You listed 4 examples. Obviously there are always a handful of issues, nobody is denying that, and there will always be a handful of examples. What we are saying is that the response from Republicans is often times over the top when it comes to resolving the issue.
That’s a quick google search. All of 5 seconds of research.

There are stories in one of those articles about people being sent ballots for their previous 5 renters. Do you really think everyone who got ballots they shouldn’t have just threw them away, returned appropriately, or contacted the election board to let them update the incorrect or outdated info?
That’s a quick google search. All of 5 seconds of research.

There are stories in one of those articles about people being sent ballots for their previous 5 renters. Do you really think everyone who got ballots they shouldn’t have just threw them away, returned appropriately, or contacted the election board to let them update the incorrect or outdated info?

Do you think there are enough examples to essentially alter the entire system? And of course it would be nice if people contacted the election board, but in reality, as long as they don't actually vote (which my guess is the vast majority don't), then it didn't affect the election. But also keep in mind, just because someone receives a ballot, doesn't mean it will automatically get counted. Often times if someone moves they will register in their new location and it will show up in the system if the wrong ballot is used to vote.
I have no issues with an online voting system as long the proper security procedures are in place. I don't know really about voting by phone unless they were able to match your # up with their system or something like that.
What security procedures are those? Equifax was hacked, but sure... I’ll bet state governments will be much more secure and no foreign governments or special interest groups would have either the incentive or resources to hack them.

Match by your phone number? You have no interest in a secure election. Please just go ahead and say so.
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Do you think there are enough examples to essentially alter the entire system? And of course it would be nice if people contacted the election board, but in reality, as long as they don't actually vote (which my guess is the vast majority don't), then it didn't affect the election. But also keep in mind, just because someone receives a ballot, doesn't mean it will automatically get counted. Often times if someone moves they will register in their new location and it will show up in the system if the wrong ballot is used to vote.
Do you only lock your door after someone breaks into your house? The vast majority of people don’t go around trying doorknobs.
What security procedures are those? Equifax was hacked, but sure... I’ll bet state governments will be much more secure and no foreign governments or special interest groups would have either the incentive or resources to hack them.

Match by your phone number? You have no interest in a secure election. Please just go ahead and say so.

Huh? I am not pushing vote by phone nor is anyone else. You are the one to brought that up.

Your bank can be hacked too, do you not use online banking? Do you not care about your money? Or do you trust them to protect your money, but also realizing there is at least a slight chance something could go wrong.
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Do you only lock your door after someone breaks into your house? The vast majority of people don’t go around trying doorknobs.

So what is your answer? People have voted fraudulently in person too, so nothing is perfect. If perfect is what you are looking for, then you aren't going to find it. So now what? Just scrap the entire system? Have roll call votes or something at local stadiums on election day? If a handful of situations that didn't affect anything are worth making this many changes for, then maybe we should just scrap the entire system.
Huh? I am not pushing vote by phone nor is anyone else. You are the one to brought that up.

Your bank can be hacked too, do you not use online banking? Do you not care about your money? Or do you trust them to protect your money, but also realizing there is at least a slight chance something could go wrong.
So if I go get a job as a mail carrier in a democrat neighborhood, I can “oops” some ballots to cancel votes. Sure it’s illegal, but stuff gets lost in the mail all the time. Good luck proving I did it.

Or maybe I’m a rich white republican donor and I’m willing to pay some mail carriers to do it.

Or I’m just a psycho who wants to drive through neighborhoods at night looking in mailboxes.

Eh, it’s fine.
So if I go get a job as a mail carrier in a democrat neighborhood, I can “oops” some ballots to cancel votes. Sure it’s illegal, but stuff gets lost in the mail all the time. Good luck proving I did it.

Or maybe I’m a rich white republican donor and I’m willing to pay some mail carriers to do it.

Or I’m just a psycho who wants to drive through neighborhoods at night looking in mailboxes.

Eh, it’s fine.

Except you are notified when your ballot is received. If a mail carrier doesn't deliver your ballot, you will be aware it wasn't delivered.

It has been fine for years since mail in balloting isn't a new thing. It isn't a coincidence you guys care now because Trump lied to you and you believed him, that is all this is about.

You still haven't told me what your perfect system is. Obviously it has to be perfect for you, so go ahead and fill us in about the perfect voting system that will have absolutely zero incidents.
Except you are notified when your ballot is received. If a mail carrier doesn't deliver your ballot, you will be aware it wasn't delivered.

It has been fine for years since mail in balloting isn't a new thing. It isn't a coincidence you guys care now because Trump lied to you and you believed him, that is all this is about.

