Bernie is the scumbag socialist we always knew he was

Does the crazy old man have any ideas that don't involve stealing someone's money? The lazy folks eat it up though.
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Yeah, I'm so dumb and dense that I go "Hmmm" when Trump...
  • Craps on NATO, Putin's Enemy #1.
  • Disses all over his own intelligence agencies because Putin told him he's innocent of their charges.
  • Has a private with Putin without any associate except for an interpreter.
Hopefully, I'll 'smarten up' after the Mueller Report comes out.

Sanctioned Russia, authorized lethal arms to Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers, attacked Putin’s ally in Syria, and demanded that NATO drastically boost defense spending which is bad news for Putin.

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Sanctioned Russia, authorized lethal arms to Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers, attacked Putin’s ally in Syria, and demanded that NATO drastically boost defense spending which is bad news for Putin.


The sanctions were lifted, you stupid lying sack of shit
i love how he has 3 houses but rallies against those evil rich people. not to mention that time he sold out after getting railroaded by his party. that was classic.
i love how he has 3 houses but rallies against those evil rich people. not to mention that time he sold out after getting railroaded by his party. that was classic.

Socialism is beautiful if you work for the ruling party of the government. Not as a regular citizen.
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i love how he has 3 houses but rallies against those evil rich people. not to mention that time he sold out after getting railroaded by his party. that was classic.
You think having 3 houses at his age is some sort of wild extravagant lifestyle? He's got a low 7 figure net worth. He's barely a millionaire. That's nothing to most baby boomers in retirement age let alone someone who could have abused his power to become incredibly wealthy.
You think having 3 houses at his age is some sort of wild extravagant lifestyle? He's got a low 7 figure net worth. He's barely a millionaire. That's nothing to most baby boomers in retirement age let alone someone who could have abused his power to become incredibly wealthy.

Low 7 figure assets for literally just working in the government. Poor Bernie only having 3 houses. Let's tax the people that have 4 houses so the crazy old man is ok.
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You think having 3 houses at his age is some sort of wild extravagant lifestyle? He's got a low 7 figure net worth. He's barely a millionaire. That's nothing to most baby boomers in retirement age let alone someone who could have abused his power to become incredibly wealthy.
are you arguing that having 3 houses is totally normal? LOL
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are you arguing that having 3 houses is totally normal? LOL
I don't like bernie, but that narrative is disingenuous. A cabin isn't a house and inheriting a house isnt unethical. Its presented as though he is ultra wealthy and has a summer home and a mansion in Aspen but that isnt the case.
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Bernie has a house in VT, a house in Washington, and bought a lake house in 2016 for 600k with funds from his wife selling a family home. That's pretty much exactly as I would have expected.
Wait. He's part of the top 1% but hes average?
Average for his age. Most of the 1% will be older because they have had more time to pillage. He's a presidential candidate who has been a public official his whole life and is only worth 2 million. My grandma has more money than Bernie Sanders and she's retired from the steel mills.

Meanwhile McConnell has a net worth of 27 million dollars. Bernie wouldn't even be eligible for the AOC 70% tax bracket based on his net worth let alone his annual income.
1%er is based on yearly income not assets for the record. I like how tens of millions is now average for someone That is far from average.
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1%er is based on yearly income not assets for the record. I like how tens of millions is now average for someone That is far from average.
Heres another one for FC: average wealth in the us is 301,000 but median wealth is just under 45,000. If Bernie has a net worth of 2 million bucks then he is over 6 times wealthier than the average american and over 40 times wealthier than the median. Yet, somehow he represents the average american. Sheesh.
Average for his age. Most of the 1% will be older because they have had more time to pillage. He's a presidential candidate who has been a public official his whole life and is only worth 2 million. My grandma has more money than Bernie Sanders and she's retired from the steel mills.

Meanwhile McConnell has a net worth of 27 million dollars. Bernie wouldn't even be eligible for the AOC 70% tax bracket based on his net worth let alone his annual income.


A guy who has never held a real job in his life has 3 houses worth $3M combined, another $2M or more in assets, and this guy thinks he's "average". Jesus Christ, talk about being out of touch with normal people.

But hey, since he "escapes" the brilliant AOC's top tax brackets- he's not rich! He's just a poor, meager socialist. Just like the left wing dictator despots that he reveres in Latin America. All of whom have palaces and untold riches.
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Average for his age. Most of the 1% will be older because they have had more time to pillage. He's a presidential candidate who has been a public official his whole life and is only worth 2 million. My grandma has more money than Bernie Sanders and she's retired from the steel mills.

Meanwhile McConnell has a net worth of 27 million dollars. Bernie wouldn't even be eligible for the AOC 70% tax bracket based on his net worth let alone his annual income.
OMG thank you for the laugh.

chicken just confirmed that he is a privileged rich white male. how badly do you hate yourself chicken?
Maybe the fact that you all think the socialists are coming after 80 year olds who have only managed to amass 2 million in net worth is why you are so afraid of them.

