Trump tweeted out about foreign born Congressional members and basically said "go back to where you came from". Yes, there is context to it but this has to be the most reckless thing he has done yet on Twitter.
3 of the 4 aren't foreign born. They are just brown.Trump tweeted out about foreign born Congressional members and basically said "go back to where you came from". Yes, there is context to it but this has to be the most reckless thing he has done yet on Twitter.
Trump tweeted out about foreign born Congressional members and basically said "go back to where you came from". Yes, there is context to it but this has to be the most reckless thing he has done yet on Twitter.
They're convinced that he's not actually racist so every time he is straight up racist they just say, what a big misunderstanding this all is. He's so bad with his words. He should be more careful how he phrases stuff. He's reckless on Twitter.Lmao at calling literal racism "reckless".
This is how Nazi Germany started.
Trump tweeted out about foreign born Congressional members and basically said "go back to where you came from". Yes, there is context to it but this has to be the most reckless thing he has done yet on Twitter.
Dumb. Take a history lessonThis is how Nazi Germany started
Is Trump a racist?They're convinced that he's not actually racist so every time he is straight up racist they just say, what a big misunderstanding this all is. He's so bad with his words. He should be more careful how he phrases stuff. He's reckless on Twitter.
Na fam, he's racist.
blaming rich people for the ills of the country, implementing socialized healthcare to give way to full blown socialism, and gathering all guns? Because thats how Nazi Germany startedLmao at calling literal racism "reckless".
This is how Nazi Germany started.
I disagree, he is way ahead of the game. He just made the moronic four the focal point of the entire Democratic Party. It will pay dividends during the elections. Now if the moronic four would have come off as professional and mature yesterday it might have been a different story.One Republican put it (I’m paraphrasing) that he went over the line in firing back
I would have to say that he sort of cracked from all the criticism and went all out
Now we will have to see the repercussions and how he will deal with this
Trump effed up big time on this and it’s not going to go away.
Why did he tell American born congresspeople to go back to their own countries? Can you pin point a common trait in those 4 members of Congress he targeted? He's trying to make it seem like being brown is unamerican. These are citizens of the United States but he can't see past the color of their skin.
Not a great moment
Reckless on Twitter and unpresidential
Racist?? That’s a bit strong from those tweets taken out of context, but if you hate Trump then of course it is.
I disagree, he is way ahead of the game. He just made the moronic four the focal point of the entire Democratic Party. It will pay dividends during the elections. Now if the moronic four would have come off as professional and mature yesterday it might have been a different story.
I like the outrage here from lefties who gave no shits when these women were spewing absolute anti-Semitism or minimizing the scale of 9/11.
Trump should have just shut up and not said this but these women are total shitbag humans and absolute anti-Semites. How progressive!
You actually do have a point here. But for it to come to fruition he is going to have to do a really good job of framing it, and point to things these women have said not just say "they're always complaining". He needs to come out and talk about how Omar said 9/11 was "some people did something", and bring up AOCs many provocative statements. If he is able to make them into the bad guys and say that he's sick of their America hating then he will win this fight.
Trump can be straight up racist and as long as his little minions don't hold him accountable. He would change his message if his base pushed back amd he saw it was hurting him but look at what's happening in this thread. Justification is easier than accountability.
Omar was criticized by lots of people on the left for her comments, and she apologized. What are your thoughts on Trumps comments?
You actually do have a point here. But for it to come to fruition he is going to have to do a really good job of framing it, and point to things these women have said not just say "they're always complaining". He needs to come out and talk about how Omar said 9/11 was "some people did something", and bring up AOCs many provocative statements. If he is able to make them into the bad guys and say that he's sick of their America hating then he will win this fight.
She "apologized" after the House voted to condemn her, but Pelosi wouldn't even allow a resolution that squarely named her or her brand of anti-Semitism. Liberals have been covering for her and Tlaib since they were elected. And it's not just one case, this woman has been an anti-Semite in her comments or words for a long time now.
They've appeared in pictures with their Imam friends who are hate monger extremists and who have called Jews "termites" and denied the Holocaust happened.
AOC literally staged propaganda by 1) straight up lying about what she saw at these detention centers and lying about CBP agents that were refuted by others on the same trip and 2) staging photos to manipulate the public and push propaganda.
Yet we're supposed to treat her with kiddie gloves because "she's a progressive woman of color!"
You don't have to treat any politician with kiddie gloves, but telling her to go back to her own country isn't any form of criticism. It is playing on this idea that America is a white country and people of color are basically just guests.
Huh? A resolution to squarely name her or her brand of anti-Semitism? I don't know what the means. Secondly, what she said was poorly worded but making her out to be the next Adolph Hitler is ridiculous. She was talking about a lobby group and money. Every lobby group uses money to influence politicians, that is simply a fact. But yes, when speaking of an Israeli lobby group she should have worded it differently.
That's taking it too far. His tweet wasn't racist, it was nationalist.
It most certainly isn't taking it to far. Three of the 4 were born in the US, so I don't understand your nationalist take.
lol man, are you really trying to convince me that whispering about dark Jewish money controlling American politics is NOT anti-Semitic? It is arguably the most vile, long standing slander against the Jews that exists and she used it more than once. This whitewashing of what she said, and what it meant, is really sad.
How about when she said that American Jews have dual allegiances and thus have to be viewed skeptically? That was fun. Also, one of the most deeply rooted slanders against Jews which WAS specifically used by Hitler to justify the Jewish removal from Germany. Those German Jews surely had a dual allegiance to Jerusalem, after all.
Again, I told you she worded it poorly, but to act like lobby groups don't control things with money is just naïve. That is the intent of every lobby group. The one she was talking about just happened to be Jewish, so it came off as a trope, so as I have been saying, she worded it poorly. You are acting as if I am defending her words, which I am not.
You trying to "contextualize" this IS defending her.
And what about her talking about dual allegiances? Just more failed context for poor lil Omar?
See, when there is a clear pattern here, it's hard to believe that there's simply missing context in these statements and not simply a deeply rooted anti-Semite.
You trying to "contextualize" this IS defending her.
And what about her talking about dual allegiances? Just more failed context for poor lil Omar?
See, when there is a clear pattern here, it's hard to believe that there's simply missing context in these statements and not simply a deeply rooted anti-Semite.
Again, I told you she worded it poorly, but to act like lobby groups don't control things with money is just naïve. That is the intent of every lobby group. The one she was talking about just happened to be Jewish, so it came off as a trope, so as I have been saying, she worded it poorly. You are acting as if I am defending her words, which I am not.
So she gets the benefit of the doubt when she words something poorly but Trump is totally in context when he words something poorly?
If he would have said "go to those countries you love so much" it would have been way better, and it looks like his follow up tweets have clarified his point being just that.
I think the problem with talking about Israel is everyone conflates it with Judaism. We are allowed to criticize the country and specifically the government of Israel, without it being anti-Semitic. I think this is what she was trying to do, but she worded it very poorly as I have been saying.
I disagree, he is way ahead of the game. He just made the moronic four the focal point of the entire Democratic Party. It will pay dividends during the elections. Now if the moronic four would have come off as professional and mature yesterday it might have been a different story.