Gold +6%, Stocks -15% - Did you get your hedge on yet?

What the hell is a woke stock? You sound like a moron when you say these things.

Ah, I remember my first visit to the cooler. Pre 2016 I actually thought there was hope for humanity. Then I came here and found some people's entire personality is parroting OAN.
Tech stocks getting hit hard the last month. Woke stocks are getting slammed (amc/gme). Game is over for those meme/woke stocks. So far Bitcoin still hanging in at $36k.

Robinhood went over $70 and now trading at $10 premarket. A lot of pain brewing in the market. Market is losing faith in the current regime.
Every time you make this post the market immediately bitch slaps you with a 2% gain. You should come back and post more often.
Now I wonder why poor unemployed handymen are, well….., poor unemployed handymen 😂
What was incorrect? Have you looked at the nasdaq charts? Or the woke stocks?
Nothing can be proven “incorrect” about an opinion. Just noted that each time you express your opinion the market goes higher. Nasdaq is up 12% from this date last year. S&P is up 19%. I’ll let you guess where gold is at.

What’s a woke stock? Is that a code word used by investing handymen?
I've held 3 different security licenses
Awesome 😎. So… you’re an unemployed, broke, “woke,” imbecile who “held” 3 security licenses and has 3 technical degrees 🤣🤣🤣. Sounds like you’re a little butthurt about your investments. I actually have people a lot smarter than you invest for me
No to all
Technical degree
Means that the degree you got from a school is not accredited except at the school itself. There is a standard degree in which at the least takes 4 years and there is a technical degree which can take as little as 4 weeks. Usually the schools that offer technical degrees are for-profit private schools which tend to butcher the course. Such as taking out the standard liberal art requirements, Taking out the requirements for advanced classes, etc.

For the most part they are not accepted by other schools except the school you got it from. They tend to not be valued by employers. Due to the fact that if a diploma says Masters(type of degree) on it it technically doesn't mean anything.
No to all


I have a degree from UCF so what does that say? I could retire at 45. Multiple technical certificates and licenses. Must be lucky. 😉 I wouldn't say either way if I got vaccinated for the record. I've already said it is looking more and more like it is safe. Need a lab created vaccine for...

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PayPal was down almost 25% with issues of inflation, supply issues, employment, etc.

Facebook is currently trading down near 25% AH.

I have a degree from UCF so what does that say? I could retire at 45. Multiple technical certificates and licenses. Must be lucky. 😉 I wouldn't say either way if I got vaccinated for the record. I've already said it is looking more and more like it is safe. Need a lab created vaccine for...​

PayPal was down almost 25% with issues of inflation, supply issues, employment, etc.

Facebook is currently trading down near 25% AH.
Gotta wonder why a business that deals in cash transactions and has little competition would ever see a stock drop of 25% during an inflationary period. DUSD anyone?
PayPal was down almost 25% with issues of inflation, supply issues, employment, etc.

Facebook is currently trading down near 25% AH.
Thank goodness you poked you head in after a hiccup in one or two stocks after the broad market was up 7% over the past 4 days since you last gave your perspective. This all but ensures more

That image defines woke investing.
Stonks go up long term. Historically literally always. If the market is going to be at a certain price 15-20 years from now, ideally it shits the bed in the next few years while I’m pumping money in and then 🚀 later rather than the reverse.
Stonks go up long term. Historically literally always. If the market is going to be at a certain price 15-20 years from now, ideally it shits the bed in the next few years while I’m pumping money in and then 🚀 later rather than the reverse.
Then what? What will you have that makes you wealthier?
Loser, no ambition answer. Honest question. When was the last time you took a vacation? Left the city? State?
This is probably your best post in a long time. Not because it's an insult, but because it's an honest question based on intuition. You already know that someone like me doesn't get a vacation, and you know that it isn't because of money, work, or covid.
This is probably your best post in a long time. Not because it's an insult, but because it's an honest question based on intuition. You already know that someone like me doesn't get a vacation, and you know that it isn't because of money, work, or covid.
Sick parents?
I've held 3 different investment licenses for the record.
Hahahahaha!!!!!! 😂😂😂. I can see that you put it to good use. lol 😂. You’re better off with Memes and spam showing you what a loser you are, although your investment advice is pretty entertaining as well.
They surely don't come her for memes and spam. I'm not giving investment advice. Outside of maybe saying Gamestop and AMC were just pump and dumps. I've held 3 different investment licenses for the record.
Which broker let you hold them?
Silver is worth a look right now. Stonks are running out of steam.
I think we will see a pullback in SPX to 4100-4200 before all time highs later in the year. There is too much savings on the sidelines. But I’m thinking 50k could be hit in the next 15 years which is my investment timeframe. I think Crypto prices will likely double by end of the year as well.