The silent majority.
This is something I struggle with.
I never said the silent majority of Republicans were right. But they wanted anyone but the establishment. That's why he won, and not because the GOP establishment wanted him. Far from it.
But unlike the DNC and Sanders with their silent majority, the GOP was founded in the mid 19th century to allow broad ballot access, precisely because the DNC had
'cut it off' by then. That's why the GOP gets most of the crackpots, although the Libertarian party does have people like McAfee.
I'm far from having TDS but the list is long and dates back over a long period of time. Part of the problem as I see it is you have a biased MSM and a shitty establishment so Trump is the hero the people wanted and I understand that.
The approval rating of the President is higher than the US media, by a wide margin. That's scary, yes.
Then you throw in the fact that "business is boomin" and everyone's portfolio is looking nice so people are able to overlook the warts.
It won't last. Late W., Obama, now Trump. Everyone wants to overspend around $1T/year. It's unbelievable.
Heck they're often justified bc of the MSM and onslaught of attacks from the left. All this in addition to street level culture wars tied to the "pussification of America" and rebellion against "political correctness".
Yes, and as even the The Atlantic pointed out recently, less than 10% want political correctness.
From a human behavior standpoint it all makes sense to me and I'm not even trying to vilify anyone bc that simply doesn't work. My only thing is that at some point these things have to matter coming from the top leader and we need to acknowledge the impact, as subconscious as it might be.
Yes, which is why I refuse to vote for Trump, and I take issue with a lot of what he says.
The irony here is that Trump opening his Twitter feed yet again cause Pelosi to rally around the 4. Had he not said anything, it wouldn't have happened. Trump just hurt himself, at the worst time.
At the same time, Omar uses the exact same phrasing, continually. And then AOC uses totalitarian logic that actually 1-ups Trump, while ignoring her own statements for people like herself and people around her. So... what's 'insensitive' and 'vulgar'?
I don't disagree coming from the President is disgusting, but he was a Reality TV star, and it doesn't shock me. But now we're seeing everyday politicians stooping to the same levels. They are all children in my eyes ... equally.
Intelligent people have to recognize that this type of talk resonates with a certain % of his base. He has to know this. And if that's the case there are 2 options. 1) He knows exactly what he's doing yet chooses to engage anyways. 2) He doesn't think things through and is a loose cannon. Am I the only one who thinks both are incredibly problematic?
Again, RealityTV star. And they are taking over too.
Why can't he quit doing this shit and continue his "winning"? He's the only thing getting in his way from a cakewalk to 4 more years.
Indeed. And you know who screams that most? The silent majority that voted for him.