2024 Election Thread

Early Polls or no early polls, you don't need to be a political scientist to see where this election is heading.

Anyone who believes the deranged nutjob who the Republicans have rallied around is going to win is as delusional as he is.

Seriously, if Biden said HALF the crazyass things* that Trump rambles about on his campaign stops, the Right would be demanding his Cabinet inact the 25th amendment.

* We may not know how Trump is going to curb inflation but we do know now that he'd rather be electrocuted in an 'electric' boat than be eaten by a shark.
Early Polls or no early polls, you don't need to be a political scientist to see where this election is heading.

Anyone who believes the deranged nutjob who the Republicans have rallied around is going to win is as delusional as he is.

Seriously, if Biden said HALF the crazyass things* that Trump rambles about on his campaign stops, the Right would be demanding his Cabinet inact the 25th amendment.

* We may not know how Trump is going to curb inflation but we do know now that he'd rather be electrocuted in an 'electric' boat than be eaten by a shark.
Bro this board has half a dozen absolute moronic cult members who would swallow Trump's cock in a heartbeat if he told them it was a Twinkie.

Why do you not believe Americans are dumb enough to reelect them? Do you not read this very board you post on?
America has a lot of dumb people, but not THAT many looney tunes.

Seriously, Trump says the stupidest stuff that would leave most people who heard his ramblings say, 'WTF? This crazy old fart is losing it!' But because its Donald, his faithful just laugh and say, "Oh, COME ON, guys. That's just Trump being Trump! Ha ha ha."
America has a lot of dumb people, but not THAT many looney tunes.

Seriously, Trump says the stupidest stuff that would leave most people who heard his ramblings say, 'WTF? This crazy old fart is losing it!' But because its Donald, his faithful just laugh and say, "Oh, COME ON, guys. That's just Trump being Trump! Ha ha ha."
this you anytime Biden goes on an incoherent, dementia-fueled rant?
He overcame a childhood stuttering problem. It occasionally resurfaces to this day.
I'd sure as hell want to talk about Biden's old stutter too.
Oh, spare us your sanctimonious bullshit.

Tell me, where are your 'good faith' discussions?

Perhaps its in What is the worst story about Biden?
or how about
Does Biden stutter?
Enough of the aingst over Trump Biden neither is going to be the next president.
Dems will replace biden before election. Michelle Obama will be next president.
I know that if you are dumb enough to still support trump in 2024 that you are quite literally stupider than a box of rocks, but I didn't think you'd be so goddamn braindead you would insult your own candidate.


To explain it so that a 5 year old can understand it: Trump supports are the ones shitting their pants you fücking doorknob. (You are still in a cult)
Bro. You can’t possibly be supporting a Felon as a candidate for president, right?
It wasn't that long ago that we could've said about the MAGA crowd, "you can't possibly be supporting a (fill in the blank.)" Trump has normalized behaviors most of us would've never imagined from any POTUS candidate, let alone a former Prez.
If you are supporting either of these bozos you are insane. You at the end of the day may have to pick one or the other, but that is different than supporting.
Trump is a vulgar, egotistical nut, and Biden is a child molesting, plagiarizing, brain damaged, racist liar.
How anyone can think that either is what the country needs for the next 4 years is beyond me.
If you are supporting either of these bozos you are insane. You at the end of the day may have to pick one or the other, but that is different than supporting. Trump is a vulgar, egotistical nut, and Biden is a child molesting, plagiarizing, brain damaged, racist liar. How anyone can think that either is what the country needs for the next 4 years is beyond me.
You're not fooling anyone here with your "both of them are bozos" line.

This is just your "damned if you do, damned if you don't" way of justifying your vote for Trump.
The primaries were over before they even got to Fla. I didn't bother to vote in them.
I would love to have a solid conservative to vote for in Nov. I don''t. Hell we don't even have a solid moderate. What we have is 2 Old men who should be nowhere near the office of President. You can pretend you have the choice between a solid democrat vs Frump. but you don't have that choice. You have a Man who sold his soul as VP. who most of the time doesn't even remember being VP, who wanders of stage in a daze, and has no clue where he is 1/2 the time, VS another old man who is a ego maniac.
Yes I will be voting for Trump, I believe he is the lesser of 2 evils, and I admit that. You on the other hand pretend you have a great choice you can be proud of. That is derangement syndrome at it's best.
You have a Man who sold his soul as VP. who most of the time doesn't even remember being VP, who wanders of stage in a daze, and has no clue where he is 1/2 the time, VS another old man who is a ego maniac.
The ego maniac is an unhinged nutjob. If Biden said half the crazyass things Trump rambles about, his cabinet would have already removed him from office. You'll witness your boy, Trump's outstanding mental accuity next week at the POTUS Debate.
Yes I will be voting for Trump,
What a shocker! ;)
The ego maniac is an unhinged nutjob. If Biden said half the crazyass things Trump rambles about, his cabinet would have already removed him from office. You'll witness your boy, Trump's outstanding mental accuity next week at the POTUS Debate.

