Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

I agree they are sick of both parties, Trump will vote and work with Dems. He will not blow everything up.

Romney won big with independents, he didn't turn out his own base. 3 million less Republicans voted for him than McCain.

Establishment, no. Conservative yes. Reagan ran as Conservative and won. as did W, who really was not a conservative. HW ran as continuation of Reagan. insider canidates, Dole, Mcain, and Romney all lost. If Reps run as conservatives, they can do well, If they run as Democrat lites, Voters will pick the real Dem.

I think any of these Reps have a shot at hillary. The FBI noose may be around her neck by then. And if it isn't, she is not loved by anyone, including her husband. As for VP it doesn't really matter.

Country has changed a lot since 1984...when Hispanics made up just 3% of those that voted in that election while Asians/others combined didn't even total 1%.

Obama proved in 2008...say anything to get elected...then worry about how things are done there is zero benefit from telling the hard truth during a campaign.
You said you were going to vote for Hillary if Trump wins nomination. Now you say you won't vote for Trump because he is a pathalogical liar. Come on Bob, seriously?

I am very very very serious.

Yes, I would vote for Hillary over Trump. That doesn't make me a Democrat. That doesn't mean I will vote for Hillary if there are better third party options.

Yes, Trump is a very very very big pathological liar. 78% of what he says is very very very false. Pretty much everything he said last night was a lie. He changed his position on work visas three times last night in the span of three hours.

Al Gore is sane? A rapist who was in the Oval for 8 years is sane? Hillary who added to the destruction of innocent women he abused is sane?
really? you may want to rethink that.

I have never supported any of those people.
I am very very very serious.

Yes, I would vote for Hillary over Trump. That doesn't make me a Democrat. That doesn't mean I will vote for Hillary if there are better third party options.

Yes, Trump is a very very very big pathological liar. 78% of what he says is very very very false. Pretty much everything he said last night was a lie. He changed his position on work visas three times last night in the span of three hours.

I have never supported any of those people.
Bob, I can think of no worse liar in politics than Hillary.
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I've said it several times before. We need more than a 2 party system. What we really need is at least 4 parties:
super conservatives
moderate conservatives
moderate liberals
super liberals

There are just too many people in this country to only have 2 choices.
I don't care about Hillary. She's not running in the GOP primary.
But you said you would vote for Hillary over Trump yet Hillary is the worse liar in the business. Be consistent Bob.

My guess is you're upset that your establishment candidate has little to no chance of winning and it upsets you. You need to realize that Rubio has no shot at beating Hillary in the general no matter what polls say. Do the electoral college math, the "blue wall" which has gone democrat for the past six presidential elections represents 242 of the 270 votes necessary to become President. A republican establishment candidate will never win a national election again, at least the way the establishment is run today. Trump could win NY, could win Penn, could win Michigan amongst others. Face it Bob, if the republicans have any chance at winning they need a non traditional candidate and there is only one of those in this race on the GOP side.
I am very very very serious.

Yes, I would vote for Hillary over Trump. That doesn't make me a Democrat.

But you said you would vote for Hillary over Trump yet Hillary is the worse liar in the business. Be consistent Bob.

My guess is you're upset that your establishment candidate has little to no chance of winning and it upsets you. You need to realize that Rubio has no shot at beating Hillary in the general no matter what polls say. Do the electoral college math, the "blue wall" which has gone democrat for the past six presidential elections represents 242 of the 270 votes necessary to become President. A republican establishment candidate will never win a national election again, at least the way the establishment is run today. Trump could win NY, could win Penn, could win Michigan amongst others. Face it Bob, if the republicans have any chance at winning they need a non traditional candidate and there is only one of those in this race on the GOP side.

Bob reminds me of many in the establishment that are upset that all of their donated $$$ are going to they continue to believe in the establishment lie.

