A couple of well-deserved shout outs to Brandon in the Yormark presser thread prompted me to finally get around to starting this thread. Been wanting to do this for a while.
I thought it would be a cool exercise for us to share our memories, comments, etc. about the incredible job that Brandon has done for us over the years. Not only as a thank you for what he has provided for us as fans, but also to his contribution to putting UCF on the map (and on the lips of a lot of people).
I came onboard here around 2003. My screen name was UCFK at the time. Yes, you see what I did there. Lol. In those days I seem to recall the coaching staff not being big fans of the message boards. In some ways I am sure that is still true to some degree, but it was a big deal back then. Brandon had the courage to plow through it and continue asking questions anyway.
While I understood the coaches' concerns at the time, I always felt the positives greatly outweighed the negatives. Even in recruiting. I am a prime example of being what I thought was a supporter of the program to actually being a supporter of the program. By that I mean that I had been going to UCF games at the Citrus Bowl and get this, even buying programs! I thought I was a superfan for that. Lol. Joining Brandon's message boards showed me that I was a big nothing in terms of real program support. I remember some of my first posts and how ridiculous they were. Instead of contributing, I was exposing how little I knew.
The real fruit of Brandon's efforts though, in my opinion, were the number of donors he spawned. I went from zero to whatever the highest GKC level there was at the time. I ended up in club seats in football, hoops, and baseball. My point here is that I wasn't the only one. Brandon absolutely created donors. He absolutely created superfans who proudly became moving billboards with their UCF apparel, vehicle magnets, flags, license plates, etc. I would bet that the majority of members here have similar stories that collectively played a role in UCF growing to the recognition and place it stands today. I don't believe this can be overstated.
I remember the days that Brandon had minimalistic equipment. I think I gave him an early digital voice recorder that I had laying around. He put in the hard work to provide us content that was much harder to get and do in the early days.
I remember he would travel on his own dime, sometimes with his mother and brother, to away games so that he could bring us his coverage. I think he could only go to a couple per season due to the expense.
I could write on and on about what Brandon has done for UCF, but I don't want to be one of those TLDR guys. Lol.
Just a couple of months ago, I texted Brandon and asked him how he was able to always get the first question in at pressers. He said that the others just give him that honor. That honor is well-deserved.
What are your memories?