The state isn’t forcing her to keep her baby. The salt ate isn’t allowing her to terminate an unborn life. A life which should have rights of it’s own. Which you should acknowledge but make your argument easy by ignoring.
People make this argument, not realizing that ...
A) They are forcing her to take the child to term (It's no picnic)
B) Yes, many states do end up forcing her to keep the baby too (look up the statitsics, and even some lawsuits)
C) This isn't like murdering a neighbor or someone else, where if you don't like them, you can just leave ... this is a child you're utterly responsible for some 18+ years
Men don't have to deal with that. Which brings me to ...
Abortions carry physical risk (even of death of the woman)
Again, statements like this just show the ignorance of those against Pro-Choice.
If it's illegal, there will be even greater physical risk.
and have psychological ramifications with many women for years.
You know you just made the same argument the 'Woke' make why the state must interfere on-behalf of 4-7yo olds with regards to gender identity, by stinting hormones, puberty and even general reassignment surgery.
Me? I say the state and their guns GTFO, and only serves as a regulator.
So let’s not pretend it’s the same as lasing some cells out of the body. Abortions should not be just another form of birth control.
I don't know a single woman that ever argues such.
At most, some try to justify they are helping stem cell research, which I *DO* have a real problem with.
It’s a very serious act that should have due process, even for the fetus. And certainly for minors the parents of the pregnant minor should be involved.
So ... the parent gets to make a
choice for their 16 year old daughter until she's 35?! Interesting concept. Or even just the pregnancy term for her next 6-8 months?!
Sorry, but no.
I'm 100% for parental notification. But
100% against parental consent. That also shows how much it's a male viewpoint.
I 100% back the parents over the state in what they should do with their child ... but the child still has rights to their body and life.