What a shocker! ;)
Even if he shoots someone on 5th Avenue we will vote for him. Cry more libtard.
Bro. You can’t possibly be supporting a Felon as a candidate for president, right?

the "omg he's a felon" line has lost all its weight by way of unhinged leftists being on a constant hunt to find him guilty of anything.

the left is like a bitter ex-wife who calls the cops on her ex-husband every time he has visitation with the kids for being an abusive drunk, then he eventually gets popped for an expired license. it has been non-stop investigation, sham-impeachment, sham-trail the last decade. people don't take it seriously anymore.

unfortunately, Trump's name has been stained to a point of irreparable damage and he has been less than graceful as a response, particularly when he goes on his boomer rants.

a trump victory is more important than a trump presidency, as it would restore faith in elections and rejuvenate inspiration for the right.

the right has lost all sense of identity, their young blood is made up of neo-cons and a few prattling facebook mom types like MTG

what's most interesting to me is that despite the division, it feels like the left and right are more ideologically compatible than they have been in a long time. both have this vague sentiment of "corporations have too much power" but as long as the corporations do the correct performative hashtags, the left will never move towards legitimate legislation.
what's most interesting to me is that despite the division, it feels like the left and right are more ideologically compatible than they have been in a long time. both have this vague sentiment of "corporations have too much power" but as long as the corporations do the correct performative hashtags, the left will never move towards legitimate legislation.

It's always mildly amusing to me to see my extremely far left friends, who bitch about corporations and Capitalism, post pictures from Disney World on their iphones. Or take selfies from Starbucks. But then scream about Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-a.
the "omg he's a felon" line has lost all its weight by way of unhinged leftists being on a constant hunt to find him guilty of anything.
The Left is on 'a constant hunt to find him guilty' of anything? Did the Left make up Stormy Daniels? Did the Left make up the fraud case against Trump's businesses? Did the Left make up the defamation case against him?---or its bigger payday follow-up? Or the blackmailing of President Zalensky? Or the January 6th Capitol Riot?

Of course, the House Republicans tried their best to play a 'tit for tat' game by "exposing" the Biden Crime Family. By the way, how is that impeachment inquiry going?
unfortunately, Trump's name has been stained to a point of irreparable damage and he has been less than graceful as a response, particularly when he goes on his boomer rants.
LOL "Less than graceful"? Yeah, I guess you could call it that. :)
a trump victory is more important than a trump presidency, as it would restore faith in elections and rejuvenate inspiration for the right.
Restore faith in our elections? Jesus Christ, Trump's OWN election security wonk called the last POTUS election free and fair and his lawyers were 0-69 on overturning anything. Good God, you have to be a real cult follower to STILL be clinging to Trump's Big Lie
what's most interesting to me is that despite the division, it feels like the left and right are more ideologically compatible than they have been in a long time. both have this vague sentiment of "corporations have too much power" but as long as the corporations do the correct performative hashtags, the left will never move towards legitimate legislation.
SMH. Which Supreme Court justices voted to make corporations 'just like people' in the Citizens United case?
The Left is on 'a constant hunt to find him guilty' of anything? Did the Left make up Stormy Daniels? Did the Left make up the fraud case against Trump's businesses? Did the Left make up the defamation case against him?---or its bigger payday follow-up? Or the blackmailing of President Zalensky? Or the January 6th Capitol Riot?
by and large, yes. anymore stupid questions?

nobody is deluded enough to think you hold your God Joe "showers with his daughter" Biden to the same standard as President Trump.