You still haven't told me what your perfect system is. Obviously it has to be perfect for you, so go ahead and fill us in about the perfect voting system that will have absolutely zero incidents.
You mean if I go online and check to see if my ballot has been received I’ll see that it wasn’t. Then what? When do they send me another one? If it’s too close to the deadline, I’m just SOL right?

But sure, pretend that trusting the mail is a secure system for an election.

You know how I know you don’t believe in the security of the mail? Because you would never send cash through the mail.
You mean if I go online and check to see if my ballot has been received I’ll see that it wasn’t. Then what? When do they send me another one? If it’s too close to the deadline, I’m just SOL right?

But sure, pretend that trusting the mail is a secure system for an election.

You know how I know you don’t believe in the security of the mail? Because you would never send cash through the mail.

Its not the same thing. IF cash gets lost in the mail its gone. If a ballot gets lost in the mail you can still go vote in person or request another ballot if you have time.
Its not the same thing. IF cash gets lost in the mail its gone. If a ballot gets lost in the mail you can still go vote in person or request another ballot if you have time.
But only if you go online to check, right?

Still not the point. It‘s far too easy to stuff the ballot box if nobody ever has to appear anywhere to vote.

Mark my words, if widespread mail in voting is put in place it will take less than 4 years before a local election of some kind is found and proven to be fraudulently decided. Just take one of those small races with a margin of victory typically around a couple hundred votes... if it means keeping a job, someone is going to do it. It‘s too easy for people not to try it.
Lol 😂 at people thinking there are hoards of people willing to risk 5 years in prison to fraudulently vote for a choice between two shitty candidates in an election where your popular vote doesn’t matter anyway. And we can spend days arguing about it. Meanwhile everyone pays bills online and track their bank accounts online and hardly even need cash but to vote they need to wait in line on a random non holiday Tuesday so some election official who doesn’t know you from Adam can ensure you are the person who registered. Yes we used to vote verbally back in the day but now we need to require DNA tests first. As long as they are administered on a non holiday weekday.
But only if you go online to check, right?

Still not the point. It‘s far too easy to stuff the ballot box if nobody ever has to appear anywhere to vote.

Mark my words, if widespread mail in voting is put in place it will take less than 4 years before a local election of some kind is found and proven to be fraudulently decided. Just take one of those small races with a margin of victory typically around a couple hundred votes... if it means keeping a job, someone is going to do it. It‘s too easy for people not to try it.
Yes, of course, increased absentee voting will usher in a new era of fraudulently decided elections. Something that has never happened before absentee voting. Now go back and pull up some links showing “fraud” where not a single fraudulent vote was actually counted.
None of the "smoke" was ever remotely shown to be credible. But that is also evading the point. If mail in balloting is so fraudulent, then I would think you would want to get rid of if in Florida as well right?
We can go around in circles on this. The vast majority of those suits were thrown out because either there was no standing or because they couldn’t come to resolution before the statutory deadlines and thus were rendered moot. Most lawsuits don’t have all the evidence at the time they were filed. They go through discovery and it takes time to gather evidence. But because no one wanted to delay the electoral deadlines, they somehow required all of the evidence up front and when it wasn’t there they dismissed. It literally set new precedent.

Think about it, in a case as simple as a slip and fall. The store has video but they’re not just going to give it to you because you fell. You have to file suit and compel them to produce the evidence. Then you subpoena experts and all the rest. It takes months and years. Apparently we can’t hold up democracy and the party that wins has no incentive to investigate. So how the hell are we ever going to deal with someone stealing an election. Whether it happened this time or in the future, the one thing this election proved is that there is no legal remedy available. That’s a scary place to be.
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We can go around in circles on this. The vast majority of those suits were thrown out because either there was no standing or because they couldn’t come to resolution before the statutory deadlines and thus were rendered moot. Most lawsuits don’t have all the evidence at the time they were filed. They go through discovery and it takes time to gather evidence. But because no one wanted to delay the electoral deadlines, they somehow required all of the evidence up front and when it wasn’t there they dismissed. It literally set new precedent.

Think about it, in a case as simple as a slip and fall. The store has video but they’re not just going to give it to you because you fell. You have to file suit and compel them to produce the evidence. Then you subpoena experts and all the rest. It takes months and years. Apparently we can’t hold up democracy and the party that wins has no incentive to investigate. So how the hell are we ever going to deal with someone stealing an election. it happened this time or in the future, the one thing this election proved is that there is no legal remedy available. That’s a scary place to be.

The vast majority were not thrown out due to no standing, that isnt accurate. They were thrown out because they provided basically no evidence they should be pursued. The Lawsuit the state of Texas tried to bring was thrown out with no standing, and maybe a few more, but there were over 40 legal challenges, and the vast majority were thrown out due to lack of any type of evidence, not because of having no standing.

