2024 Election Thread

Adolf Shuckler today

You wanted to make it crystal clear that Trump's jury in the E Jean Carroll case he found guilty of A LESSER DEGREE of sexual abuse!!!
WhoooHooo!!! That makes it ALL BETTER in you Ggggguuuuyyyssssss's little pea brains "cause Biden is a terrible President."

Jesus, I could get a more articulate argument from UCFBS and Boston than any of you Ggggguuuuyyyssssss. Now give me a few more troll posts. That's all you people know how to do.
Move them goal posts

Clap clap clap clap clap

Move them goal posts

Clap clap clap clap clap

We are now on stage three of Adolf’s infallible posting techniques.
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Jesus, I could get a more articulate argument from UCFBS and Boston than any of you Ggggguuuuyyyssssss. Now give me a few more troll posts. That's all you people know how to do.
Poor Adolf Shuckler is crying that he doesn’t have any quality debaters in the UCF WC
Cowherd nails this. Trump is trying to sell us something that simply isn't true. We certainly have some problems, always have, always will, but this idea Biden is ruining America and Trump is the one who can save us is just a figment in the imaginations of gullible people.
Nobody is saying this in the WC
But you are still buying into the idea the Biden is a horrible president who is ruining America, which comes straight from Trump and Republican media.
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But you are still buying into the idea the Biden is a horrible president who is ruining America, which comes straight from Trump and Republican media. Meanwhile in reality, most parts of society are actually doing quite well.
He is a horrible president. Most things that he hasn’t ****ed up are not ****upable. Cruise control

He’s done nothing for the border crisis. One of many examples
But you are still buying into the idea the Biden is a horrible president who is ruining America, which comes straight from Trump and Republican media. Meanwhile in reality, most parts of society are actually doing quite well.
If he was any good than why is he neck in neck with a felon?
If he was any good than why is he neck in neck with a felon?
Because people are listening to too much partisan BS and ignoring their own realities. Is you're life really that bad? Is your friends? Families? Do you feel unsafe when you leave your house because crime is supposedly out of control? And I get anecdotal situations dont tell the whole story, but neither do partisan talking heads and political candidates. I don't see this country being horrible when I go out places, when I travel, with my job etc. It feels pretty damn normal to me, and I bet it does to you as well.
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Because people are listening to too much partisan BS and ignoring their own realities. Is you're life really that bad? Is your friends? Families? Do you feel unsafe when you leave your house because crime is supposedly out of control? And I get anecdotal situations dont tell the whole story, but neither do partisan talking heads and political candidates. I don't see this country being horrible when I go out places, when I travel, with my job etc. It feels pretty damn normal to me, and I bet it does to you as well.
What about the Gaza debacle?

Honestly, I don’t fell safe

All of the mass shootings?

And no, it would not be better with Trump. Worse
Because people are listening to too much partisan BS and ignoring their own realities. Is your life really that bad? Is your friends? Families? Do you feel unsafe when you leave your house because crime is supposedly out of control? And I get anecdotal situations dont tell the whole story, but neither do partisan talking heads and political candidates. I don't see this country being horrible when I go out places, when I travel, with my job etc. It feels pretty damn normal to me, and I bet it does to you as well.
The stock market has been terrible under Biden and so have gas prices

Just to name a few things
What's happening in Gaza is being done between Israel and Hamas, and I thought your supported Israel? Biden has also been supporting Israel. Mass shootings are not because of Biden and you know that.
Biden has basically NOT SUPPORTED Israel. Are you serious?
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Cowherd nails this. Trump is trying to sell us something that simply isn't true. We certainly have some problems, always have, always will, but this idea Biden is ruining America and Trump is the one who can save us is just a figment in the imaginations of gullible people.

I agree. At the same time, isn’t that what Biden and his dumbshit stooges sold us on in 2020? Remember - they and they alone could crush COVID - otherwise we’d have rampant coronavirus for the next 20 years.
The stock market has been terrible under Biden and so have gas prices

Just to name a few things
The stock market literally set all time highs 2 weeks ago. This is exactly what I am talking about. You are buying into partisan rhetoric and completely ignoring reality.

