's a medical expert.

Go put a potato in your mouth and sit in the corner.
No seriously ...

I actually quote experts. You guys have done nothing but be wrong ... because you don't.

The list goes on.

You're why we're having massive outbreaks out, just like why violence is up in gun control zones.
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No seriously ...

I actually quote experts. You guys have done nothing but be wrong ... because you don't.

The list goes on.

You're why we're having massive outbreaks out, just like why violence is up in gun control zones.
No seriously. You aren’t an expert. You’ve done nothing but be wrong.

“You’re why we’re having massive outbreaks out?” What the fukc kind of English is this?

I conceal carry you stupid tub of goo. Wrong about yet another thing.

Now, to the corner with a potato. Stfu.
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I conceal carry you stupid tub of goo.
So ... you're just like a police officer? According to UCF Mikes, you'll be shot first, like a security guard. And you are of no use. Hence why it should be illegal for you to carry ... or even own.

This is the thing about you guys in the Cabal. You're a narrative. You're political. You're agendas. I have to lower my IQ with you guys.
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So ... you're just like a police officer? According to UCF Mikes, you'll be shot first, like a security guard. And you are of no use. Hence why it should be illegal for you to carry ... or even own.

This is the thing about you guys in the Cabal. You're a narrative. You're political. You're agendas. I have to lower my IQ with you guys.
SMH at your dumb ass. You really have a hard time reading. Am I ucfmikes? Take your time with that one, eat a jelly donut or 10, and get back to me.

When have I ever bitched about carry laws? Take your time with that one, another trip or two around the buffet line, and get back to me.

This is the thing with stupid people like BS. He plays checkers and eats pancakes while I play chess.

Try to keep up.
So ... you're just like a police officer? According to UCF Mikes, you'll be shot first, like a security guard. And you are of no use. Hence why it should be illegal for you to carry ... or even own.

This is the thing about you guys in the Cabal. You're a narrative. You're political. You're agendas. I have to lower my IQ with you guys.

  • Haha
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This is the thing about you guys in the Cabal.

Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal

Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal Cabal
  • Haha
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So ... you're just like a police officer? According to UCF Mikes, you'll be shot first, like a security guard. And you are of no use. Hence why it should be illegal for you to carry ... or even own.

This is the thing about you guys in the Cabal. You're a narrative. You're political. You're agendas. I have to lower my IQ with you guys.

You agree with him almost continually.

Again, you agree with him almost continually.

And yet I'm the problem? I'm the idiot?
Here, I will type slow for you. Grab some cookies: liking someone's post that makes fun of your gordito ass and sloth lifestyle is mutually exclusive to agreeing with them continually.

Hope this helps, idiot.
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Here, I will type slow for you. Grab some cookies: liking someone's post that makes fun of your gordito ass and sloth lifestyle is mutually exclusive to agreeing with them continually.

Hope this helps, idiot.
The self-proclaimed world’s foremost expert on gun violence, gun control, Covid-19 and vaccines has been demoted to the WC

A reading population of <10, which about half constantly ridicule him and discredit him for what he really is

A 400lb, underachieving IT specialist who’s a failure in life and has no sense of self-awareness
  • Haha
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The self-proclaimed world’s foremost expert on gun violence, gun control, Covid-19 and vaccines has been demoted to the WC

A reading population of <10, which about half constantly ridicule him and discredit him for what he really is

A 400lb, underachieving IT specialist who’s a failure in life and has no sense of self-awareness

Now, if we were to ask Señor Gordito Thighsman to produce these actual DMs, he'd pull a Donald Trump when he was asked which are his favorite Bible verses: "OH, YOU KNOW, THAT'S JUST SO PERSONAL. I DON'T WANNA SAY!"

The Buffet Slayer was that dude in high school who talked about all these girls he banged but spent the entire weekend at home playing Zelda. He always talked about some girl from another school he was dating, but she was always mysteriously in Canada or traveling abroad anytime homecoming and prom came around. He also has several degrees of blackbelts, is going to inherit millions from his rich uncle, so he never has to worry about money, missed only two questions on the SAT, could once benchpress 450 lbs., ran a mile under four minutes, and tells everyone he has one of the biggest dongs on earth--but for some reason during gym class, he changed in the bathroom stalls.

