OT: looking for temporary office space

The company I work for will be transitioning to a new location within a couple of months, but there will likely be a gap of about 2-4 weeks before the new location is ready. The plan is to have everyone work from home during that period. However, I'm currently living in a small one-bedroom apartment with my wife, who works 2nd shift and would be home during most of the day. Not really a conducive environment for getting work done.

So basically looking to seeing if anyone here might happen to own or operate a business that might have some office space available on a short-term basis. I would provide my own laptop, would only need wifi access. I'm also looking at various short-term office rentals or co-working options, but figured I'd check the Dungeon as well.

If this is something that anyone here might be able to help out with, please DM me to discuss details.