SMH at thinking 2 million bucks in total net worth is a lot at retirement age. I assumed everyone who was educated and had a successful career would be on the path to that number.
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Maybe the fact that you all think the socialists are coming after 80 year olds who have only managed to amass 2 million in net worth is why you are so afraid of them.

SMH at thinking 2 million bucks in total net worth is a lot at retirement age. I assumed everyone who was educated and had a successful career would be on the path to that number.
2 million is no big deal.
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2 million is no big deal.
2 million is a lot of money but you probably drive past 100 people a day who have that kind of net worth or will have it when they are Bernie's age. It's far from gold toilet wealth. People with money like that still budget and don't own yachts or planes.
2.5% of all Americans have $1M or more in net assets. Probably far fewer have $2M in net assets. Probably far, far fewer have the $3-5M in net asserts that Sanders does.

All for a lifetime of avoiding real work, sucking the D of left wing socialist dictator assholes, and sucking of the public government tit.

You are so out of touch and so wrong about everything you comment on, it hurts
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LOL at chicken on pretending $2m is not a lot of money to most people. it shows just how out of touch with reality this troll really is
lmao, I can already tell 85's little bitch, @UCFWayne is going to go full snowflake and put FC on ignore next, he's been embarrassed too many times by FC.
LOL at chicken on pretending $2m is not a lot of money to most people. it shows just how out of touch with reality this troll really is
If I won Bernie Sanders net worth in the lottery I would go to work the next day.

If I won Mitch McConnell's I wouldn't.
i think it would be a great idea for trump to offer asylum to venezuelans and then immediately sign them up to vote for the 2020 election.
2.5% of all Americans have $1M or more in net assets. Probably far fewer have $2M in net assets. Probably far, far fewer have the $3-5M in net asserts that Sanders does.

All for a lifetime of avoiding real work, sucking the D of left wing socialist dictator assholes, and sucking of the public government tit.

You are so out of touch and so wrong about everything you comment on, it hurts

No one is talking about taxing the shit out of low level millionaires. The fact that you think having a net worth of 2 million makes someone part of the ultra wealthy is hilarious. You can't even buy a single exotic car with those wealth levels. I interact with probably 100 people per week that have that on their PFS. I must live in the Beverly Hills of the Midwest because almost every retiree I deal with has that wealth.

Your problem is you just don't realize how ****ing rich baby boomers got on the backs of low wage millennials like you.
What type of assets should someone in Bernies position be expected to have? Is the outrage that he hasn't declined his salary? I'm confused here.
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What type of assets should someone in Bernies position be expected to have? Is the outrage that he hasn't declined his salary? I'm confused here.

He should have his other two houses seized since some don't have one home. That is the logic that Venezuela used. The Bible of Bernie. Plus most retirees are forced to live off SS, he should also do the same. Take that money too.

All fun and games until someone takes your money.
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I'm not even a Bernie fan, I just don't get the fascination with his assets. It's even stranger coming from certain Christian Conservatives who follow ultra rich mega church pastors. Should they be required to reject all worldly treasures?
I'm not even a Bernie fan, I just don't get the fascination with his assets. It's even stranger coming from certain Christian Conservatives who follow ultra rich mega church pastors. Should they be required to reject all worldly treasures?

That is really trying to tie two random things together. I don't like
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Not sure who is the person claiming $2M isn’t a lot of money but I have to laugh. If you make $200,000 a year, you take home about $125,000. If you have a couple of kids, a mortgage, two cars and take a vacation every year, you might be lucky to put $50,000 a year. Now when you think you might have about 20 years to be a top earner, that would be $1,000,000. If you work a total of 40 years and the other 29 years you can put away half that, you’re looking at $1,500,00. Now who out there has made $200,000 a year, now who has done it for 20 years?
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Not sure who is the person claiming $2M isn’t a lot of money but I have to laugh. If you make $200,000 a year, you take home about $125,000. If you have a couple of kids, a mortgage, two cars and take a vacation every year, you might be lucky to put $50,000 a year. Now when you think you might have about 20 years to be a top earner, that would be $1,000,000. If you work a total of 40 years and the other 29 years you can put away half that, you’re looking at $1,500,00. Now who out there has made $200,000 a year, now who has done it for 20 years?
You're not including any real estate appreciation, you're not giving any return on investment for savings. You're intentionally making it sound difficult to amass 2M in net worth in your scenario.
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That is really trying to tie two random things together. I don't like

Not trying hard at all, it's actually quite an easy parallel. Those who hate the church consistently criticize the lifestyle of the leadership. The followers justify it by sharing the same faith and by pointing to the good works. Same thing in the church of politics.

Another thing... the dude is married. Am I missing something or is nobody factoring in that his wife had a 6 figure job as school Pres?

Of course relative to everyone they're in elite company but anyone being intellectually honest knows we're talking about in relative terms. Nobody actually expects him to be living on the budget of a single mother teacher.

Yall will argue over what shade of blue the damn sky is. Why the hell is this even discussion worthy? Like others he's a career politician. They make over 6 figures. Do math.
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