All I want for Christmas is…

… for Rudolph to have helped the light go off in Gus’ brain and realize you are allowed to use the middle third of the field on passing plays, like maybe doing a delayed route by one of our great tight ends, dragging across the middle or a quick slant perhaps using JR. It would also be great if he brought up not throwing so many useless passes to the flats on 3rd and long and that we also have more than two running backs.

Hopefully, Blitzen got a chance to talk to Twill as well, and suggested how we might occasionally use man coverage instead of giving up 10 yards per play in zone coverage. Maybe he also made a few suggestions on how to shut down the outside lanes that have been killing us all season. Heard he he showed him some tackling drills they use to prep for the Reindeer Games!
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OT: UCF Coding Bootcamp

My son has expressed interest in this program. I'm looking for professional opinions from those who have either gone through or it recruit/hire from it.

Does it give you the tools to succeed in the real world? Is the certificate you receive considered a positive on a resume? Is not the cheapest program so I would like a little validation before I shell out money.


*****Call it Now - Championship Game at Tulane*****

Simple game. Call the first score by UCF. Winner gets name on the Wall of Fame and a pair of Coozies.​

Rules: you MUST call both the QB and receiver for passing scores along with the yardage. For all other scores RB, kickers, defenders, punt/ kick off returns you must call the yardage and the name of the player. Closest to the yardage wins. Price is right rules: If two people are exact yardage apart, closest without going over wins. You can only play once per account.

2022 Wall of Fame:

South Carolina State - Knights4lyfe

Louisville - tmbj#UCF (perfect call)

FAU - Justin6996

GA Tech - Reddog8132

SMU - greenvilleSC_knightfan

Temple - sjb43

ECU - Lhall24

Cincinnati - Nickiv2

Memphis - JonesUCF34

Tulane - Vendsit (perfect call)

Navy - Raynman

Moo U - WeAreUCFamily

Congrats to @WeAreUCFamily who makes the call of JRP from 47 yds. Actual was 64 yds! DM me with address if you want the Coozies!

This week I’m calling Bowser from 3yds!

Go Knights!!!

*Sorry for the late post. I’m traveling.
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How do we even get excited about HS recruits in NIL era?

If they are any sort of impact player they are just going to transfer next year for big money. NIL gone completely unchecked has now capped us for talent and ruined the sport. I’ll be happier than hell if Josh Walker sticks, but it would have to cost us if he does and then what happens in a year if not a multi year contract?
