2024 Election Thread

Does he not sound like he just left the dentist?
My God, Trump was a slurring mess. The old geezer is clearly unwell. The whole damn event was a fiasco. The much-hyped, Twitter/X roll out to the interview was a bomb (Remember DeSantis?) and once it did get going, Musk was a horrible interviewer.

It's nothing-short-of-amazing that there are STILL people defending the guy. What's it take for somebody to get a fcuking clue??!?
My God, Trump was a slurring mess. The old geezer is clearly unwell.
Biden overcame a childhood stuttering problem. It occasionally resurfaces to this day.
When your campaign "issues" are reduced to...........
  1. Trust me, we're rounding the corner on covid;
  2. Trust me, Biden wants to raise your taxes;
  3. Trust me, I'm protecting your suburbs;
  4. Yes, I'm hell bent on getting rid of the ACA that requires insurance companies to cover pre-existing condition through the courts. BUT my brilliant new health care plan that I'll share with everybody in a few weeks after the ACA is declared unconstitutional by my judges will cover pre-existing conditions. Trust me on this; and
  5. Give me four more years and trust me, I'll 'fix' everything that got broke these past four years;
..........I'd sure as hell want to talk about Biden's old stutter too. ;) :)
Tell me, where are your 'good faith' discussions?

Perhaps its in What is the worst story about Biden?
or how about
Does Biden stutter?
there are painless methods, you know.
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It's nothing-short-of-amazing that there are STILL people defending the guy. What's it take for somebody to get a fcuking clue??!?
Have you noticed anything about Donald Trump's stump speeches? He's following the exact, same script in 2024 that he used in 2016 against Hillary and 2020 against Joe. Looks like you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

He's like an aging, gray-haired rock band that goes around the country playing their old golden oldies for a nostalgic fanbase. That's okay but it's not gonna excite and pack in the younger crowd.
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Have you noticed anything about Donald Trump's stump speeches? He's following the exact, same script in 2024 that he used in 2016 against Hillary and 2020 against Joe. Looks like you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

He's like an aging, gray-haired rock band that goes around the country playing their old golden oldies for a nostalgic fanbase. That's okay but it's not gonna excite and pack in the younger crowd.
He has gotten stale and boring like he's just going through the motions. I'm not exactly sure how he could change it up and still be effective though, since this is basically his whole personna. This feels like a football game where one team is clearly better, and can only lose if they beat themselves. He better hope Kamala starts making mistakes and screws this up, because Trump just being Trump probably isn't going to get it done.
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Listening to Trump's speech in North Carolina yesterday, he played his 'greatest hits' seemingly oblivious to what the hell is going on in the country.

He whined about inflation (lowest in 3 years).
He whined about the border (border crossings dropped for the 5th straight month) and
He whined about violent crime (lowest number since 1972.)

Until I heard Trump, I didn't realize we've become a Third World country. :rolleyes:
Listening to Trump's speech in North Carolina yesterday, he played his 'greatest hits' seemingly oblivious to what the hell is going on in the country.

He whined about inflation (lowest in 3 years).
He whined about the border (border crossings dropped for the 5th straight month) and
He whined about violent crime (lowest number since 1972.)

Until I heard Trump, I didn't realize we've become a Third World country. :rolleyes:
you're such an easy read

you're now wanting to get into a pissing match about inflation (which you don't actually understand), illegal mexicans and crime rates.

go ahead, let us hear your thoughts on the matter so we can all make fun of you again.
Adolf Shooky used to weigh 200lbs.

In 2020, he gained 5 lbs.
In 2021, he gained 11 lbs.
In 2022, he gained 9 lbs.
In 2023, he gained 6 lbs.
In 2024, he only gained 3 lbs.


You still weigh 234 lbs., fat ass.

Hope this helps.
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this idiot just compared a medal of freedom, which he basically gives out to supporters and donors, to a soldier getting a medal of honor.
this idiot just compared a medal of freedom, which he basically gives out to supporters and donors, to a soldier getting a medal of honor.
Why are you getting your panties in a wad? He already bashed John McCain, because he was captured. You think that you would be familiar with this behavior by now.
Because he is a presidential candidate mike, and this is the election thread.
Try to changing your tampon. You’ll feel much better.