Its actually funny to see even libs (some on this site) attacking Trump on social media...(even Hillary is doing it) because they all know that Trump would be the hardest to defeat (hence why most libs are not wasting time on bashing Cruz/Rubio, etc...), let alone the GOP establishment had to bring out Romney from the back of a closest to due their "Trump Bashing" yesterday...all because they know their "old way" of doing things has those in the establishment have basically wasted their power over the last 30 years and many voters are just sick and tired of it all.
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But you said you would vote for Hillary over Trump yet Hillary is the worse liar in the business. Be consistent Bob.

My guess is you're upset that your establishment candidate has little to no chance of winning and it upsets you. You need to realize that Rubio has no shot at beating Hillary in the general no matter what polls say. Do the electoral college math, the "blue wall" which has gone democrat for the past six presidential elections represents 242 of the 270 votes necessary to become President. A republican establishment candidate will never win a national election again, at least the way the establishment is run today. Trump could win NY, could win Penn, could win Michigan amongst others. Face it Bob, if the republicans have any chance at winning they need a non traditional candidate and there is only one of those in this race on the GOP side.

I am being very very very consistent. I will not vote for Trump. I would vote for Hillary over Trump if I have to choose between the two of them. I don't care who the GOP nominee is as long as it's not the very very very petulant psychopath. I don't care about the GOP winning if the nominee is very very very awful. I care more about the country. Hillary and Trump have the same views on most major policies, at least when Trump isn't lying about them.
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But you said you would vote for Hillary over Trump yet Hillary is the worse liar in the business. Be consistent Bob.

My guess is you're upset that your establishment candidate has little to no chance of winning and it upsets you. You need to realize that Rubio has no shot at beating Hillary in the general no matter what polls say. Do the electoral college math, the "blue wall" which has gone democrat for the past six presidential elections represents 242 of the 270 votes necessary to become President. A republican establishment candidate will never win a national election again, at least the way the establishment is run today. Trump could win NY, could win Penn, could win Michigan amongst others. Face it Bob, if the republicans have any chance at winning they need a non traditional candidate and there is only one of those in this race on the GOP side.


It's f*cking unreal the amount of bullshit you'll spew as fact. The Republicans lose 2 elections and suddenly you declare they'll never win another without some asshole like Trump?

I bet you're the guy claiming the Democrats would never win again following Bush's re-election.

You're also absolutely stoned or severely stupid if you think Trump has ANY chance of winning NY. This alone proves just how little you actually understand about politics despite your typical chest thumping.

The actual aggregate polling shows Rubio and Cruz beating Clinton while Trump gets absolutely thumped. This is not one poll, this is an aggregate of over 20 polls.

Enjoy voting for a guy who wants to ban an entire religion and isn't sure if a KKK endorsement is all that bad.
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The actual aggregate polling shows Rubio and Cruz beating Clinton while Trump gets absolutely thumped. This is not one poll, this is an aggregate of over 20 polls.

Yet...Trump's support continues to grow every month...hence why libs everywhere are bashing Trump every chance they get because they know he would probably be the toughest (and most unconventional, hard to predict) candidate that the GOP could ever put up.

There's a reason why the libs aren't wasting one second bashing Cruz or Rubio...because they know the snowball of Trump support will only continue to grow.
Trump support isn't growing. He's been in the 30-40% range for months. 2/3rds of voters have voted for some else.
Trump support isn't growing. He's been in the 30-40% range for months. 2/3rds of voters have voted for some else.

lol months ago Trump supporters were nicknaming him Donald "The Ceiling" Trump cos the early detracting cucks like Billy Kristol were trying that same bogus argument

btw did anyone say 2/3 of the voters didn't vote for InSain or RMoney?
and same aggregate polls have Sanders beating everyone

Sanders +8 over Drumpf
Sanders +9.7 over the Booger Eater
Sanders +3.3 over Mr Ruboto
Sanders +0.5 over the sane one

and same aggregate polls have Sanders beating everyone

Sanders +8 over Drumpf
Sanders +9.7 over the Booger Eater
Sanders +3.3 over Mr Ruboto
Sanders +0.5 over the sane one


