Gay Man harrasses Ivanka and kids on flight, gets booted

Stop fighting it Joe. You have a southern accent, you're fuked. You have absolutely no chance of escaping your racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamaphobic ways. Just get comfortable in your basket.
The people who went "bonkers" are the people like the Drexel communist professor who recently called for the genocide of whites and was loudly applauded by left wing SJWs. No shit, no joke. It's real.
Let me put it this way: if this were a straight southern white guy shouting down Chelsea Clinton and her kids on a plane, there would be a nuclear meltdown in the media. The SJWs would be calling for a "national conversation" on southern white man hate. There would be rallies in the streets.

Agreed. Plenty of people have lost their jobs for posting pro-White material.
This Drexel commie needs to be fired. These SJWs don't know what equality means.
He thinks he some kind of brave Marxist SJW hero, standing up to the capitalists and the fascists. But in reality he's an effete beta-male who wouldn't have lasted five minutes in the real world. Without his bullshit university job he would have to find an honest way to make a living or just go back to being a male prostitute or living in mommy's basement pushing Castro propaganda.
Agreed. Plenty of people have lost their jobs for posting pro-White material.
This Drexel commie needs to be fired. These SJWs don't know what equality means.
He thinks he some kind of brave Marxist SJW hero, standing up to the capitalists and the fascists. But in reality he's an effete beta-male who wouldn't have lasted five minutes in the real world. Without his bullshit university job he would have to find an honest way to make a living or just go back to being a male prostitute or living in mommy's basement pushing Castro propaganda.

It amazes me you have 29 likes on your posts.