I was in school in 1984. We went to games, but so many students did not. Sometimes we did not because of what it took to get to the CB and other things were happening. We have always had a good culture and a base of fans that were made during very lean times. That base has held fast through some really tough times and are now the donors who have such love for the program no matter who we play. But without the OCS we do not take the next step. We do not become a student phenomenon. We do not get Zombie Nation, we do not get alums back to campus, we do not get opposing fans to UCF's campus we don't get Bounce House weekend, spring game festivities, Game Day, etc.. The OCS/arena project was the most pivotal moment in UCF sports advancement. Getting B12 people on campus to see that had to be a giant factor.One could say our culture as a fanbase began at the citrus bowl. We brought furniture in box trucks, kegs in pickup trucks, and dj booths etc. we were there to party.
That culture only evolved with the ocs and memory mall. Usf has none of that