They are entitled to their opinion, however all of the BLM poster children (Trayvon, Baltimore, Ferguson, Minnesota, Baton Rouge) have each been shown to be either based on lies, justified or accidental and involved officers of various races. None of these victims were targeted because of race and all of them were either aggressive or resisted, except for the victim in MN, which appears to be a Hispanic officer who saw a man who he thought was wanted, reach for a gun, and that is tragic.
I'm sure you are aware that more white people are killed by police than blacks, and based on the recent Harvard study, there is no real difference as a percentage. Yes, I am aware that black males and police come in contact with each other more often than white males. What we don't know is why that is, but the left automatically cries racism. You never answered my question regarding "unlawful bias". The AG report on Ferguson states that the disproportionate number of arrests cannot be explained by blacks committing more crime, but "in part" by racial bias. What part? 10% 50%? What accounts for the other part? It has to be something other than racial bias according to this report?
The race problem is much bigger than that and won't be solved on a UCF message board. But my opinion is that we have failed the black community by creating a permanent victim class through well intentioned programs designed to help and repent for the sins of slavery. It hasn't worked. It has created 2 separate societies that will never be viewed as equal as long as we treat blacks as helpless victims that can't succeed without our help. I know those on the left will have a very different view on that.
The only anectdotal evidence I have is through athletics. Playing football at UCF we lived, ate, studied, worked and fought together. We loved eachother like brothers and still do. We succeeded or failed based on our own merits. Nobody was screaming racism. Outside of that and church, to me, black and white America is largely separated and anybody that doesn't view black people as helpless victims is labeled a racist or entitled. I don't have the answers but whatever we are doing now is not working.