liberal MSM pivots to hating on mRNA

prevent severe disease death, and hospitalization. Saved millions of lives💰🤦‍♀️

Serious question does anyone still really believe that? The antibodies are non-neutralizing , the B&T cells are no good. Theres a IGG4 class switch because of all the jabs, so they no longer work and now have negative efficacy. It's a big joke🚮

I know for a fact they were killing little old ladies left and right with mRNA, especially the overly toxic early jabs, then blaming covid. Talk about a death sentence. DMX also. Dumb ass white coat jabbed him while he was infected with delta took him out . Then the hospital NIH death protocols finished him off@estateadv asking in earnest. My wife has already flipped and my entire family except for my sister who still keeps getting harmed , last poke was a doozy almost ended her up in the hospital


One of my brothers is a medical researcher, an epidemiologist. He doesn’t look through a microscope, he analyzes numbers. Like most researchers, when Covid hit, he was moved from other projects to Covid. He has told me the vaccine was more effective than actually reported. His latest analysis included the data from over 1 million people. He had access to the health records of greater metropolitan Pittsburgh.

I guess the medical records could be corrupt. I guarantee his analysts of them is not.

He’s not without criticism of the healthcare system, the pharmaceutical industry, politicians, and the media. But on the whole, he believes in the vaccines.
