2024 Election Thread

You’ll still be an unhinged lunatic regardless of who wins. If the orange man wins, it’ll just be moreso.

Has Shookster vowed to move to Canada if it happens? That must be next if we hit August and Trump is still polling this way.
Why on earth are you so confident Trump won't win? I can understand thinking he's a joke in 2015, I never thought the American public was so goddamn stupid as to elect him the first time.
I don't think they're THAT goddamn stupid. They just like to troll.
Why on earth are you so confident Trump won't win? I can understand thinking he's a joke in 2015, I never thought the American public was so goddamn stupid as to elect him the first time.

Now it's already been proven once that people are idiotic enough to actually vote for him. PLUS he's running against someone that is easy to dismiss as a geriatric, despite the fact that Bidens team has actually done an amazing job with the soft landing for the economy with this worldwide inflation, but his age is an easy argument even for braindead MAGAts.
Yes, Trump can win and yes, there are enough idiotic people to make it happen

Fortunately, I will not be one of them and I don’t think anyone else here is voting for him
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Shuck isn't moving to Canada. Michelle Obama is going to be the next president.

That said Trigeek and cornster could have made a nice couple.
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Please tell me again how smart the average US voter is

Inflation is still an issue. Cost of groceries. Same with gas. People most likely are using those as the basis for how they feel about the economy, right or wrong.

That being said: have we ever heard Biden tout any of these things? Nope. And herein lies the problem. He can't articulate a fukcing thing that makes sense. If this were Bill Clinton or even Obama, we would be inundated with them repeating these figures ad nauseam. But nope, we get Joe out there stuttering away and playing with his food.
Consumer spending and travel usually slow when people think the economy is bad and that isn’t happening. Go to an airport tomorrow. So they are spending as much as ever but still complaining
Inflation is still an issue. Cost of groceries. Same with gas. People most likely are using those as the basis for how they feel about the economy, right or wrong.

That being said: have we ever heard Biden tout any of these things? Nope. And herein lies the problem. He can't articulate a fukcing thing that makes sense. If this were Bill Clinton or even Obama, we would be inundated with them repeating these figures ad nauseam. But nope, we get Joe out there stuttering away and playing with his food.
Inflation absolutely is an issue, a worldwide issue. It skyrocketed from 1.9% to 8.8% in just two years. A Japanese company took out an ad to apologize for raising the price of their snack for the first time in 40+ years.

Idgaf how articulate he is, I care about action. And it's not great, but it's certainly a hell of a lot better than electing a self admitted dictator.

Sad that we have to make those choices, because if Biden was going against literally any GOP nominee in the last 30 years other than trump I would be all red down the ballot sheet.
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Idgaf how articulate he is, I care about action. And it's not great, but it's certainly a hell of a lot better than electing a self admitted dictator.

And I get that as well. Clearly, for many people in our voting populace, it does matter:

His numbers are terrible, and even when compared to Trump's (which were pretty effing bad), they look even worse.

In many ways, it's not that he's poorly articulate. It's that he doesn't communicate anything AT ALL.
Please tell me again how smart the average US voter is

People answer those questions on what they feel in their own wallet. Inflation and interest rates are killing a lot of peoples finance.
I think we are on the edge of a recession, The auto industry and RV industry have Inventory backing up all over they can't sell. Consumers have or are close to maxing out Credit cards, Interest rates and Housing cost are high.
Inflation is staying well above where fed wants it. Cracks are showing but the dam has not broke yet.
Personal guess, I think Economy may continue growth for 1 to 3 more quarters, and likely cracks late this year or early next year, and whoever is Prez then will have to deal with the mess.
People answer those questions on what they feel in their own wallet. Inflation and interest rates are killing a lot of peoples finance.
I think we are on the edge of a recession, The auto industry and RV industry have Inventory backing up all over they can't sell. Consumers have or are close to maxing out Credit cards, Interest rates and Housing cost are high.
Inflation is staying well above where fed wants it. Cracks are showing but the dam has not broke yet.
Personal guess, I think Economy may continue growth for 1 to 3 more quarters, and likely cracks late this year or early next year, and whoever is Prez then will have to deal with the mess.
Be me: post empirical study showing the economy is doing great and people are dumb for believing easily disproven myths

*Goodnight enters conversation and verbatim repeats the brain dead myths quoted in the study that proves just how fúcking stupid some people are*

Me again: stunned silence. Just absolutely and utterly flabbergasted by how stupid goodnight is.
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It's beyond comical at this point how little values the GOP has today.

