Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

Snip from article.

Maybe the Trump phenomenon is so unprecedented that no statistical model could have foreseen it. Or maybe it took a candidate as unique as Donald Trump to reveal the flaws and limitations of Silver’s prediction machine.
Silver isn't wrong. Hillary, even the fraud and criminal that she is, will coast to a victory vs Trump.

Independents, latinos, and most anyone with a brain will not vote for Trump. His unfavorable ratings in these key groups is off the charts. He will be the most disliked candidate to ever run for President.

If braindead morons keep voting for Trump then you can start practicing "President Clinton" again.
even if he calmed down he already has given the Clinton camp an abundance of opposition material. He will be labeled as the racist candidate.

The cuck rage is worth it. GOPe weren't going to win any hoo, haven't won w all these great "electable" candidates but keep trying the same thing & expecting a different result.0
If braindead morons
What this cycle is teaching us more than anything is just how big this segment is in our country. And how many of them call themselves Republicans (I guess).

I cant wait for Donald to, out loud into a live mic on national TV during the first debate, call Hillary a bitch (or worse) and have it be met with a a standing ovation by his braindead moron voting base.
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What this cycle is teaching us more than anything is just how big this segment is in our country. And how many of them call themselves Republicans (I guess).

I cant wait for Donald to, out loud into a live mic on national TV during the first debate, call Hillary a bitch (or worse) and have it be met with a a standing ovation by his braindead moron voting base.
As far as I'm concerned, everyone on this planet other than myself and a select few are braindead morons, especially dems.

The cuck rage is worth it. GOPe weren't going to win any hoo, haven't won w all these great "electable" candidates but keep trying the same thing & expecting a different result.0

That's a fine theory, even if it's completely and utterly wrong. Again.

Most every poll, including the ones released today, reflect the fact that both Rubio and Cruz would beat Clinton head to head. They also show that Clinton will kick the shit out of Trump.

And you know prefer conspiracy over fact, but these are the current facts.
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Most every poll, including the ones released today, reflect the fact that both Rubio and Cruz would beat Clinton head to head.
I have a feeling people are saying that now because they like the idea of someone beating Trump. So for the guy who does it, people will think highly of him. Meanwhile if it is Trump, then people flock to Hillary to defeat him.

Once (if) Rubio is the nominee and gets past the 'beats Trump honeymoon phase', he'll probably get crushed on wanting to reverse gay marriage and Hillary wins.
Didn't all the polls also say Trump wasn't gonna do shit. Polls schmolls. Losers lose winners win. Now back to the fantasy where the GOPe has gotten it all right the last 2 POTUS elections.
Didn't all the polls also say Trump wasn't gonna do shit. Polls schmolls. Losers lose winners win. Now back to the fantasy where the GOPe has gotten it all right the last 2 POTUS elections.
most of the Trump primary polls have been right since Dec-Jan. He's underperformed on margins though, if he's going to brag about polls in every speech his fans can't dismiss him losing every General Election one released
Didn't all the polls also say Trump wasn't gonna do shit. Polls schmolls. Losers lose winners win. Now back to the fantasy where the GOPe has gotten it all right the last 2 POTUS elections.

You do realize the nominees are elected right... As in people vote for them.
I have a feeling people are saying that now because they like the idea of someone beating Trump. So for the guy who does it, people will think highly of him. Meanwhile if it is Trump, then people flock to Hillary to defeat him.

Once (if) Rubio is the nominee and gets past the 'beats Trump honeymoon phase', he'll probably get crushed on wanting to reverse gay marriage and Hillary wins.
that's a fair point but it's impossible for Rubio to have the unfavorability rating that Trump already has. Trump will motivate and drive turnout on the Left, Rubio does not come off nearly as threatening to the General Electorate
Silver isn't wrong. Hillary, even the fraud and criminal that she is, will coast to a victory vs Trump.

Independents, latinos, and most anyone with a brain will not vote for Trump. His unfavorable ratings in these key groups is off the charts. He will be the most disliked candidate to ever run for President.

If braindead morons keep voting for Trump then you can start practicing "President Clinton" again.
Yes because what this country really needs is another establishment candidate like Rubio who will govern no differently than Hillary or a religious whack job like Cruz. Love him or hate him, Trump is the only person that can destroy the republican establishment which is what is needed. No establishment republican can win a national election. We learned that last time with Romney, the demographics don't favor it and your golden boy Rubio wants to add another 15 to 20 million democrats to keep changing the voting pool.
I'm more of fan of the anti GOP establishment, Trump has surpassed my wildest expectations of showing all these secret money cucks that people ain't feelin so they can eat shit
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Even after writing all of that... You still can't grasp why the Donald is rightly surging? People with a backbone & a brain are tired of the new good ol boys club of the political fake drama class. Donald Trump's politics come in a distant second to the fact that the ruling political does not want him. Well I don't want the political ruling class happy so I'll be continuing to go hard in the paint for the Donald.

