Donald Trump Rally at CFE

Interesting Fact: Summer 2014; 68,000 "unaccompanied minors" came up from Mexico/Central America.

Average cost to educate a single child in the U.S. public school system: $12,000 per year. $12,000 x 68,000= $816,000,000

My response . . . . . Hell yeah, GO TRUMP!!!!!
Interesting Fact: Summer 2014; 68,000 "unaccompanied minors" came up from Mexico/Central America.
Average cost to educate a single child in the U.S. public school system: $12,000 per year. $12,000 x 68,000= $816,000,000
My response . . . . . Hell yeah, GO TRUMP!!!!!
This is what I find funny about the Liberals in this country.

They complain about Bundy and militias in Nevada (Oregon is a different story, the local people didn't want them there), saying it's a "taxpayer waste" and "they shouldn't want something for free." They feel they should be forcibly removed, even shot if necessary.

Isn't that what the Conservatives say about illegal immigrants? Forcibly removed?

I've yet to have a Liberal have a comeback for that other than ... "It's different," without explanation.
It's the highest elected office in the nation, acting as if a person like Trump winning the nomination for one of our 2 major parties shouldn't rustle your jimmies just makes me assume you're too young to vote.
It's the highest elected office in the nation, acting as if a person like Trump winning the nomination for one of our 2 major parties shouldn't rustle your jimmies just makes me assume you're too young to vote.
Considering how the media acts, Trump is par for the course. I honestly think this is why 75%+ of the country turns off the media. Heck, the whole KKK thing just proved it. It's not about what Trump says, it's what the media says for him, which he finally just plays into.

Even Bernie Sanders has pointed out, repeatedly, how it says everything but the media, not Trump. And we're all sheep.
I honestly think John Kass has pegged it. My fellow Conservatives and Liberals, please read this passage (an opinion from a Democratic-leaning paper no less) ...

QUOTE: 'The free traders and Wall Street have made a killing over the past two decades as Democrats and Republicans encouraged and helped them move capital out of the country with NAFTA and other trade deals.
But Main Street paid the price, and is dying. Capitalism is a liberating force, but unfettered it can be destructive. One look at the shuttered factories and vacant storefronts will tell you that.
Politics isn't buildings. Buildings don't vote. And lectures about the price of labor in Indonesia won't soothe parents with two or three part-time jobs and no time for their children.
They don't want a government handout. And Trump appeals to them.
But Wall Street has been sweetening the tongue of Democrat Hillary Clinton.
The neoconservative war party intellectuals are abandoning the Republicans and moving toward her as well. They can see Republican noninterventionism rising, first with Rand Paul, and now with Trump, and Mrs. Clinton is the fiercest raptor in politics now.
Without that coalition, the GOP establishment won't be able to use government to project power and graze and get fat and wealthy.'

Those Liberals among you that are Sanders supporters recognize and know Hillary is a hawk and will move as she needs to be popular. There's no more proof of that in her own words on Iraq in 2002, she was as harsh as W. Her husband had the same intel, and W.'s own 2003 speech sounds like Clinton's from 1998 on why he unilaterally bombed Iraq, without even NATO approval.

SIDE NOTE: Even the "Axis of Evil" -- the 3 nations -- came from the same reports the Clinton administration drafted (North Korea goes back to 1994 -- despite what the media says -- and were already a problem again in 1999).

Remember, the Koch Brothers are Non-Interventionist Libertarians, and so are both Rand and definitely his even more staunch Libertarian father Ron. They recognize with China and others, a Non-Interventionist policy is required to keep American business going. Right now the US is faltering while pissing everyone else off.

While Trump has been "warring" with the media like another 8 year-old on the playground, he's appealing to the affluent, well educated Non-Interventionist Libertarians with comments like "Putin is a Leader" and "North Korea is China's problem to deal with." Trump isn't dumb, quite the opposite.

I.e., while Trump makes me cringe most of the time, even doing a "pledge" tonight at his rally just 5 miles from me at UCF ... his entire foreign policy is finally what Libertarians have been saying for a long time, Non-Intervention. It's why veterans also like Trump and it's why a lot of anti-Fox News, anti-W. Republicans adore him. So while that still will not appease us Libertarians from all the other things we can*not* stand with Trump, it does mean the "hawks" are moving to Clinton ... from the Republicans.

In fact, given the President has instituted "endless war without Congressional approval," my Liberal friends, you should be scared where the Democrats are headed! You've one-up'd W. on everything -- including excusing the execution of people via drones, so they aren't captured and have to be interned -- whether Gitmo or elsewhere (yes, look it up, it will continue!).

Unlike what you'll ever hear in the media, and what most people who aren't voting for Trump will say, Trump is an invention of the US Media, with 75%+ of America despising the US media, which struck at the right time in the Republican Party. That's why they are voting Trump ... it's an anti-US media, anti-judgement, "stop treating me like an 8 year-old, I'm not a racist" vote.

He has 0 loyalty and can*not* be controlled. He cares nothing about Republicans who don't agree with him, and if they lose their Congressional Seats. This has many people believing Trump is a Democratic Party planet, because he could very well undermine the Republicans running for re-election in Congress. I don't quite yet agree with that conspiracy theory, but given he's been a Clinton-Progressive, including their Eminent Domain federalist views, the argument has merit.

So the more the US media demonizes Trump, the more he gives into it, the more his voters love it. Fox News as proof of that when they went after him, he got his biggest boost as I've long stated, the "silent majority" of Republicans (and Reagan Democrats) hate all media, especially Fox News. And far, far more conservatives are well educated than you realize, especially the prime income earners of this country.

The Republican Party has put up 2 very moderate, even Liberal-negotiating, Presidential candidates. Both failed. McCain, the war hero, Romney, the Christian (Morman no less), enough to appease the traditional conservatives, keeping the Libertarians out. Ron Paul came the closest in 2012, and don't be surprised when the even more popular Trump cause the GOP to slit its own throat during the convention.

Maybe this is what is finally required for the Libertarians to take over from the conservatives?

Maybe. We'll see. But it's clear a conservative-leaning hawk like Hillary clearly still has the Democratic interest, and we may possibly see -- in 20 years from now -- the Republicans become about "Radical Individualism" while the Democratic party has become the destroyer of the 1st (2006 and 2009, don't get me started -- anonymous sources have been under attack by Democrats) and 2nd Amendments, along with continuing to be the hawks they have shown they are always capable of being. It's hard to blame W. for everything.