As a former Republican, if the last 6 years were a season of House of Cards, I'd have stopped watching a long time ago for it being wildly unbelievable with it's depiction of th GOP. Yet here we are and idiots still vote for them.
> "former republican"
> has been crying about republicans for a decade
Be me: post empirical study showing the economy is doing great and people are dumb for believing easily disproven myths

*Goodnight enters conversation and verbatim repeats the brain dead myths quoted in the study that proves just how fúcking stupid some people are*

Me again: stunned silence. Just absolutely and utterly flabbergasted by how stupid goodnight is.
average inflation under Trump: 1.97%
average inflation under Biden: 4.99%

brainlets like yourself will interpret going from 6.6% to 4% as a tremendous reduction in inflation, when both figures double/triple Trump's average.

but keep cheerleading the large corporations making more money!

average inflation under Trump: 1.97%
average inflation under Biden: 4.99%

brainlets like yourself will interpret going from 6.6% to 4% as a tremendous reduction in inflation, when both figures double/triple Trump's average.

but keep cheerleading the large corporations making more money!

We had negative inflation back in 2009. Great economic time.
England is governed by Conservatives and has worse inflation than us. Trump didn’t have to deal w the aftermath of the Pandemic. It is Global
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We had negative inflation back in 2009. Great economic time.
now we have negative MFI/positive inflation over the past 4 years.

sorry your spin doesn't work.

Preseason Presidential polls are as worthless as preseason college football polls.

The majority of American voters are busy living their lives and could give a sh*t about a race five months away.
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Preseason Presidential polls are as worthless as preseason college football polls.

The majority of American voters are busy living their lives and could give a sh*t about a race five months away.
this you?
A new poll out today indicates that 62% of American voters will never vote for Donald Trump in 2024. How do you EVER hope to win an election staring that number in the face?
A new CBS Poll asked Republican voters the following question: 'Who are you most likely to believe?'

Trump - 71%
Family & Friends - 63%
Conservative Media - 54%
Religious Leaders - 42%

If this isn't the very definition of a cult following, I don't know what is.
I saw a poll earlier today that indicated Biden loses in 2024 to a 'generic' Republican nominee. However, once the generic label is replaced by Donald Trump, Biden wins reelection easy.
A poll this morning indicated that 91% of Democrats and Independents believe the alarming information that’s come out of the Jan. 6th Committee. — versus (mindboggingly, IMHO) 21% of Republicans.

you love polls when they fit your narrative. retard.
To any Trump Magats on this board. Are you honestly cool with Trump bringing a gangster rapper on stage that is currently on a 1.5 million bond for murder?

Consumer spending and travel usually slow when people think the economy is bad and that isn’t happening. Go to an airport tomorrow. So they are spending as much as ever but still complaining

You're not wrong here, but I also think that people in this country spend regardless of what something costs. Especially young people. They are gonna buy a new Iphone and all their other shit regardless of whether or not they can afford it.

I would have to assume that the cost of groceries and gas throughout the past 4 years has put a tremendous strain on lower-income families and most in the middle class. I know I, for one, am sick of paying $3.49 per can of tomatoes when I make Sunday gravy. Same fukcing can was $1.69 in 2020.
stfu you racist piece of shit
Im just pointing out the hypocrisy. They same group of people that like to use the term 13% are the same group overlooking Trump bring current and active gang members with an ongoing case for his endorsement. The fact that not ONE republican has an issue with it says the whole party is a fraud. Reagan is turning over in his grave! 🤣

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I'd rather have neither but since we have to choose it's painfully obvious we have to choose the geriatric vs the geriatric felon that has openly admitted to wanting to run a nepotistic dictatorship.

Uh, who is we?

I am not voting for Biden.