It’s not a good look for you to continue serving customers with a red spot
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You are completely pointless.
No you are. This all has already been discussed ad nauseum. Who’s reading your posts anyway. You’re basically talking to ghosts in the middle of the night
No you are. This all has already been discussed ad nauseum. Who’s reading your posts anyway. You’re basically talking to ghosts in the middle of the night
Well you read it apparently, so i guess you, you were reading it. And 9 pm isn't the middle of the night in my world. But it's also a message board, not a chat room, so it's not like responses have to be instantaneous. And considering he just said it tonight, then no, if hasn't been talked about ad nauseum. Anything else you want to get off your chest?
Well you read it apparently, so i guess you, you were reading it. And 9 pm isn't the middle of the night in my world. But it's also a message board, not a chat room, so it's not like responses have to be instantaneous. And considering he just said it tonight, then no, if hasn't been talked about ad nauseum. Anything else you want to get off your chest?
Sounds like you are the one needing to get things off your chest. Such as that colossal weight called TDS
No you are. This all has already been discussed ad nauseum.
Who made you the board's 'thought policeman'? If you are tired of hearing the 2024 Election discussed 'ad nauseum,' leave. I don't know why you're hanging out here since you're not voting for either candidate anyway, right?

Here's a thought: continue your ever-fascinating, years-long discussions with Boston.Knight about COVID vaccines. Fighting anti-vaxers plays more your talents.
Who made you the board's 'thought policeman'? If you are tired of hearing the 2024 Election discussed 'ad nauseum,' leave. I don't know why you're hanging out here since you're not voting for either candidate anyway, right?

Here's a thought: continue your ever-fascinating, years-long discussions with Boston.Knight about COVID vaccines. Fighting anti-vaxers plays more your talents.
Perhaps you should spend more time with Mrs Adolph Shuckler (depicted below) and leave those kids and Jews in your basement alone

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Here's a thought: continue your ever-fascinating, years-long discussions with Boston.Knight about COVID vaccines. Fighting anti-vaxers plays more your talents.
It plays more to your talents as well. Ya know, the SAME BATTLE that you have been fighting for years hypocrite. Right guys????

You are completely useless in ANY ELECTION THREAD, because your Trump SCREECHING and TDS have become so consuming to you, that you can’t even function. You probably wear a diaper to bed and need help getting dressed in the morning because of a presidential candidate 😂
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*trump murders someone in the streets*

Normal people in a thread about the 2024 presidential election: hey that's kinda fūcked up, a presidential candidate shouldn't do that

*Mike and Joe*: reeeeeeeeeeee how dare you talk about that?!? You're so repetitive!!!1 (immediately starts bashing shuck non stop on repeat 24/7 in the same 2024 presidential election thread)
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Both Joe and myself have already said that we aren’t voting for Trump. What is there to discuss?

It’s time to turn on the other terrible candidate/VP

Sorry, that you guys can’t come to grips that past Trump supporters are no longer voting for him

Go ahead ya’ll. I’m sure that you will have such a hard time tomorrow scanning Twitter to find something dumb that a candidate that basically has been written off already basically said.

You should be proud that we actually have to still look for something that the Democratic candidate said or did to make her literally the lesser of 2 evils

Why not tell us all why she would make a good president instead of the lame “she’s not Trump” argument?

Like a real argument. Not the constant, repetitive, tiresome, Trump screeching

Oh… BTW, Trump is LIKELY to be sentenced to prison on September 18th just like I’ve said before. It’s a real possibility.

Funny, nobody is even talking about that
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*trump murders someone in the streets*

Normal people in a thread about the 2024 presidential election: hey that's kinda fūcked up, a presidential candidate shouldn't do that

*Mike and Joe*: reeeeeeeeeeee how dare you talk about that?!? You're so repetitive!!!1 (immediately starts bashing shuck non stop on repeat 24/7 in the same 2024 presidential election thread)

Stop being stupid.

I have never liked Trump. Hell, I've never even voted for him. I'd hate to see how vaginal you'd be were I actually supporting/voting for him this year.

And stop being Adolf's lawyer. It's kind of sus. No cap.
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Both Joe and myself have already said that we aren’t voting for Trump. What is there to discuss?

It’s time to turn on the other terrible candidate/VP

Sorry, that you guys can’t come to grips that past Trump supporters are no longer voting for him

Go ahead ya’ll. I’m sure that you will have such a hard time tomorrow scanning Twitter to find something dumb that a candidate that basically has been written off already basically said.

