The DNC wisely chose to avoid any US flags on their stage, to assure they don't offend any of the illegal immigrants they're marching up there to speak.

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MACHater02 said:

Chaci LOL, Antonio Sabato Jr. LOL, Dana White LOL


You may not have implicitly stated that but it was definitely implied that the GOP's lack of "star power" was laughable. And to that my response is more than valid. I'm not going to vote for a candidate just because Katy Perry or John Legend says it's cool and trendy to do so.
It's fitting that they had Sarah Silverman speak, a vile cretin who thinks that abortions are hilarious.

She's the kind of left wing fanatic that is a perfect symbol for the entire DNC this year. It was equally great watching her argue with Bernie people from the podium.
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Thanks for the updates, Won't be watching any of this BS. But an quick overview is nice to have.
MACHater02 said:

Chaci LOL, Antonio Sabato Jr. LOL, Dana White LOL


You may not have implicitly stated that but it was definitely implied that the GOP's lack of "star power" was laughable. And to that my response is more than valid. I'm not going to vote for a candidate just because Katy Perry or John Legend says it's cool and trendy to do so.
Michelle Obama had the best speech at both conventions thus far.
Michelle Obama had the best speech at both conventions thus far.

She also went way over the top in trying to counter Trump. It was laughable to hear someone who just 8 years ago said "for the first time in their lives I'm proud to be an American", up there yelling about how we're now the greatest country in the world. Especially at a time when millions of people in this country feel like this "greatness" they're talking about hasn't found itself to where they live.

Also interesting to hear her say that Democrats take the high road, when the convention began with the revelation that the DNC itself was lying, colluding, and working behind the scenes to sabotage and disenfranchise a huge part of its' base.
She also went way over the top in trying to counter Trump. It was laughable to hear someone who just 8 years ago said "for the first time in their lives I'm proud to be an American", up there yelling about how we're now the greatest country in the world. Especially at a time when millions of people in this country feel like this "greatness" they're talking about hasn't found itself to where they live.

Also interesting to hear her say that Democrats take the high road, when the convention began with the revelation that the DNC itself was lying, colluding, and working behind the scenes to sabotage and disenfranchise a huge part of its' base.
After what I saw last week, your first sentence negated your whole post. Just sit back and take notes.
SyFy picked a great week to counter program the DNC with incredibly shitty, but still better than the DNC, shark movies. Dam Sharks! last night with Planet of the Sharks, Ozark Sharks and Atomic Shark on the menu.

For eye candy, the lead in Atomic Sharks:
What is the possible prison term for (a) harboring and transporting an illegal immigrant and (b) profiting off said illegal immigrant?

(A) 5 years and (b) 10 years, I believe.
The blatant hate and disregard for police on display is not surprising but shocking still.

I hope this pandering and hate of police bites them squarely in the ass.
I wanted to give Tim Kaine the benefit of the doubt but he is a flat out liar, Hillary picked the male version of herself.
This threads proves conclusively that discussing politics is useless as people on each side wholeheartedly believe the other side is full of shit and under no circumstances will they be swayed to believe otherwise.

This threads proves conclusively that discussing politics is useless as people on each side wholeheartedly believe the other side is full of shit and under no circumstances will they be swayed to believe otherwise.

I think we need to create a new religious thread. Havent had one of those in awhile...
without knowing everything about every Trump failing in Tampa specifically....i'm sure he could have chosen many, many more examples that prove the same point about the dumbass.
without knowing the specifics he should not have gone into detail about Trump personally causing people to lose deposits. Fact is Kaine lied, he is as morally corrupt as his partner.
This threads proves conclusively that discussing politics is useless as people on each side wholeheartedly believe the other side is full of shit and under no circumstances will they be swayed to believe otherwise.


Yeap. It's funny to watch the idiots on their knees thinking either the orange raccoon or Hillary are worth a shit.
This threads proves conclusively that discussing politics is useless as people on each side wholeheartedly believe the other side is full of shit and under no circumstances will they be swayed to believe otherwise.

This board was a lot better for those few days in which we discussed how we sh!t, how we wipe our sh!t, and whether or not we cover the toilet seat to sh!t.