What good would he do? Tax us senseless? Sorry, free costs of everything will destroy the ingenuity and creative progress of the American spirit. It would make for a lazy country without ambition who just wait to see what the government could hand out. Nothing wrong with building a rich empire and choosing who and where it goes to.
Dump skips a debate because he's afraid of Megyn Kelly, now he's skipping CPAC because he was exposed last night and is afraid of the questions all those big meanie conservatives are going to ask.
I am being very very very consistent. I will not vote for Trump. I would vote for Hillary over Trump if I have to choose between the two of them. I don't care who the GOP nominee is as long as it's not the very very very petulant psychopath. I don't care about the GOP winning if the nominee is very very very awful. I care more about the country. Hillary and Trump have the same views on most major policies, at least when Trump isn't lying about them.
Well than, go get your Hillary button because she is your candidate. You sound like a child crying and taking their ball home. Fact is Bob if you are really one of those whiny losers that will vote Hillary over Trump because you don't like Trump than just say so. But knowing you are an establishment republican there is zero reasons why to vote for Hillary over Trump with the exception that Trump bitch slapped your establishment and exposed them for what they are, losers.

It's f*cking unreal the amount of bullshit you'll spew as fact. The Republicans lose 2 elections and suddenly you declare they'll never win another without some asshole like Trump?

I bet you're the guy claiming the Democrats would never win again following Bush's re-election.

You're also absolutely stoned or severely stupid if you think Trump has ANY chance of winning NY. This alone proves just how little you actually understand about politics despite your typical chest thumping.

The actual aggregate polling shows Rubio and Cruz beating Clinton while Trump gets absolutely thumped. This is not one poll, this is an aggregate of over 20 polls.

Enjoy voting for a guy who wants to ban an entire religion and isn't sure if a KKK endorsement is all that bad.
I have to agree with some of the libs that have been on this board, reading your rants are very entertaining. Let me do the math for you, 28, that is all the electoral college votes a Dem really needs against the boring old republican establishment, 28. No way in hell Rubio or any other propped up POS establishment candidate would win any of the blue states. Yes I do think Trump could win NY, he is a New Yorker unlike the old Senator from NY. I live in this $hit hole, I see Trump stickers and yard signs all over Long Island. I'm willing to bet that there has not been this much support for a republican presidential candidate since RR.

Are you seriously spouting polls to me in March when there are still six active candidates running? Let me help you out a little, back at this exact same time in 2012 here were the following polls:

ABC News - Romney +2 over Obama
Rasmussen - Romney +6 over Obama
USA Today - Romney +4 over Obama
Gallup - Romney +5 over Obama

Now there were many with Obama beating Romney as well but that was March, 2012. No one with half a brain considers polls worthy when the two candidates are not yet identified. You are what we call a low information voter. You actually believe that Trump did not reject the David Duke endorsement when there are literally dozens of audio and video examples of him doing such a thing. Not only recently but for decades. You also think he wants to ban an entire religion, 85, turnoff MSNBC for a while and do some research. He said he would stop all immigration of Muslims temporarily from certain region until the State Department could get their act in order.

But hey 85, who needs facts when we have your sensationalism.
I've said I don't like Trump and that is one of the main reasons I'm not voting for him. I don't like his personality, I don't like his made up panderly policies that keep changing by the hour, I don't like anything about him. Trump is garnering 35% of the popular vote and the number hasn't been climbing, he's had that for six months. That is not a bitch slapping.
I've said I don't like Trump and that is one of the main reasons I'm not voting for him. I don't like his personality, I don't like his made up panderly policies that keep changing by the hour, I don't like anything about him. Trump is garnering 35% of the popular vote and the number hasn't been climbing, he's had that for six months. That is not a bitch slapping.
And how much does your establishment guy garner?
I have to agree with some of the libs that have been on this board, reading your rants are very entertaining. Let me do the math for you, 28, that is all the electoral college votes a Dem really needs against the boring old republican establishment, 28. No way in hell Rubio or any other propped up POS establishment candidate would win any of the blue states. Yes I do think Trump could win NY, he is a New Yorker unlike the old Senator from NY. I live in this $hit hole, I see Trump stickers and yard signs all over Long Island. I'm willing to bet that there has not been this much support for a republican presidential candidate since RR.

