My wife had preeclampsia too, although not severe and later in the pregnancy.
But I have news for you- do you know how doctors solve preeeclampsia past 30 weeks? They deliver the baby. I referred the testimony of a doctor's testimony to Congress to you about 5 times but you skipped over it every time. He said that in his 25 years of delivering babies, never, ever, has abortion been a credible or used solution for life threatening conditions to the mother in the 3rd trimester.
Even suggesting that abortion is the best recommended medial option was deemed absurd. They delivered the baby every single time to relieve the mother's condition.
And that is why your asinine defense of these disgusting, late term abortion laws that legalize elective abortions UP to birth is indefensible.
So, this is one area where Progressives get on my nerves.
Remember, I'm a Libertarian that believes abortion should be legal up until the baby is removed from the woman's body. I own that. I know several of you have a real issue with me over that.
But then Progressives use this 'logic' which pretty much is '0% science.' Why? Why can't they just admit they want a woman's right to abort whenever they want, as long as it's in the woman's body?
Nope, they want to demonize Republicans as not caring for a woman's body. And that's where it falls apart.
This whole
'War on Women' non-sense, when the Progressives are making their own bed, reminds me of this whole
'War on Serving Transgenders' in the wake of Manning's sentence being commuted.
Every time a Progressive talks about the 'medically necessary' case of late term abortions, let alone killing a baby of 30+ weeks outside the woman's body, I cringe just like I did when they were saying Manning was wrongly convicted and suffering in jail and needed her sentence commuted.
Same with the latest about the Trump ban on new Transgender entry - - not existing, but new (solving the no ex-post-facto) for those that will eventually get surgery. The US military bans entry or medically discharges a lot of people post-surgery for reasons of 'readiness.'
Other country's militaries also do the same thing, when their 'readiness' requirements match those of US forces. This includes some 'special forces' that match the requirements of the US Marine Expeditionary Forces when it comes to deployable combat roles too. We do follow the lead of other countries... Where their 'readiness' requirements are the same.
Progressives really need to STFU, and let us Libertarians make their arguments for them. Because they undermine themselves, and make us Libertarians look stupid... Because Progressives equate their views to things that we are not remotely arguing!
At this rate, Roe v. Wade will be overturned. Why? Progressive, 0% science logic. It's in total free fall right now. Women making arguments about things that aren't about their bodies at all. Women guilting men over things that men aren't even saying.
Just admit that if it's in your body, you want full control. I'll back women on that. Just don't try to say that men, doctors and others are going against medicine and science. Progressives just end up making Libertarians look like fellow idiots for supporting Pro-Choice, when we're focused on the Civil Liberties... Not 'hating on men' and 'hating on Republicans.'