You should be proud that we actually have to still look for something that the Democratic candidate said or did to make her literally the lesser of 2 evils

Why not tell us all why she would make a good president instead of the lame “she’s not Trump” argument?

Like a real argument. Not the constant, repetitive, tiresome, Trump screeching

Oh… BTW, Trump is LIKELY to be sentenced to prison on September 18th just like I’ve said before. It’s a real possibility.

Funny, nobody is even talking about that
You realize every post isn't directed at you personally right? You weren't quoted, tagged, or referenced what so ever in the post that made you throw a fit last night. So yeah, you have told us over and over you aren't voting for Trump, yet when someone brings up Trump, in the election threads, you still tend to take it personally.
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You realize every post isn't directed at you personally right? You weren't quoted, tagged, or referenced what so ever in the post that made you throw a fit last night. So yeah, you have told us over and over you aren't voting for Trump, yet when someone brings up Trump, in the election threads, you still tend to take it personally.
Stop screeching about Trump and offer something of substance
Stop talking about one of the major candidates, in an election thread. That makes a lot of sense. Why do you post in a thread you clearly aren't interested in?
I am interested in it. However you and your friends once again destroyed it with your incessant Trump screeching
You realize every post isn't directed at you personally right? You weren't quoted, tagged, or referenced what so ever in the post that made you throw a fit last night. So yeah, you have told us over and over you aren't voting for Trump, yet when someone brings up Trump, in the election threads, you still tend to take it personally.

Nope, this 2024 election thread is solely for Joe and Mike to whine about shuck. Obviously, you should have known this by the title.

Stop screeching about Trump and offer something of substance

Holy fūcking shit, what an idiotic take. This is a thread about the 2024 election. Trump is one of two candidates. We are going to talk about him, especially when Trump does something idiotic.

I really don't know how to explain this in a way you are able to comprehend.

This might be news to you: but you are not required to click on this thread if you don't want to hear news about the 2024 election.
Nope, this 2024 election thread is solely for Joe and Mike to whine about shuck. Obviously, you should have known this by the title.

Holy fūcking shit, what an idiotic take. This is a thread about the 2024 election. Trump is one of two candidates. We are going to talk about him, especially when Trump does something idiotic.

I really don't know how to explain this in a way you are able to comprehend.

This might be news to you: but you are not required to click on this thread if you don't want to hear news about the 2024 election.
I want to hear about it. Just like in the Dungeon. However, the takes here are only 100% Screeching and I’m going to criticize it if I want

I’ll make sure to point it out everytime

BTW, these are grown men. You don’t have to play mommy and defend them
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The funny thing is that the biggest news that will COMPLETELY CHANGE THIS THREAD is that the possibility of Trump getting sentenced to prison on September 18th is real. Unfortunately,, the screeching has overtaken that news. Not even a mention about it
I want to hear about it. Just like in the Dungeon. However, the takes here are only 100% Screeching and I’m going to criticize it if I want

I’ll make sure to point it out everytime

BTW, these are grown men. You don’t have to play mommy and defend them

They may be grown men but I'm really tired of you two acting like it's middle school on here and clogging up dedicated threads with pathetic repetitive non related bullshit.

I personally don't give too shits about a stupid flyover state like Nebraska or the corn and bullshit they produce, but your shrick was funny the first hundred times, now it's just....weird.
Nope, this 2024 election thread is solely for Joe and Mike to whine about shuck. Obviously, you should have known this by the title.

Holy fūcking shit, what an idiotic take. This is a thread about the 2024 election. Trump is one of two candidates. We are going to talk about him, especially when Trump does something idiotic.

I really don't know how to explain this in a way you are able to comprehend.

This might be news to you: but you are not required to click on this thread if you don't want to hear news about the 2024 election.
It's soooo cute to watch you play mommy.
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They may be grown men but I'm really tired of you two acting like it's middle school on here and clogging up dedicated threads with pathetic repetitive non related bullshit.

I personally don't give too shits about a stupid flyover state like Nebraska or the corn and bullshit they produce, but your shrick was funny the first hundred times, now it's just....weird.
Then take your own advice and stop clicking on the thread, dummy, if you're soooo tired of it.