Are you really that shocked? This is the left we're talking about, where they talk about freedom but everybody that doesn't agree with them is a fukcing racist bigot piece of shit.
My "wake up call" on how biased the media is to the left was Sarah Palin. While Palin is one of those right-wing Republicans I dislike much like Quayle, the way many men, and even women, on the left threw all sorts of comments that weren't just sexist, but literally violent, towards her was unnerving. And they actually said she "deserved it." Even worse is when they took things way too far with her daughter.
If a right-leaning media personality says something like this, they are literally banned for life. But even that's still all "subjective."
More "objective" and a bigger problem with the media as of late has to do with "conflicts of interest." And someone in the media, a Democrat correspondent no less, recently pointed out how this is happening. He covered the Duke LaCrosse "closed door politics" and really understand where we're going as a society.
I.e., over 90% of the media votes Democrat. That's why when 1 out of 10 peers tells a media personality they need to "recuse themselves" because of a "conflict of interest," there are 9 out of 10 other peers saying, "no, you don't need to, he is wrong. George Stephanopoulos is the latest "case study" where he grilled a Clinton skeptic, then had to backtrack, backtrack again and further backtrack, that he wasn't an unbiased Clinton supporter, including current and on-going interests, which he still hasn't fully disclosed.
Which explains a lot about the Clintons.
Whether you think they have done anything illegal or not is not the point. The fact of the matter is that the media is giving them passes over things that if any Republican did, they would be kicked out out Washington. It is just not acceptable, and even the current administration has repeatedly taken Hillary to issue over her lacking in judgement. But it's where we're going as an American society, affluent families propped up by popularist voting with little attention to civics.
So this combination of "rape the Republican, excuse the Democrat" also explains why Colin Powell's wife barked a resounding "no" when it came to running for an elected office. I don't blame her. Or Condi Rice for that matter. She knows her college football though, and the left-wing media had to quickly drop that one.