... % of gun deaths per 100,000 people. Based on that, the USA ranks 20th in the World. Our 'Top 20 comrades-in-arms' include El Salvador, Venezuela, Guatemala, Columbia, Gonduras, the Virgin Islands, Brazil, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Afghanistan, Belize, the Bahamas, Trinidad, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Guyana, and the Dominican Republic ...
Now where are
those countries (Puerto Rico
is the US, BTW) ... hmmm ... and what do they feed? Hmmm .... oh, that's right ...
Organized crime in the US!
And ... you made this about kids. And how to 90% of kids in the US die from guns?! Oh, that's right ...
Organized crime in the US!
So ... what will outlawing gun ownership in the US accomplish?! Oh, that's right ...
Organized crime in all US neighborhoods!
Geez, even the FBI points this out with their own statistics, and why the AWB never worked!
But even the UN covers these statistics because ... Central and Latin America are the largest source of organized crime in the world, and
over any decade since after WWII ...
organized crime kills more people than
all wars ... combined!
And it's largely in Central and Latin America because ... the war on drugs. That's why
I'm a pro-Legalization Libertarian! Cut off the lifeblood of the cartels in those countries! If there is one thing I'm pissed at Trump over (and I didn't even vote for him), is that he stated he would bring about pro-Legalization and Criminal Justice reform, and he wiff'd on both!
Geez, this is literally it!
Drugs, guns and humans are trafficked across all borders, especially ours! Can't pay the US$5K to cross the border? Here you go, here are some drugs, guns or a child to take with you!
Sigh ... you are
not remotely close to being a true Liberal, but that
'new-age Progressive' that is really a former, Authoritarian-Totalitarian Conservative!
... France isn't even in the Top 20 in % of deaths per 100,000 and is 20th in total firearm-related death (which you implied was absolutely meaningless.) ...
Mass shootings per capita --
let alone per-household with legal firearm -- in a
western, developed nation, that has the strictess of gun as well as
organized crime, but that's another discussion.
I think you missed my point that the proven bullsh-- argument
'more [legally-owned] guns means more crime,' it doesn't scale ... not at all! But that's another discussion. But that brings me back to ...
I think the word you were looking for was incapable.
I did pass 8th grade English. You?
No. You are still 99% incapable, just not 100%. Case-in-point ...
The reality that 90% of all child gun deaths...are a result of organized crime??!? I'd love to see where you pulled That Gem of a Stat other than from out of your ass.
You mean like all the others you say I pull out of my rectum, only to be proven wrong ... just like on vaccines?! Even the
anti-gun lobby highlights these stastistics, calling them
'gun assaults.'
Per 100,000 kids (which they include 18 & 19 because it makes it look bigger),
only 0.2-0.3 per 100,000 are accidents or unintentional, while
3.5-3.9 per 100,000 are willful, purposeful 'gun assaults!' And yes, @$$hat, you made this about
According to you, because of households have legal guns in the US, we should have 10,000x as many gun accidental deaths. Or even going with developed 'gun culture' contries, like the 8-20% of households from the Swiss to the Norwegians/Swedes as argument ... we should have 500x as many
'accidents' when you factor in our population being 30-50x bigger along with 4-10x as many households with guns, per capita. We should have 5,000+ dying from accidents. But we don't. We just don't.
And that was
pre-pandemic! The
'gun assaults' have
jumped 35-50% as a reasult of the lockdowns! Young men with babies and out of work, they've gotta do something! That and more undocumented residents with the same problem (although they are usually older).