Am I missing anything?
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  • Haha
Reactions: Ucfmikes
"Hey BS, are you and, uh, 'Candy' going to prom this weekend? Wanna split a limo?"

"UHHHHHH IT'S JUST MY LUCK!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!! FUKC!!!!! Candy and her family are traveling to AUSTRALIA and they aren't getting back until THE DAY AFTER PROM! But that's ok, I still get to take her to her prom next month at her school. NOW I ONLY HAVE TO PAY FOR ONE PROM!"

"I thought you had a rich uncle and money wasn't an issue???"

"YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!! I AM GETTING MILLIONS. But all that money now is like tied up in bonds and securities, and CDs and stuff that won't mature until I'm like, 30. It's all good."
  • Haha
Reactions: Ucfmikes

Now, if we were to ask Señor Gordito Thighsman to produce these actual DMs, he'd pull a Donald Trump when he was asked which are his favorite Bible verses: "OH, YOU KNOW, THAT'S JUST SO PERSONAL. I DON'T WANNA SAY!"

The Buffet Slayer was that dude in high school who talked about all these girls he banged but spent the entire weekend at home playing Zelda. He always talked about some girl from another school he was dating, but she was always mysteriously in Canada or traveling abroad anytime homecoming and prom came around. He also has several degrees of blackbelts, is going to inherit millions from his rich uncle, so he never has to worry about money, missed only two questions on the SAT, could once benchpress 450 lbs., ran a mile under four minutes, and tells everyone he has one of the biggest dongs on earth--but for some reason during gym class, he changed in the bathroom stalls.

Am I missing anything?
Check out his new avatar that he changes weekly

I’m sure Mrs, Parade Float appreciates it

Lol 😂
  • Haha
Reactions: KnighttimeJoe
Check out his new avatar that he changes weekly

I’m sure Mrs, Parade Float appreciates it

Lol 😂
Creepy AF. Probably a waitress at the Waffle House or Golden Corral he asked to pose in a Santa Hat. Conversation probably went something like this:

"Uhhhhh, I'm like a talent scout for Models Inc. (pauses to shove three pieces of bacon in his mouth). Nom Nom Nom. You have, like, talent and stuff (pauses to shove four pancakes in his mouth). Could I grab a picture of you in this Santa hat to bring back to my company? We are looking for top models (pauses to cram an entire plate of home fries in his face)."
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Check out his new avatar that he changes weekly
Dude ... seriously ... is that all you got? A number think it's rather humorous.

I’m sure Mrs, Parade Float appreciates it
Yes, indeed, she does read my posts here. :)

Try being with the same woman 3 decades and then get back to me. It's utterly pathetic how people like yourself even question a partnership that has existed and only thrived since the 20th century.

It's amazing how much this post 'told me' about yourself ... and my wife for that matter. :)

Have a great life.
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Now, if we were to ask Señor Gordito Thighsman to produce these actual DMs, he'd pull a Donald Trump when he was asked which are his favorite Bible verses: "OH, YOU KNOW, THAT'S JUST SO PERSONAL. I DON'T WANNA SAY!"

The Buffet Slayer was that dude in high school who talked about all these girls he banged but spent the entire weekend at home playing Zelda. He always talked about some girl from another school he was dating, but she was always mysteriously in Canada or traveling abroad anytime homecoming and prom came around. He also has several degrees of blackbelts, is going to inherit millions from his rich uncle, so he never has to worry about money, missed only two questions on the SAT, could once benchpress 450 lbs., ran a mile under four minutes, and tells everyone he has one of the biggest dongs on earth--but for some reason during gym class, he changed in the bathroom stalls.

Am I missing anything?
Great reading comprehension once again. Sigh ...

Have fun with UCFMikes.
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Great reading comprehension once again. Sigh ...

