America: An armed society is a polite society

I have said I am not for minors owning guns period. 21 is the age you can sign contracts, buying a gun requires that. Hell Dems want 4 year olds to decide on taking hormones and butchering themselves, guess 12 year olds should be ok buying guns. Handguns are the big killer as far as gun deaths go, so go after what does most damage.
I have said I am not for minors owning guns period. 21 is the age you can sign contracts, buying a gun requires that. Hell Dems want 4 year olds to decide on taking hormones and butchering themselves, guess 12 year olds should be ok buying guns. Handguns are the big killer as far as gun deaths go, so go after what does most damage.
Imagine being so goddamn stupid and insecure in your argument about children shooting people with assault rifles that you have to bring up something as completely unrelated as trans health

Season 5 Lol GIF by Real Husbands of Hollywood

This is why no one takes you seriously.
Thanks to the Founding Fathers?

I'm pretty sure AR style assault rifles weren't around back then.
In 1791 when the US Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified by the states creating the Federal Government, the musket , the rifle and weapon of war was used by men, women and boys.

You know wasn't around in 1791? The moral destruction of society. They didn't shoot up schools or Pubs because they clearly understood the value of life , of right and wrong and how for every right there is a responsibility.

I am 55 and at my high school in 1983 in Seninole County , Florida you had a hunting club, a rifle club and kids rolling on campus with rifles in the back of their truck windows on gun racks. Nobody thought anything of it and kids didn't shoot up the place .

You can blame the GOP all you want. The fact is we are so f-ed up as a nation. We embrace death more than life . The kid and his family life are screwed up . Blame everyone and everything else but the people doing the deed.
In 1791 when the US Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified by the states creating the Federal Government, the musket , the rifle and weapon of war was used by men, women and boys.

You know wasn't around in 1791? The moral destruction of society. They didn't shoot up schools or Pubs because they clearly understood the value of life , of right and wrong and how for every right there is a responsibility.

I am 55 and at my high school in 1983 in Seninole County , Florida you had a hunting club, a rifle club and kids rolling on campus with rifles in the back of their truck windows on gun racks. Nobody thought anything of it and kids didn't shoot up the place .

You can blame the GOP all you want. The fact is we are so f-ed up as a nation. We embrace death more than life . The kid and his family life are screwed up . Blame everyone and everything else but the people doing the deed.
I am just honestly shocked there are people as stupid as you in 2023 spouting this idiotic nonsense.

You know what you didn't have in 1983? An AR-15 or Glock that holds 17-30+ rounds. You had a bolt action rife with an unwieldly 24 inch barrel that could shoot 4 rounds tops then had to be manually reloaded one round at a time.

And kids did shoot up the place, all the time. They just did it with long heavy hunting rifles, double barrel shotguns or 5 round revolvers, limiting their body count.
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You know wasn't around in 1791? The moral destruction of society.
WTF?? You talk about the "the moral distruction of society" since 1971, a time when our society endorsed American slavery and the denial of equal rights for women? This tells us a lot about YOUR morality.

I am 55 and at my high school in 1983 in Seninole County , Florida you had a hunting club, a rifle club and kids rolling on campus with rifles in the back of their truck windows on gun racks.
Since 1983, over 500 million new guns of all kinds have been purchased.
Nobody thought anything of it and kids didn't shoot up the place .
Maybe troubled kids didn't "shoot up the place" because they didn't have such easy access to assault rifles.
You can blame the GOP all you want. The fact is we are so f-ed up as a nation.
How anyone can look at the GOP right now and say with a straight face that our nation's problems lie elsewhere must be heavily medicated.
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@Nautiknight can you admit you are wrong and comment on the 68 incidents of school shootings in the 1980's alone?
Sure. If that is what the FBI data shows . I don't recall any of those in central Florida or in the state .

Here is the truth. Truth is I love the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the rule of law. Truth is if you have a different perspective on such things , I will never sway your viewpoints and likewise you won't sway mine . In part because this an internet forum and its so easy to dismiss those we disagree with versus talking to each other in a bar or pub and seeing each other a real people .

I know my shot gun, rifle ,and pistol have never e er killed anyone. I know here in the country my kids grew up with friends who shot and killed their guest deer at ages 9-10. Their folks taught them fire arm safety and responsibility. I also know in the last couple years the majority of mass school shootings have been from biological females with xx chromosomes hopped on steroids ,testosterone, because they wanted to be dudes. There is a serious mental health issue there coupled with screwing up their internal chemistry .

