Hey bluechip, does your offer still stand?

I think the most reps I ever got with 225 was 12. Maybe 14 or 15 at the most. Today I think the most I could do might be 5 or 6. I did hit 325 with a pause in competition once...but those days are long gone.
Here is my video

Major props to you!! Very impressive. Ballsy video too. You sound like a pretty cool dude.

I do think being able to bench press that much is somewhat genetic. I have lifted weights my whole life and my max was 290-295. I think that I did 225lbs like 8-10 times. However, I was in my early 20’s.
290s is really guys are comparing yourself to NFL level strength...if you can put up 2 caddies once you are probably in the top 1% of all Americans in terms of benching strength
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Damn! Looks legit. Strong as hell, man, nicely done. As long as no one comes forward and says that’s not you (no reason to believe it’s not), I’ll be sending you 225 cold ones (as other poster said). Also, love the Citronaut. Where can I get it?
Thanks. My mom gave me the Citronaut a few years back. Either someone she worked with or someone from her church volunteered to pick it up for her at the UCF bookstore when he was in Orlando. I think the dude was a grad student.

Hey, if you just want to make a donation to a food bank, women’s shelter or some place that helps the less fortunate, that would be cool with me. I hear the Second Harvest food bank does good things. You can post a receipt if you want to prove it.
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