Have fun with UCFMikes.
That's all you got, dummy? You're done. You might as well have come in here with a white flag.

My record now against you:

knighttimejoe 1,572 wins

UCFBS 0 wins

I win again,
Yes, indeed, she does read my posts here. :)

Try being with the same woman 3 decades and then get back to me. It's utterly pathetic how people like yourself even question a partnership that has existed and only thrived since the 20th century.
Mrs Parade Float. If I was you, I wouldn’t be posting her picture here. She’s a mutt
  • Haha
Reactions: KnighttimeJoe
It's amazing how much this post 'told me' about yourself ... and my wife for that matter. :)

Have a great life.
Your wife must be a nun. Putting up with you and staying celibate to avoid getting crushed

Have a nice life living in a shack in rural Alabama, underachiever
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Yeah, we know. All your imaginary friends that DM you regularly and seek you out at UCF games 😂😂😂😂
It’s absolutely hysterical. “Numerous people have said.” “ A number of individuals have noted to me.”

He sounds like all of the mainstream media outlets that he bitches like a little girl about with all of their unnamed sources.

What a joke.
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Mrs Parade Float. If I was you, I wouldn’t be posting her picture here. She’s a mutt
Classy UCFMikes, very classy. You have no limits. Everyone knows that.

And you exposed yourself awhile back. You're doing yourself no favors these days.
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So you're saying that funding the police is worthless.
No, I'm saying ...

Even the police will tell you that arming only the police, and having only uniformed security, without armed citizens, is useless. They will be 'taken out' first! This has been covered over and over, most notably the Police One survey -- of 10% of the entire US' law enforcement, verified -- in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting.

It's why most Police fraternities, as well as powerful lobbying organizations like the USCCA, have been able to get so many concealed carry laws passed the past decade. It's why shootings are not only being stopped by off-duty police and citizens alike ... where allowed, but ...

It's why gun control states and gun free zones are having only increased violence in comparison, especially in the aftermath of the lockdowns. Take away that 'deterrent,' and ... organized crime overruns neighborhoods like the inner city. It's just what's going to happen.

Especially in areas like Phoenix where 2/3rds of violent crime is by undocumented residents, most of them employed by organized crime. As I said, talk to police. Talk to FBI agents ... actual, field agents (not political ones). They will tell you.
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And you exposed yourself awhile back. You're doing yourself no favors these days.
And you expose yourself everyday to your imaginary friends. Everyone knows who and what you are. A complete nutjob. Your Twitter is that of a complete sociopath
"You're doing yourself no favors these days. Several have reached out to me and they aren't pleased with you, @Ucfmikes . In DMs. The reached out. And then a few came up to me at the Navy game and thanked me for my tireless service on the boards. They specifically said you and Joe were wrong and I was right. About everything. Several more said they want to speak up but are afraid to. In DMS, too. They reached out. Several of them."
  • Haha
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"You're doing yourself no favors these days. Several have reached out to me and they aren't pleased with you, @Ucfmikes . In DMs. The reached out. And then a few came up to me at the Navy game and thanked me for my tireless service on the boards. They specifically said you and Joe were wrong and I was right. About everything. Several more said they want to speak up but are afraid to. In DMS, too. They reached out. Several of them."
"Hey BS, are you and, uh, 'Candy' going to prom this weekend? Wanna split a limo?"

"UHHHHHH IT'S JUST MY LUCK!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!! FUKC!!!!! Candy and her family are traveling to AUSTRALIA and they aren't getting back until THE DAY AFTER PROM! But that's ok, I still get to take her to her prom next month at her school. NOW I ONLY HAVE TO PAY FOR ONE PROM!"

"I thought you had a rich uncle and money wasn't an issue???"

"YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!! I AM GETTING MILLIONS. But all that money now is like tied up in bonds and securities, and CDs and stuff that won't mature until I'm like, 30. It's all good."
I'm amazed people actually believe you guys. You do this to multiple people, literally let your imagination run wild. Because if you had to actually argue with my objective position ... maker forbid!