I share all that because the overwhelming number of gun owners are responsible. We have mental health issues with young people and we ignore it. I am still waiting for the Trans Agenda from that girl (xx) who shot up that Christian school. She was screwed up in the head big time .

Anyway, we can agree to disagree here. More regulations aren't going to solve these problems especially when young people have mental health issues. Limiting my rights doesn't fix this.
Sure. If that is what the FBI data shows . I don't recall any of those in central Florida or in the state .

Here is the truth. Truth is I love the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the rule of law. Truth is if you have a different perspective on such things , I will never sway your viewpoints and likewise you won't sway mine . In part because this an internet forum and its so easy to dismiss those we disagree with versus talking to each other in a bar or pub and seeing each other a real people .

I know my shot gun, rifle ,and pistol have never e er killed anyone. I know here in the country my kids grew up with friends who shot and killed their guest deer at ages 9-10. Their folks taught them fire arm safety and responsibility. I also know in the last couple years the majority of mass school shootings have been from biological females with xx chromosomes hopped on steroids ,testosterone, because they wanted to be dudes. There is a serious mental health issue there coupled with screwing up their internal chemistry .

I share all that because the overwhelming number of gun owners are responsible. We have mental health issues with young people and we ignore it. I am still waiting for the Trans Agenda from that girl (xx) who shot up that Christian school. She was screwed up in the head big time .

Anyway, we can agree to disagree here. More regulations aren't going to solve these problems especially when young people have mental health issues. Limiting my rights doesn't fix this.
Oh so these thousands of school shootings (that only happen in America) are now all trans people's fault(who have lived everywhere since the beginning of time)?

I wish I was surprised, that you aren't even man enough to admit you are wrong. All those guns are obviously compensation for what you are lacking.

You can fùck right off, you stupid dumbass inbred hillbilly piece of shit.

We will not agree to disagree.

You are 100% wrong.

You do not live in reality, you live in a twisted fantasy world.
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Bottom line is if you want guns to go away then start the process of amending the constitution. Making it illegal to own before age 21 should not be a problem. In fact it should already be in place, If you can not legally enter a contract you can't legally buy a gun.
Bottom line is if you want guns to go away then start the process of amending the constitution. Making it illegal to own before age 21 should not be a problem. In fact it should already be in place, If you can not legally enter a contract you can't legally buy a gun.
Unfortunately that ship has sailed, due to the literally insane policies of the GOP we will have to live with our kids being slaughtered in school because Republicans love guns more than children.

All I'm proposing is to treat guns like every other form of extreme power and prove you are capable of using/storing them properly.

An AR-15 is an incredible source of power. no one can argue that power comes with responsibility. Instead of handing out CCW licenses to anyone with a pulse, prove that you deserve to be in charge of this power through training and exams.
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Sure. If that is what the FBI data shows . I don't recall any of those in central Florida or in the state .

Here is the truth. Truth is I love the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the rule of law. Truth is if you have a different perspective on such things , I will never sway your viewpoints and likewise you won't sway mine . In part because this an internet forum and its so easy to dismiss those we disagree with versus talking to each other in a bar or pub and seeing each other a real people .

I know my shot gun, rifle ,and pistol have never e er killed anyone. I know here in the country my kids grew up with friends who shot and killed their guest deer at ages 9-10. Their folks taught them fire arm safety and responsibility. I also know in the last couple years the majority of mass school shootings have been from biological females with xx chromosomes hopped on steroids ,testosterone, because they wanted to be dudes. There is a serious mental health issue there coupled with screwing up their internal chemistry .

I share all that because the overwhelming number of gun owners are responsible. We have mental health issues with young people and we ignore it. I am still waiting for the Trans Agenda from that girl (xx) who shot up that Christian school. She was screwed up in the head big time .

Anyway, we can agree to disagree here. More regulations aren't going to solve these problems especially when young people have mental health issues. Limiting my rights doesn't fix this.
Anyone who shoots up a school is screwed up big time, trans or not.
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Oh so these thousands of school shootings (that only happen in America) are now all trans people's fault(who have lived everywhere since the beginning of time)?

I wish I was surprised, that you aren't even man enough to admit you are wrong. All those guns are obviously compensation for what you are lacking.

