Guess what 2-10 USF team that we barely beat and had 5 turnovers …

Including several in the second half? Hint: we went on to win the Fiesta bowl. A couple of us posted this in another thread, but thought it was worth calling out. One major difference was we were all ecstatic then. Higher expectations = progress I guess.

Time to move on from agony of the game to celebration. LFG. Know players making dumb plays and mistakes aren’t always coaches fault.

Fanatics selling The Official War On I4 Commemorative T Shirt

Perfect stocking stuffer for that weird little bulls fan in your life!

The usf Shovel Incident

Another primer for the younger folks to understand the usf hatred.

Here's a thread that popped up on Reddit today (wish it came up closer to the actual game) regarding the Shovel incident during the early days of the 'War on I-4'.

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Obviously i'm petty and would love for UCF to do the same at Ray Jay this year but I am also a big believer in Karma which would inevitably end in UCF being cursed from receiving that B1G invite in the next 10-15 years (@ucfsky).
I'd love to hear from the old timers here that may have seen it in person about what actually happened (did usf players tout this before the game started, was it talked about in message boards before/after the game etc?).

I remember reading that it was MannyM (?) who grabbed the shovel before the player could dig out some grass so please if anyone can fill in fact from fiction, would love it for the college realignment book i'm writing.

Anyway, just a Friday thread for us to vent before the weekend commences.


Let's All Remember...

We just finished the War on I4. It's over, and we won. In perpetuity.

Even if we play usf again, it will never be the same as it was before. The rivalry by then would be a memory, a shadow of its former venom.

Can you honestly say you saw that happening? When I was leaving RayJay after 64-12 I sure didn't. I spent my entire time at UCF wondering why we couldn't get over the cows. Playing "what-if" with conference affiliation and any other factor that maybe could swing the pendulum our way. Now there are kids at UCF who have never seen a loss to those assholes. That's pretty awesome.

I know today was frustrating, I know I was trying to balance anger with not freaking out my dog or baby. But remember: no one in the future will care how we did it. We're 8-6. We did it. We won.

Sorry if it seems overly dramatic, but hell, what fun are sports without some drama. Some of us have had to weather a lot of bullshit because of our little brothers to the west. Let's make sure we take the time to appreciate this moment where all of our misplaced optimism paid off.

They'll still call us C. They'll make excuses. They'll still fall back on whatever other metrics they can use to hold their school over ours. That won't change.

But you're 8-6, Knights fans. Enjoy it. You deserve it.


Season Goals

Are all still in play. Be cool guys.

1. Win a conference championship
2. Win a cotton bowl
3. Play in conference championship - accomplished
4. Beat Cincinatti - accomplished
5. Beat usf - accomplished

We also got into the Big XII and got money. It's all gravy. We werent winning a Big XII title next year no matter what, get ready to rebuild.