But keep in mind, we have Trump on video trying to get the GA SOS to rig the election. Nobody could have listened to that call and not understood that is what Trump was trying to do. He asked him to find a specific # of votes. Not to make sure all the votes were accurate or this or that, he specifically wanted a certain number of votes to make him the winner. We also have Bill Barr saying they found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and the Trump's own homeland security official saying it was the most secure election US history. So many of Trump's own people are saying it wasnt stolen. The only reason people think it was stolen is because Trump said it was. There is absolutely no actual information that indicates that is the case. ANd also remember, Trump said before the election if he lost he was going to claim it was stolen, so he was essentially declaring it stolen before it even took place.

TO believe this election was stolen, we essentially have to believe there was a mass conspiracy between many states, all which were either swing states or historically red states, that decide they wanted Trump out. Do we honestly believe that is the case? Do we honestly believe the government of GA, where most of the top officials were outspoken Trump supporters, were secretly allowing the state to be stolen from him? AZ? IT is a pretty big leap to think all of these states that are either ran by the GOP, or at least have significant GOP power, were trying to steal the election from him.

There are legal remedies available. There are lawsuits of some manner in most every election, and some are certainly successful. And Trump was allowed to pursue this legally, his team just couldnt come up with anything of significance to make his claims appear remotely believable.

ANd I agree this country is in a scary place. I disagree the reason. Trump is the one who has eroded confidence in our election. The system itself worked fine, but Trump just cant accept losing. Whether we will ever have confidence in our elections again I have no clue, but as long as we have people who believe in things like Qanon, then I am going to guess we are a long way from getting back to reality. I hope things calm down post Trump and we can get back to arguing about normal shit like tax rates and the boring political stuff. IF we cant, then I honestly think we might be in the twilight years of this country.
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The vast majority were not thrown out due to no standing, that isnt accurate.
THIS ^^^^^
The only reason people think it was stolen is because Trump said it was. There is absolutely no actual information that indicates that is the case.
And THIS ^^^^^^
Trump was allowed to pursue this legally, his team just couldnt come up with anything of significance to make his claims appear remotely believable.
And THIS ^^^^^
Trump is the one who has eroded confidence in our election. The system itself worked fine, but Trump just cant accept losing. Whether we will ever have confidence in our elections again I have no clue, but as long as we have people who believe in things like Qanon, then I am going to guess we are a long way from getting back to reality.
Sigh....And THIS ^^^^^
It’s the Nirvana fallacy. The goal of an election is to determine the popular candidate, not to ensure 0% fraud. You have to strike a balance between your opinion of what is the greatest and most secure method to vote and fostering increased voter turnout. Like the restaurant that only takes cash. Yes it’s “more secure”. But people can commit fraud with cash, and the credit card fraud is detectable and can be rectified. Going backwards with more limited voting methods is not the way forward. Instead there should be strict penalties for voter fraud (there are) and safeguards should be in place such that voter fraud is easily detectable and fraudulent ballots are not counted (it is, and they aren’t).
So if I go get a job as a mail carrier in a democrat neighborhood, I can “oops” some ballots to cancel votes. Sure it’s illegal, but stuff gets lost in the mail all the time. Good luck proving I did it.

Or maybe I’m a rich white republican donor and I’m willing to pay some mail carriers to do it.

Or I’m just a psycho who wants to drive through neighborhoods at night looking in mailboxes.

Eh, it’s fine.
Voters by mail are encouraged to check to ensure their vote is received and are able to vote on Election Day in the case that their ballot was not received. So literally the worst case scenario is they are faced with the option that you want to ensure is the only option. Also the vote is tracked as provisional and the names of individuals known. It would almost certainly be traced back to the mail carrier if this activity was done at a scale that would be even close to meaningful enough to risk prison time for.
Just to add. When we look at these states in question. Before 2016, Wisconsin had not gone red since 1984. Michigan had not gone red since 1988. PA had not gone red since 1988. We consider these swing states because the elections are usually pretty close, but in reality they are blue states that had a red blip in 2016. So does it make more sense they flipped back to blue, where they had been since the 80s/early 90s, or that all of them stole the election from Trump? ANd also keep in mind, Trump was a divisive president. Love him, hate him, or anywhere in between, everyone knows he was very polarizing and his approval ratings were never strong. So considering how divisive he was, it isnt much of a reach to think that 3 historically blue states, went back to being blue. GA and AZ were surprising for sure, but GA had been getting more purple recently so it isnt a complete shock either.
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It’s the Nirvana fallacy. The goal of an election is to determine the popular candidate, not to ensure 0% fraud. You have to strike a balance between your opinion of what is the greatest and most secure method to vote and fostering increased voter turnout. Like the restaurant that only takes cash. Yes it’s “more secure”. But people can commit fraud with cash, and the credit card fraud is detectable and can be rectified. Going backwards with more limited voting methods is not the way forward. Instead there should be strict penalties for voter fraud (there are) and safeguards should be in place such that voter fraud is easily detectable and fraudulent ballots are not counted (it is, and they aren’t).

