• Poll
OT: Greatest hole-in-one of all time?

Is this the greatest hole in one of all time?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Haha
Reactions: nosurf2day

UCF is in the running for Taco Bell’s student section of the week. Vote!!!!

Screw penn state don’t let them beat us. We REALLY cannot let FSU go over

Apologies in advance I am going to bump this relentlessly.

Can anyone with a large social media following blast this out on twitter Facebook etc? Maybe tonight or tomorrow


An Open Letter to UCF football team and fans.


That is the measuring stick that I want to see UCF beat duh*bulls for the final War-on-I4 game.

Please. Pretty Please...

I'm a long time UCF fan, Alumni '89. Through the thick-n-thin I've been a loyal fan. I'll remain a fan even if we lose, however, beating duh*bulls one final time worse than 64-12 will cure this season's ails of losing to Loserville/ECU/Navy along with erasing that memory of losing to duh*bulls 64-12 back in 2007 .

By the Grace of the Football Gawds, make it so.

Central Floridave

For reference:

Dungeon takeover of Mike's Lot in Tampa?

I've tailgated at Mike's Lot several times now and always enjoy it. He's got a few mature oaks that provide some shade, and most importantly a clean bathroom (not a port-o-let) for the ladies. Super easy walk to our second home stadium and easy escape after the game as well.

It'd be great to have several dungeon members there for a good tailgate for our last AAC regular season game!

Post up if you'll be there!