Are you seriously spouting polls to me in March when there are still six active candidates running? Let me help you out a little, back at this exact same time in 2012 here were the following polls:

ABC News - Romney +2 over Obama
Rasmussen - Romney +6 over Obama
USA Today - Romney +4 over Obama
Gallup - Romney +5 over Obama

Now there were many with Obama beating Romney as well but that was March, 2012. No one with half a brain considers polls worthy when the two candidates are not yet identified. You are what we call a low information voter. You actually believe that Trump did not reject the David Duke endorsement when there are literally dozens of audio and video examples of him doing such a thing. Not only recently but for decades. You also think he wants to ban an entire religion, 85, turnoff MSNBC for a while and do some research. He said he would stop all immigration of Muslims temporarily from certain region until the State Department could get their act in order.

But hey 85, who needs facts when we have your sensationalism.

There's too much idiocy in this post so I'll focus on just one point of idiotic nonsense: your assertion that Trump's desire to "temporarily" pause the entry of Muslims into the country because the "State Department could get their act together", despite the fact that absolutely no one in the government asked for that.

Let me state something: you're a dangerous f*cking idiot if you think that ANYONE supporting a blanket ban against an ENTIRE RELIGION is a sane policy for the United States of America. If you think this is a good policy, then please, NEVER speak to anyone ever again about "supporting freedom" or whatever other load of bullshit you tell yourself.

Because at that point, the definition for you is simple: fascist. You're a fascist and support a fascist.

I could only imagine your hysterics if a candidate floated the idea to ban all Jews from entering the country.

The fact that you think my opposition to this grotesque idea is the byproduct of MSNBC (you know, since I apparently watch it these days) tells me just how utterly hopeless and demented your brain truly is.
There's too much idiocy in this post so I'll focus on just one point of idiotic nonsense: your assertion that Trump's desire to "temporarily" pause the entry of Muslims into the country because the "State Department could get their act together", despite the fact that absolutely no one in the government asked for that.

Let me state something: you're a dangerous f*cking idiot if you think that ANYONE supporting a blanket ban against an ENTIRE RELIGION is a sane policy for the United States of America. If you think this is a good policy, then please, NEVER speak to anyone ever again about "supporting freedom" or whatever other load of bullshit you tell yourself.

Because at that point, the definition for you is simple: fascist. You're a fascist and support a fascist.

I could only imagine your hysterics if a candidate floated the idea to ban all Jews from entering the country.

The fact that you think my opposition to this grotesque idea is the byproduct of MSNBC (you know, since I apparently watch it these days) tells me just how utterly hopeless and demented your brain truly is.
You know how you know you are winning a debate, the other guy throws out personal insults.

85, this is so much fun, not only watching you lose it but your entire republican establishment crumbling right in front of your eyes. I like how you pass over all the poll information in my post calling it "idiocy." Those "idiocy" were facts but hey, no need for those 85 in your life. I could care less for what the State department was asking for or not asking for. I also remember the State Department no asking for help in Benghazi as well. That turned out pretty good I guess.
It doesn't matter if no one is getting 50%.

If you're pinning your hopes on a brokered convention we anti establishment fans win as well. The republicans can't win without a Trump supporters and if the establishment screws over Trump at the convention the party will die just the same.
If you're pinning your hopes on a brokered convention we anti establishment fans win as well. The republicans can't win without a Trump supporters and if the establishment screws over Trump at the convention the party will die just the same.

So you'll vote for Hillary if there are three guys with 30% and trump loses at the convention?
You know how you know you are winning a debate, the other guy throws out personal insults.

85, this is so much fun, not only watching you lose it but your entire republican establishment crumbling right in front of your eyes. I like how you pass over all the poll information in my post calling it "idiocy." Those "idiocy" were facts but hey, no need for those 85 in your life. I could care less for what the State department was asking for or not asking for. I also remember the State Department no asking for help in Benghazi as well. That turned out pretty good I guess.