Of course, the House Republicans tried their best to play a 'tit for tat' game by "exposing" the Biden Crime Family. By the way, how is that impeachment inquiry going?
"how come the side you're calling corrupt didn't find themselves to be corrupt?"

so yes, more stupid questions

Restore faith in our elections? Jesus Christ, Trump's OWN election security wonk called the last POTUS election free and fair and his lawyers were 0-69 on overturning anything. Good God, you have to be a real cult follower to STILL be clinging to Trump's Big Lie
Nice gaslight attempt, but 59% of Americans don't trust in elections.

Wait, is this you declaring elections to be corrupt?

Among many things, Trump instructing an aide to push Sessions into limiting the investigation to future election interference.
There WAS Russian hackers and social media trolls interfering in the 2016 elections.
The majority of America wants a secure 2020 election free of foreign interference. Moscow Mitch McConnell has seen fit to shoot those prospects down a few months ago.
I was posting on another board back then when I talked about Russia's interference in our election
Nothing we've done since 2016 is certainly prohibiting Putin and his Russian hackers and social media trolls from doing it again in 2020.
All sane people know that Putin's Russia made a concerted effort to manipulate the outcome of our 2016 election.
Still ignoring Russia's interference in our 2016 elections?
i am so sick of handing your ass to you
by and large, yes. anymore stupid questions?

nobody is deluded enough to think you hold your God Joe "showers with his daughter" Biden to the same standard as President Trump.

"how come the side you're calling corrupt didn't find themselves to be corrupt?"

so yes, more stupid questions

Nice gaslight attempt, but 59% of Americans don't trust in elections.

Wait, is this you declaring elections to be corrupt?

i am so sick of handing your ass to you
Dear Google:

I would like to report another murder. Thall killed adolf. Again.
  • Haha
Reactions: Ucfmikes and thall_
The Left is on 'a constant hunt to find him guilty' of anything? Did the Left make up Stormy Daniels? Did the Left make up the fraud case against Trump's businesses? Did the Left make up the defamation case against him?---or its bigger payday follow-up? Or the blackmailing of President Zalensky? Or the January 6th Capitol Riot?
by and large, yes. anymore stupid questions?
YES??? Christ, if you're not tethered to reality, why bother? Any MORE stupid answers?
Of course, the House Republicans tried their best to play a 'tit for tat' game by "exposing" the Biden Crime Family. By the way, how is that impeachment inquiry going?
"how come the side you're calling corrupt didn't find themselves to be corrupt?"
WTF? This debate thing requires that your answers make sense.
Only in today's MAGA World could telling someone like you that our 2020 election was free and fair be called 'gaslighting.'
Wait, is this you declaring elections to be corrupt?
There's nothing wrong with the media accurately pointing out Russian trolls have been using our social media to stir up conflict and influence votes.. But there's no way of knowing how much of an impact it has had on our elections. I've been on record as saying it likely wasn't enough to sway the actual outcomes.

On the other hand, after the 2020 election, Fox News told its viewers that Dominion Voting Systems 'rigged' votes meant for Trump to go to Biden. THAT kind of bold-faced lying cost their "news" organization 787 million dollars.

All in all, I give you some credit for actually attempting this "political discussion" stuff. :) ;)
YES??? Christ, if you're not tethered to reality, why bother? Any MORE stupid answers?
getting pissy and shouting "no you" isn't a defense.
WTF? This debate thing requires that your answers make sense.
being too stupid to understand what was said isn't a defense. sort yourself out.
Only in today's MAGA World could telling someone like you that our 2020 election was free and fair be called 'gaslighting.'
we're discussing the societal state under your God Joe "showers with his young daughter" Biden where trust in the government is at an all-time low and the majority of the country knows you're a lunatic.

There's nothing wrong with the media accurately pointing out Russian trolls have been using our social media to stir up conflict and influence votes
translation: "it's okay when i cry about it, but conspiracy when the rest of the country thinks it"

you're too easy to read. what you want is to derail into a pissing match about the january 6th protests and fox news getting your panties bunched up.

take your meds, loser.
getting pissy and shouting "no you" isn't a defense. No Answer

being too stupid to understand what was said isn't a defense. sort yourself out. No Answer.

we're discussing the societal state under your God Joe "showers with his young daughter" Biden where trust in the government is at an all-time low and the majority of the country knows you're a lunatic. Whattabout

translation: "it's okay when i cry about it, but conspiracy when the rest of the country thinks it" No Answer.
If you want to participate in honest-to-goodness, adult discussions, you can't just blab any bullsh*t off the top of your head and expect it to quality.
take your meds, loser.
Go back to the kiddie table.