You must not have read my other post. Where I talk about politicians bailing out the buddies and leaving citizens to suffer. I understand the anger, problem is Trump was right in the middle of all the garbage playing along. He and Hillary are the same 1930s Progressive liberal. The same group that pushed for and caused the problem. Uninformed voters just use him as a blank slate and fill in the details they want to hear.
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I'm more of fan of the anti GOP establishment, Trump has surpassed my wildest expectations of showing all these secret money cucks that people ain't feelin so they can eat shit
So what is your view on the democratic side. If the republican establishment is bad, at least they are not as corrupted as the rigged democratic primary process.
So what is your view on the democratic side. If the republican establishment is bad, at least they are not as corrupted as the rigged democratic primary process.
Coca Cola Classic: Diet Coke as Democrat Establishment: Republican Establishment.

So done w fake opposition (CuxNews Channel, Rubio, Cruzman Sachs etc)
Coke is to the GOP what Chemmie is to white people/Republicans/Democrats/chain restaurants/America/Latest faux rage. At least Coke is consistent though.
Someone I know had dinner at a pretty secluded place the other night. The next table over was Romney and Ryan. I wonder if Ryan was able to talk him into running. I'd take him over Rubio, but I would think if his big news conference is tomorrow at 1 than it would have likely leaked by now.
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Romney would do very well against Clinton. She couldn't use the wealth thing against him. He'd be a great President. More business savvy than Trump and not a giant asshole. At this point losing would be better for the GOP if Trump is the nominee. Disavow Trump, let him run as an independent and keep control of Congress to keep the gridlock going. More people still hate Trump than like him. Rubio and Ryan will both be great candidates in 4 years and would destroy Clinton after the country tanks for four more years. I think too much will change in 8 for those two if Trump is elected and scorches the earth.
Romney would do very well against Clinton. She couldn't use the wealth thing against him. He'd be a great President. More business savvy than Trump and not a giant asshole. At this point losing would be better for the GOP if Trump is the nominee. Disavow Trump, let him run as an independent and keep control of Congress to keep the gridlock going. More people still hate Trump than like him. Rubio and Ryan will both be great candidates in 4 years and would destroy Clinton after the country tanks for four more years. I think too much will change in 8 for those two if Trump is elected and scorches the earth.
Bob, you're part of the problem. You think people hate Trump, what you have not accepted is it does not matter how much they hate Trumo, they hate the republican establishment more. Paul Ryan approved and supported Obama's budget one month into office. The republicans have given Obama everything he has wanted and pussed out of any fight with him. The people that supported the republican establishment and tea party republicans gave them both huge support and wins in 2010 and 2014 and got nothing in return. This is what created Trump the canadidate and nothing Paul Ryan, Mott Romney or Marco Rubio will change that.
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I h

Once (if) Rubio is the nominee and gets past the 'beats Trump honeymoon phase', he'll probably get crushed on wanting to reverse gay marriage and Hillary wins.

Rubio is already done, unless it is a brokered convention. He is 200+ delegates behind trump and 100+ behind Cruz.. Almost all of the Primary's so far have been open and allowed cross over voting. For the most part that stops. I expect Trump to lose 1 to 3% of his vote, now dems can't switch. But even with that he will be tough to overcome. Rubio won't drop out before Fla vote, problem is if trump wins Fla and Ohio, it will be almost impossible to catch him. The smart move is the one that won't happen, Rubio drop out and (NOW) form a Cruz/Rubio Ticket. You combine their votes, and They def win Fla, Have a real shot in OH. And might even run the table from that point on.
Bob, you're part of the problem. You think people hate Trump, what you have not accepted is it does not matter how much they hate Trumo, they hate the republican establishment more. Paul Ryan approved and supported Obama's budget one month into office. The republicans have given Obama everything he has wanted and pussed out of any fight with him. The people that supported the republican establishment and tea party republicans gave them both huge support and wins in 2010 and 2014 and got nothing in return. This is what created Trump the canadidate and nothing Paul Ryan, Mott Romney or Marco Rubio will change that.