You can fùck right off, you stupid dumbass inbred hillbilly piece of shit.

We will not agree to disagree.

You are 100% wrong.

You do not live in reality, you live in a twisted fantasy world.
Republicans focus on that shooting so they can make it about trans people instead of our stupid gun laws. As if her being trans somehow makes it worse than all of the other mass shootings.
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. I am still waiting for the Trans Agenda from that girl (xx) who shot up that Christian school. She was screwed up in the head big time .

that will get released when Epstein's list is released.
As a side note for naughty, CCW license still requires training and testing. What is different is you can now carry without the license,
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Bottom line is if you want guns to go away then start the process of amending the constitution.
The Supreme Court ‘amended’ the Constitution with its 5-4 District of Columbia vs Heller decision. If Roe v. Wade can get overruled, so can Heller.
Lots of politeness in Maine last night.
iT wAs tHe tRaNs fAuLt

right @Nautiknight? you goddamn disgusting bigoted moron

Despite the fact that there are trans people literally all over the world, in every country, since the beginning of time. Somehow only America has these mass shooting problems since gun ownership went parabolic. But the GOP Can't figure out why

I’m sure the new Republican speaker of the house will do a T&P Bill

this country normalizes insanity
This is basically a form of terrorism. Most of these shootings don't necessarily have a political angle so they might not technically be considered terrorism, but the actions are the same. Republican politicians all over this country are literally making it easier for what are essentially homegrown terror attacks to occur. It is absolutely insane.
I’m sure the new Republican speaker of the house will do a T&P Bill

this country normalizes insanity
Again, todays GOP is a literal death cult elected by bigoted inbred morons like @Nautiknight .

I can not physically fathom the level of stupidity required to bring up trans people like he did during this gun control debate.

It is not an exaggeration to say Fox news is the greatest threat to this country since the Civil War. At least until these easily brainwashed boomers die off and we have a generation that is capable of critical thought.
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In 1791 when the US Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified by the states creating the Federal Government, the musket , the rifle and weapon of war was used by men, women and boys.

You know wasn't around in 1791? The moral destruction of society. They didn't shoot up schools or Pubs because they clearly understood the value of life , of right and wrong and how for every right there is a responsibility.

I am 55 and at my high school in 1983 in Seninole County , Florida you had a hunting club, a rifle club and kids rolling on campus with rifles in the back of their truck windows on gun racks. Nobody thought anything of it and kids didn't shoot up the place .

You can blame the GOP all you want. The fact is we are so f-ed up as a nation. We embrace death more than life . The kid and his family life are screwed up . Blame everyone and everything else but the people doing the deed.
This post makes zero sense! wtf
iT wAs tHe tRaNs fAuLt

right @Nautiknight? you goddamn disgusting bigoted moron

Despite the fact that there are trans people literally all over the world, in every country, since the beginning of time. Somehow only America has these mass shooting problems since gun ownership went parabolic. But the GOP Can't figure out why

The data doesn't lie, but Republicans do for money!
In 1791 when the US Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified by the states creating the Federal Government, the musket , the rifle and weapon of war was used by men, women and boys.

You know wasn't around in 1791? The moral destruction of society.
Nauti never answered me as to why slavery and having no rights for women weren't 'morally destructive' back in 1791. I guess morality is in the eyes of the beholder, huh?

If you argued with these MAGA gun nuts long enough, you'll finally get them to admit why it is they want to keep AR-15s legal. They gotta have those military assault rifles around when they decide to expand their government hostilites and wage another Civil War. YeeeHaw!!!
Nauti never answered me as to why slavery and having no rights for women weren't 'morally destructive' back in 1791. I guess morality is in the eyes of the beholder, huh?

If you argued with these MAGA gun nuts long enough, you'll finally get them to admit why it is they want to keep AR-15s legal. They gotta have those military assault rifles around when they decide to expand their government hostilites and wage another Civil War. YeeeHaw!!!
Remember, slavery is A-OK according to the Bible.
The secret sauce that has fueled over democracy for nearly 250 years is compromise. Progressives and conservatives have found various ways over the years to "meet in the middle."

But one of the reasons compromise has been getting more and more difficult is because many of the issues we're facing involve the individual rights of American citizens. How can you go about compromising a human right? You can't. The days of the 'Three-fifths Compromise' are behind us.

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