Like I pointed out many times in this thread, I do not want to force anyone to come out. I want the people who want to come out (but don't due to fear of either the media circus, their fans or their teammates) to be able to to.
They can. I'm getting tired of the 'victimization' non-sense in society. It's 25 times better today than it was 25 years ago, let alone 50. I wish some kids went through what their parents did, let alone their grandparents.
Listen, people get drunk. They say childish things -- like literally from their childhood that they wish they could undo and never have learned. Give it another generation.
The good thing is that the legal change has happened (finally). It will just take another generation to filter through, especially as the Boomers die off.
I find it very interesting that a bunch of people in here are trying to tell me, the only gay dude on here, how gays are viewed. You keep claiming no one cares.
Because we've seen good friends of ours pressured to 'come out' and other crap. Why? Someone had a political agenda, and even told them, 'you're holding us all back.'
they just want privacy, just like I don't want to talk about aspects of my marriage that should be no one's business either. The obsession with sexual--anything is getting old. We Americans are too immature.
If anything, that's the biggest problem. From our attitudes to STD infection rates, especially among teens, but also Boomers in their senior years too.
I have had friends kicked out of their houses, cut-off from their families. I have personally have had a drink thrown at me, been told I am not allowed to hold my boyfriends hand in public and been called a f*ggot on multiple occasions.
I'm sure you have. But those days are really numbered, and nothing like just a few years ago.
And while I'm not gay, do
not forget those of us true Liberals/Libertarians who were pro-marriage equality way back in 1994. Back when the
Democratic party
refused to support it, and even in 2008 when
every single Presidential candidate (except 1) were saying,
"Against my religion" (and worse).
one of the people that
never put some sort of 'asterisk' on my support. Same with my wife.
People's views on LGBT people have come a long, long way - but let's not pretend it's easy to come out and no one cares. That's 100% fake news.
The problem is that there is still a lot of
'special interest' out there that I have trouble defending.
President Obama commuting Manning's sentence, for one. Listen, I'm really anti-organized religion (but pro-spirituality, and I appreciate many Christian charities), but commuting Manning's sentence
really hurt some LGBTQ considerations. It's why I said do
not call for Manning to be released, do
not make Manning part of the community. Not a remotely good
It was as bad as some of Hillary's supporters saying you must vote Hillary because you're a woman, and you're weak if not. Same with voting Obama being black, or even another minority.
I personally know people - some who use this board - who use the term f*ggot regularly. I've heard it countless times at UCF sporting events to disparage opposing players.
People get drunk and say a lot of crap.
I've heard my share of LGBTQ friends get inebriated and say similar stuff too, out of frustration, but still ... it came out of a couple mouths I know.
The Golden Rule should always apply. And when people get offended because I say something about my marriage, and that it's "insensitive," it really misses the point of what it's all about. I shouldn't have to "explain myself" because I didn't use a "politically correct" term.
But at least they are few, and some of my other friends explain to them that I was there, protesting DOMA in college, with them a long time ago.
I'm a Libertarian, and this is how a lot of us feel. Pride is one thing. But complaining about all that has been accomplished is another.
And it goes the other way too ...
A lot of good Christians, loving Christians, "accept all" Christians, get a lot flak. I have several colleagues who have housed refugees and are literally those types of Christians that live the word of the Gospel in how they treat others.
Don't forget that we're now building a society that stereotypes all Christians, especially the ones that provide so many things that we are heavily dependent on. Again, most people refuse to believe that charities, heavily faith based, heavily Christian, settle refugees in this country, and not the US government.
I'm tired of seeing a
resurgence of Christian prosecution merely because some politician and organized 'faiths' are using Christianity as an excuse to judge and hate.