Ben Shapiro says feminism is actually all about that Wet Ass P-Word

I'd like to just circle back to the fact that Ben Shapiro just shared to the entire world that his own "wife" told him wet p***** is a symptom of gynecological problems....and he believes her.

This is the greatest self own in history. Nothing will ever top this.
You know he pops that pxxxy on a dime.
I'd like to just circle back to the fact that Ben Shapiro just shared to the entire world that his own "wife" told him wet p***** is a symptom of gynecological problems....and he believes her.

This is the greatest self own in history. Nothing will ever top this.
Please gentlemen, use the appropriate term for it, which is "P-Word"
Its funny how the lefties on the board have to self edit the use of the word "pussy". Scary stuff, huh guys?

What's even funnier is that the same people who cried about a mere discussion regarding Ellen's toxic workplace (why do you care about Ellen!?) are the same people who literally created a thread to cry about Ben Shapiro.
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What's even funnier is that the same people who cried about a mere discussion regarding Ellen's toxic workplace (why do you care about Ellen!?) are the same people who literally created a thread to cry about Ben Shapiro.
No, whats funnier is that lefties are scared of words. If you can't type the word pussy, you're probably a pussy.
No, whats funnier is that lefties are scared of words. If you can't type the word pussy, you're probably a pussy.
Brother, have you taken the time to think that maybe people in this thread are mocking Ben "pword" Shapiro or they are perhaps unfamiliar with rivals word filter. No one here is afraid of the word pussy except for Bitch Ass Ben who stops, mid rant, to tell us "p-word stands for female genitalia."
What's even funnier is that the same people who cried about a mere discussion regarding Ellen's toxic workplace (why do you care about Ellen!?) are the same people who literally created a thread to cry about Ben Shapiro.
Let me help you out since you struggle with humor.

Ben Shapiro reading WAP is funny.

Ellen's toxic work enviroment isn't

Not all of us are here for a mainline of rage fuel like you. Some people like funny stories and to have a laugh now and then too. This is a concept that is probably foreign to ragebot85 but this is a meme thread stop ****ing it up.
Let me help you out since you struggle with humor.

Ben Shapiro reading WAP is funny.

Ellen's toxic work enviroment isn't

Not all of us are here for a mainline of rage fuel like you. Some people like funny stories and to have a laugh now and then too. This is a concept that is probably foreign to ragebot85 but this is a meme thread stop ****ing it up.

Weird, all I see are triggered little lefties crying their eyes out about meanie Ben's take.
Brother, have you taken the time to think that maybe people in this thread are mocking Ben "pword" Shapiro or they are perhaps unfamiliar with rivals word filter. No one here is afraid of the word pussy except for Bitch Ass Ben who stops, mid rant, to tell us "p-word stands for female genitalia."
Brother? I'm a little bit offended that you assumed my preferred gender pronoun.

What is this world coming to.
Weird, all I see are triggered little lefties crying their eyes out about meanie Ben's take.

Do you really want to open this can of worms?

95% of the threads you start on this board are literally nothing but you whining about how a democrat offended your snowflake bitch-ass feelings. You are the ultimate whiny little bitch.
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Cardi B is not a feminist she just likes to ****. Why cant a woman just like ****ing? Its got to be a feminism political statement even when she says "if you eat ass you a bottom feeder?"
Of course a woman can like to sing. there is no reason a woman cant just like singing..
Imagine this much crying about Ben Shapiro.


The incredible irony here is that Ben is the ultimate snowflake, he's spending his TV show whining like a goddamn little bitch about a song. And inbred dipshits like yourself slurp it up.
1. Who is Ben Shapiro?

2. WAP is trash. Not because it is women talking about their vaginas, but because it sucks.
Sometimes WAP is sometimes confused with having no walls. This is one area where Trump and I are in agreement.
Jerry Falwell is the next inbred GOP cuck to come out officially.... as a cuck. lmao

Giancarlo Granda says his sexual relationship with the Falwells began when he was 20. He says he had sex with Becki Falwell while Jerry Falwell Jr, head of Liberty University and a staunch supporter of President Trump, looked on.

Filed Aug. 24, 2020, 4 p.m. GMT
WASHINGTON – In a claim likely to intensify the controversy surrounding one of the most influential figures in the American Christian conservative movement, a business partner of Jerry Falwell Jr has come forward to say he had a years-long sexual relationship involving Falwell’s wife and the evangelical leader.
Giancarlo Granda says he was 20 when he met Jerry and Becki Falwell while working as a pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel in March 2012. Starting that month and continuing into 2018, Granda told Reuters that the relationship involved him having sex with Becki Falwell while Jerry Falwell looked on.

Granda showed Reuters emails, text messages and other evidence that he says demonstrate the sexual nature of his relationship with the couple, who have been married since 1987.
I thought that someone else's sexuality or practices were nobody else's business.
The material Granda showed Reuters includes screenshots from what Granda said was a FaceTime conversation he had with the Falwells in 2019. During that call, Granda said, Becki was naked as the two discussed their relationship while Jerry peeked from behind a door. Reuters was able to verify Granda’s description of the screenshots.

Granda also shared an audio recording that he says captures a conversation he had with the Falwells in 2018. In it, Becki complained about Granda describing his relationships with other people: “He’s like telling me every time he hooks up with people. Like I don’t have feelings or something.” Jerry then chimed in: “You’re going to make her jealous.” “I’m not trying to do that,” Granda replied.


Typical bullshit "christians". No wonder the Fallwells support trump, they are just a couple of raging hypocritical pieces of shit like all the right wing nut job "christians" on here.
When you make other peoples sexuality your business then your sexuality becomes fair game for mockery.
So respond to hypocrisy with hypocrisy. Maybe not the best way to maintain the high ground, but it ain't my life so big whoop. Just don't get too offended next time somebody talks about homosexuality.
So respond to hypocrisy with hypocrisy. Maybe not the best way to maintain the high ground, but it ain't my life so big whoop. Just don't get too offended next time somebody talks about homosexuality.

So is maintaining the high ground the objective? I'm not against that. It's why I get so frustrated about whataboutism.
It’s interesting that this song is pure trash and the people up in arms about Shapiro’s take on this song are also pure trash. What a weird, wacky correlation!
It’s interesting that this song is pure trash and the people up in arms about Shapiro’s take on this song are also pure trash. What a weird, wacky correlation!
I can't believe this is like the 4th time youve tried the same spin and youre still going for it.

No one is mad about his take on the song. We're laughing at how much of a huge nerd he is and how its funny that his wife told him P-words shouldnt be wet.
I can't believe this is like the 4th time youve tried the same spin and youre still going for it.

No one is mad about his take on the song. We're laughing at how much of a huge nerd he is and how its funny that his wife told him P-words shouldnt be wet.

It's 85's shtick. He can't make a valid point using the truth, so he has to lie.

His worldview would completely and utterly crumble if he was forced to stop lying.
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I can't believe this is like the 4th time youve tried the same spin and youre still going for it.

No one is mad about his take on the song. We're laughing at how much of a huge nerd he is and how its funny that his wife told him P-words shouldnt be wet.

Ok so you've created a thread entirely due to a bad attempt at humor. Got it. Thanks for spamming the board again.
Ok so you've created a thread entirely due to a bad attempt at humor. Got it. Thanks for spamming the board again.
It is pretty funny. Most everyone enjoyed it except you because youre a rage fiend and if a thread doesnt make you rage you move on.

What is your blood pressure? You didnt share it last time, im guessing its because its through the roof with your face turning red with anger every single day. When was the last time you laughed at something that wasnt veiled anger at a liberal?