What can Congress do with President Nobama? He has and would veto everything that doesn't fit his agenda. If the government was shut down again it would be would be spun as the GOPs fault, not Obama, just like before. They couldn't do that this close to the election.
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What can Congress do with President Nobama? He has and would veto everything that doesn't fit his agenda. If the government was shut down again it would be would be spun as the GOPs fault, not Obama, just like before. They couldn't do that this close to the election.
It's been eight years of spineless republican congress. Even in a majority in both houses they can't seem to even stop this president from brining in illegals and poor economic policies. It's been the states that have sued Obama, it's been the states that have fought back with little to no help from the establishment of tea party members. You say shutting down the government would backfire on the republicans, well as you can see by trump, what they have been doing is backfiring on them. The problem with the establishment is they would rather piss of republicans than democrats. For that, they will lose power. Look no further than your very own comment where you said you would vote for Hillary over Trump.
It's been eight years of spineless republican congress. Even in a majority in both houses they can't seem to even stop this president from brining in illegals and poor economic policies. It's been the states that have sued Obama, it's been the states that have fought back with little to no help from the establishment of tea party members. You say shutting down the government would backfire on the republicans, well as you can see by trump, what they have been doing is backfiring on them. The problem with the establishment is they would rather piss of republicans than democrats. For that, they will lose power. Look no further than your very own comment where you said you would vote for Hillary over Trump.

It's like debating with Trump. You just scream and say nothing. What should the Repub Congress have done the last 14 months (not 8 years)?
The positive things I can think of what's Congress got done I like lately have been Rand Paul fighting for our privacy & the audit the fed bill Cruzman Sachs didn't bother voting for.
That's a fine theory, even if it's completely and utterly wrong. Again.

Most every poll, including the ones released today, reflect the fact that both Rubio and Cruz would beat Clinton head to head. They also show that Clinton will kick the shit out of Trump.

And you know prefer conspiracy over fact, but these are the current facts.
You have to look at poll methodology . Polls nowadays are no different than political sabotage coordinated with the media.
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That's a fine theory, even if it's completely and utterly wrong. Again.

Most every poll, including the ones released today, reflect the fact that both Rubio and Cruz would beat Clinton head to head. They also show that Clinton will kick the shit out of Trump.

And you know prefer conspiracy over fact, but these are the current facts.

Gore led Bush in the polls too.

It is more complex than just a "random sampling of 1000 likely voters or whatever."

Down ballot races in key states driving higher turnout than normal, weather driving in person voting down, there are a 1000 moving parts that effect the outcome of electoral votes.

Even if you believe the polls you are quoting, what you are leaving out of the argument is that John Kasich and several other people not currently in the race poll higher against Clinton or Sanders.

Just because either one of those losers "might" win, doesnt mean they are the best candidates or have a realistic shot at beating her. They won't. Rubio can't even win his home state in a primary. His unfavorables in his home state or 60/40 underwater. You think he can pull nationally? Keep dreaming. Rubio wouldn't even be in the race if John Kasich wasn't the second coming of John McCain in the eyes of many conservatives and Cruz wasn't Barry Goldwater waiting to happen again.
Rubio is already done, unless it is a brokered convention. He is 200+ delegates behind trump and 100+ behind Cruz.. Almost all of the Primary's so far have been open and allowed cross over voting. For the most part that stops. I expect Trump to lose 1 to 3% of his vote, now dems can't switch. But even with that he will be tough to overcome. Rubio won't drop out before Fla vote, problem is if trump wins Fla and Ohio, it will be almost impossible to catch him. The smart move is the one that won't happen, Rubio drop out and (NOW) form a Cruz/Rubio Ticket. You combine their votes, and They def win Fla, Have a real shot in OH. And might even run the table from that point on.
The people who do this stuff for a living have run the numbers on this stuff many times. If that could realistically happen, it would have already happened. It can't. With the exception of the frozen north of Alaska (who all thought Palin was a good idea) Cruz polls in the loser category nationally once you get away from a 600 mile radius of Dallas TX. Rubio is viewed as too young by Establishment voters and too much of a stooge by the Tea Party people who saw him run as an outsider for Senate and quickly turn to an insider to raise money to run for President.

The best thing you can say about a Cruz/Rubio ticket is that the gun money would be unlimited and that alone, not the candidates, might move the needle 1 or 2% in terms of turnout in swing states.
Hey Mitt how'd that election(s) work out? Mormon private equity asshole couldn't even beat John InSain when he was actually not too old.
What can Congress do with President Nobama? He has and would veto everything that doesn't fit his agenda. If the government was shut down again it would be would be spun as the GOPs fault, not Obama, just like before. They couldn't do that this close to the election.

Do the 'F the Establishment' Trumpbots understand how Government works?

One of the main talking points is they never repealed & replaced Obamacare and is putting the blame on Congressional & Senate Republicans. They put a Bill on President's Obama's desk at least 7 times but he's not going to sign a bill to overturn one of the signature platforms of his Presidency.