Yes, inflation has been bad, but almost every other metric of the economy, has been doing very well, and inflation is starting to go down.
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What's happening in Gaza is being done between Israel and Hamas, and I thought your supported Israel? Biden has also been supporting Israel. Mass shootings are not because of Biden and you know that.

Biden literally just jumped ahead of the Israeli ceasefire proposal simply so he could lie about what they were proposing in order to appease Illhan Omar and a bunch of Jihadi sympathizers in Dearborn and on college campuses.
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I agree. At the same time, isn’t that what Biden and his dumbshit stooges sold us on in 2020? Remember - they and they alone could crush COVID - otherwise we’d have rampant coronavirus for the next 20 years.
I don't recall anyone saying we would have it for 20 years, but maybe somebody did. But this is also apples to oranges.
I agree. At the same time, isn’t that what Biden and his dumbshit stooges sold us on in 2020? Remember - they and they alone could crush COVID - otherwise we’d have rampant coronavirus for the next 20 years.

Remember when Joe Biden told all the black people in this country that they'd be back in chains if Mitt Romney got elected in 2012?

Fun times.
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Biden literally just jumped ahead of the Israeli ceasefire proposal simply so he could lie about what they were proposing in order to appease Illhan Omar and a bunch of Jihadi sympathizers in Dearborn and on college campuses.
Biden has supported Israel the entire time, and still does. In fact, if he loses this election, his support of Israel might be the reason why. Trying to get it end is a good thing.
The stock market literally set all time highs 2 weeks ago.
That is such a ridiculous statement

The stock market only has gone up throughout history. It’s only been up LATELY

It should have been way more ahead than it is
Biden has supported Israel the entire time, and still does. In fact, if he loses this election, his support of Israel might be the reason why. Trying to get it end is a good thing.
He just laid out a plan to end the war without even consulting with Israel and threatened to stop sending weapons

Where the hell have you been?
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That is such a ridiculous statement

The stock market only has gone up throughout history. It’s only been up LATELY

It should have been way more ahead than it is
Yes, and it is still going up, but for some reason you say that is terrible. It makes no sense. Should've been way ahead based on what? The market always has ups and downs, only Biden would be criticized for the market reaching record highs. Partisan talking point that ignores reality.
Biden supporters are as delusional as Trump supporters

That’s just been verified

“but I feel safe when I leave my house!”

lol 😆
He just laid out a plan to end the war without even consulting with Israel and threatened to stop sending weapons

Where the hell have you been?
The war has been going on for months, trying to end it isn't a bad thing. But trying to sell this idea that Biden doesn't support Israel is another partisan talking point not based in reality.
Biden supporters are as delusional as Trump supporters

That’s just been verified

“but I feel safe when I leave my house!”

lol 😆
I'm pointing out how you are ignoring reality. You might not be voting for Trump, but you are still buying what he is selling. One of you criticisms of Biden is the stock market that just set records, but I am delusional?
Yes, and it is still going up, but for some reason you say that is terrible. It makes no sense. Should've been way ahead based on what? The market always has ups and downs, only Biden would be criticized for the market reaching record highs. Partisan talking point that ignores reality.
Have you noticed the rent prices?
Gas prices? Retirement funds?
Food prices?
The war has been going on for months, trying to end it isn't a bad thing. But trying to sell this idea that Biden doesn't support Israel is another partisan talking point not based in reality.
That’s just not true. That’s a delusional statement

Ending it before the objective is met IS A BAD THING
You absolutely are.
I’m not voting for Trump, so obviously I’m not buying his BS

Your problem is that you think people bashing Biden are Trump supporters

He’s terrible and I just laid out a bunch of examples


And then there is Ukraine

The international community is laughing at him
I’m not voting for Trump, so obviously I’m not buying his BS

Your problem is that you think people bashing Biden are Trump supporters

He’s terrible and I just laid out a bunch of examples


And then there is Ukraine

The international community is laughing at him

Ask most any active duty military what they think of Biden.
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The stock market has been terrible under Biden and so have gas prices

Just to name a few things
The stock market is up about 40% since Biden took office. Over 3.4 years it’s not terrible. It’s not printing money like it was the decade or so before though.
Let's also not forget that if Biden is re-elected, he either a) dies in office or b) resigns and hands it over to dipshit Kamala immediately. Either way, that's simply more terrifying than anything Trump has to offer as POTUS.