10/27/2022 Cincinnati Edition:
Let's recap the ECU game...
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Ok, not a priority right now. Moving on...
Cinci Fun-Facts:
The Bearcat football program is one of the nation's oldest, having fielded a team as early as 1885.
Cincinnati played Miami(OH) in the first intercollegiate football game held within the state of Ohio.
Cincinnati was the first "NON-P5" team to participate in the CFP during the 4-team CFP era.
Players to watch for Cinci:
Charles McClelland - RB, 5'11" 200 pounds, RS SR. Fast, shifty...experienced. We will see him run.
Ben Bryant - QB 6'3", 220 pounds, RS SR. 140/220 63.64 %, 15TDs 6int. We will see him throw.
Ivan Pace Jr. - LB, 6'0' 235 pounds, SR. 33 solo tackles, 39 assisted. 15.5 tackles were for 85 yards lost. 8 Sacks for 61 yards. I hope we don't see him at all.
***Onto the REAL Beef*** (or one of those pre-packaged Stuffed-Chicken and asparagus Publix dinners from the back by the meat section)
Weather forecast at 3:30PM Eastern kickoff:
Sunset: 6:42pm
Temp: 84F
Chance of rain: 11% (11%...not 10%. Not 15%. No, 11%.)
I ran 12 CPU simulations for a good math spread. I ran 11 of 12 with clear weather, one with light rain (approx rain chance). I have no damn clue about the offense anymore...Defense may win this game. This also feels like a game that could go to OT. Reaching a little here, Plumlee is a Capricorn and apparently "Vibe" and "Hustle" are 3 and 4 out of 5 stars this week, respectively, on Horoscope.com. (shrug)
Average of 12 simulation results:
UCF 41
Cinci 27
Sim Avg Spread:
UCF -14 (Vegas: UCF -1.5 1:31PM 10/27/22)
"Heart" Prediction:
The defense is still stout, last week was against a VERY experienced team. I think the offense *could* improve again, at home? Maybe? I hope? Please? Cincinnati is turning into a Rival I believe, and will continue that "aura" into the Big 12.
UCF 31
Cinci 28
"Heart" spread:
CENTRAL FLORIDA: -3 (Vegas be damned)
My friend's son Julian's prediction:
UCF 20
Cinci 17
Julian's line of doom: UCF -3 (He's not old enough for Vegas, sorry)