Another Half-Empty Stadium

Top top programs? I don't think so. Herman could have left after year one but he waited for that top top job. Rhule had to get out of dodge because his senior-led team was going to suck the following year. As long as you can out-recruit the rest of the conference, why not stay until you get the perfect job?
Didn't the roof cave in on Baylor right after Rhule accepted the position? Not positive about the timing. Still, it was an unwise decision. He's too good a coach to trash his career prospects.
Top top programs? I don't think so. Herman could have left after year one but he waited for that top top job. Rhule had to get out of dodge because his senior-led team was going to suck the following year. As long as you can out-recruit the rest of the conference, why not stay until you get the perfect job?

What's the perfect job? Is Texas really the perfect job? Whoever takes over for Saban with insane expectations, same with Ohio State.

Or is it a program that is P5 has enormous resources and a 10 win season would be a big achievement right now. Tenn, LSU, Nebraska, UCLA, Ta&m. All fit that.

What is the perfect job, it's your alma mater.. It's where they will pay you $4 million min. They sell out every game. That is what you consider Herman's top job.

What is this perfect job for Frost? Going back to Oregon? UF? USC? Notre Dame? Michigan? Kind of running out of schools.
What is the perfect job, it's your alma mater.. It's where they will pay you $4 million min. They sell out every game.

Yet as a Nebraska bred recruit he picked Stanford and their fickle fanbase over his home state school

These hypotheticals can go on forever, I wish a Power 5 invite would come for UCF so this worry would be minimized to an extent
Yet as a Nebraska bred recruit he picked Stanford and their fickle fanbase over his home state school

These hypotheticals can go on forever, I wish a Power 5 invite would come for UCF so this worry would be minimized to an extent
Or we just get some sweet donors that can fund whoever/whatever we want....Papa John where you at????
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What's the perfect job? Is Texas really the perfect job? Whoever takes over for Saban with insane expectations, same with Ohio State.

Or is it a program that is P5 has enormous resources and a 10 win season would be a big achievement right now. Tenn, LSU, Nebraska, UCLA, Ta&m. All fit that.

What is the perfect job, it's your alma mater.. It's where they will pay you $4 million min. They sell out every game. That is what you consider Herman's top job.

What is this perfect job for Frost? Going back to Oregon? UF? USC? Notre Dame? Michigan? Kind of running out of schools.
Generically, the best gig is at a flagship college town with only inferior competition in the rest of the state, a long history of stadium sell outs, a string of recent coaching failures, and previous experience as a star player or prominent assistant coach. That way there's no metro press tearing you down (that's what they do), they love you from the start as one of their own, you have a good idea of how to avoid the new coach minefields, and they are hungry for any success yet willing to wait, too.
After reading C Blackwell's account of people leaving because of an ANNOUNCEMENT of possible weather delay, I cracked myself up with the following thought that flashed through my mind...

I wish I could place flyers in every seat (without them being confiscated or blown away) that say "Don't be a p****! Stay in your seat even if it starts raining."