You're incredible. I point out how you're a fascist and support fascism by supporting a ban on an entire religion from entering the country, and you throw out some completely irrelevant anecdote about Benghazi. The scary thing is, in your brain, you probably actually make a credible link between the two. Studies should be done to assess just how that is possible.

There's literally no policy more utterly anti-American than banning people from entering based solely upon their religion, yet here you are, waving your pom poms about the idea all because your lunatic demagogue proposed it in his typical bit of insanity.

Does it make you sad knowing you're a fascist?
You're incredible. I point out how you're a fascist and support fascism by supporting a ban on an entire religion from entering the country, and you throw out some completely irrelevant anecdote about Benghazi. The scary thing is, in your brain, you probably actually make a credible link between the two. Studies should be done to assess just how that is possible.

There's literally no policy more utterly anti-American than banning people from entering based solely upon their religion, yet here you are, waving your pom poms about the idea all because your lunatic demagogue proposed it in his typical bit of insanity.

Does it make you sad knowing you're a fascist?
Wow, you're mind is a mess. Tell me about fascism again? Its called defending the country but I would hardly think you would get it. You will be the MSNBC anchor and spin it like he hates Muslims. You know what he said but keep spinning. His comments were because of the Syrian refugees that Obama wanted to bring in and was after the terrorist attack in California.

Your exact words were the State Department did not ask for help, well the State Department has a history under this administration not asking for help when they should be asking. As for my support of this policy, you damn right I support a TEMPORARY BAN of MUSLIM IMMIGRATION FROM CONFLICT AREAS until the State Department comes up with a process to property screen the very people they want to bring to this country. That was what Trump wanted and its just common sense. The State Department has come out and said they have no way to knowing who is entering the Country from that region due to false and non existent legal documentation.

85, if you support such immigration than it is you that is the fool. But hey, you support the candidate that wants to allow 15 to 20 million illegal aliens to become US Citizens so they to can vote democrat. That makes sense.
Nope, I just won't vote for an establishment candidate, I will stay home. I see no difference between Hillary and Rubio.
Get real. lets at least be honest and list them left to right..

Sanders/Clinton. Trump,,,,, Kasich,,,,,,,,,Rubio..................................................... Cruz.
Late story tonight by ABC News that Hillary Campaign thinks now more than ever that Trump will win GOP nomination and will TURN into a much tougher competitor in a general election.

One of the reasons why Libs/Dems are afraid is all of the record GOP Primary Voter Turnout (lead by Trump) in almost every state.

8.6 Million have voted in GOP primaries while just 5.9 Million have voted in DEM primaries.

GOP voter turnout set records in AL, GA, TN, VA, MA, VT, and Oklahoma.

Some states (like TN and VA, Trump wins), voter turnout was 50% higher than the previous record voter turnout.

Seems that the establishment on both sides of the aisle are finally scared....its about dang time!
There's been a record turnout inspite of Dump. He's only getting 35% of the vote. He has never won a majority and he never will. At this point McCain, Romney, W, Dole, HW, Reagan were already winning states outright. If he's the nominee the GOP turnout will be the worst in history and the GOP will lose the white house and senate. He has a higher disapproval rating than Hillary. Hillary, Reid and Pelosi will be leading the country until 2020 if Dump is the nominee. Just the facts. Feel free to spin away and lie some more like Dump. POLLS POLLS POLLS he's the only one that loses to Hillary.
Me too. I can vote for Kasich, Rubio, or Cruz. I can't vote for Trump nor Hillary.
Well from your choices you
There's been a record turnout inspite of Dump. He's only getting 35% of the vote. He has never won a majority and he never will. At this point McCain, Romney, W, Dole, HW, Reagan were already winning states outright. If he's the nominee the GOP turnout will be the worst in history and the GOP will lose the white house and senate. He has a higher disapproval rating than Hillary. Hillary, Reid and Pelosi will be leading the country until 2020 if Dump is the nominee. Just the facts. Feel free to spin away and lie some more like Dump. POLLS POLLS POLLS he's the only one that loses to Hillary.
Bob, I don't need to waste the time and you probably know the answer but how many candidates were in the race against those examples you gave at this point in time. My guess is it's not 5.