Yup. Even in person voting isnt fraud proof. IF we are going to rewrite election laws every time a handful of fraud cases are found, then we are eventually going to get to a point where we just arent going to have meaningful elections due to low turnout, and that isnt democratic either.
Yup. Even in person voting isnt fraud proof. IF we are going to rewrite election laws every time a handful of fraud cases are found, then we are eventually going to get to a point where we just arent going to have meaningful elections due to low turnout, and that isnt democratic either.
i'm excited to hear this newfound "hey things can't be 100% perfect 100% of the time" logic the next time yall riot about a black guy getting shot by police.

the left has spent the last 4 years demanding perfection of everyone in their actions and speech, which is evidently subject to digging up unfounded rumors from the 80s and creating an entire circus over it. soon as the other side points out "hey there are some statistical impossibilities occurring in these states, why are they covering up the windows and dumping hundreds of thousands of votes at 4am after it was announced there would be no counting? and why did it happen exclusively in states that Trump had a narrow lead in?" yall are fine with the loosey goosey "sometimes these things happen teehee" approach.
i'm excited to hear this newfound "hey things can't be 100% perfect 100% of the time" logic the next time yall riot about a black guy getting shot by police.

the left has spent the last 4 years demanding perfection of everyone in their actions and speech, which is evidently subject to digging up unfounded rumors from the 80s and creating an entire circus over it. soon as the other side points out "hey there are some statistical impossibilities occurring in these states, why are they covering up the windows and dumping hundreds of thousands of votes at 4am after it was announced there would be no counting? and why did it happen exclusively in states that Trump had a narrow lead in?" yall are fine with the loosey goosey "sometimes these things happen teehee" approach.
Nothing to do with the topic.
i'm excited to hear this newfound "hey things can't be 100% perfect 100% of the time" logic the next time yall riot about a black guy getting shot by police.

the left has spent the last 4 years demanding perfection of everyone in their actions and speech, which is evidently subject to digging up unfounded rumors from the 80s and creating an entire circus over it. soon as the other side points out "hey there are some statistical impossibilities occurring in these states, why are they covering up the windows and dumping hundreds of thousands of votes at 4am after it was announced there would be no counting? and why did it happen exclusively in states that Trump had a narrow lead in?" yall are fine with the loosey goosey "sometimes these things happen teehee" approach.
Sorry that someone “dumped 100k votes” (i.e reported counted votes from population centers) at 4am and your preferred candidate lost. You’ll get over it one day. None of these things are the actual tangible cases of fraud that have been presented in this thread and are of minimal risk to the integrity of an election designed to choose the popular candidate.
ANd I agree this country is in a scary place. I disagree the reason. Trump is the one who has eroded confidence in our election. The system itself worked fine, but Trump just cant accept losing. Whether we will ever have confidence in our elections again I have no clue, but as long as we have people who believe in things like Qanon, then I am going to guess we are a long way from getting back to reality. I hope things calm down post Trump and we can get back to arguing about normal shit like tax rates and the boring political stuff. IF we cant, then I honestly think we might be in the twilight years of this country.
Lol... you partisan stooge. You blame Trump for eroding confidence in our elections but the last democrat to lose an election is still saying the election was stolen from her. Trump “just can’t accept losing,” but Hillary said in October that “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances.“

So go ahead, I’m sure you have some sort of excuse for why this is really Trump’s fault and he started the whole thing, and if it weren’t for him nobody would have ever questioned the integrity of an election before.
Sorry that someone “dumped 100k votes” (i.e reported counted votes from population centers) at 4am and your preferred candidate lost. You’ll get over it one day. None of these things are the actual tangible cases of fraud that have been presented in this thread and are of minimal risk to the integrity of an election designed to choose the popular candidate.
The fact that even fairly reasonable people like what we find on this board can't begin to negotiate on the security of elections is a pretty good indicator that this country is destined for civil war.

One entire month isn't enough time for people to show up in person to cast a vote. To say otherwise just means you want to stop black people from voting.
The vast majority were not thrown out due to no standing, that isnt accurate. They were thrown out because they provided basically no evidence they should be pursued. The Lawsuit the state of Texas tried to bring was thrown out with no standing, and maybe a few more, but there were over 40 legal challenges, and the vast majority were thrown out due to lack of any type of evidence, not because of having no standing.

But keep in mind, we have Trump on video trying to get the GA SOS to rig the election. Nobody could have listened to that call and not understood that is what Trump was trying to do. He asked him to find a specific # of votes. Not to make sure all the votes were accurate or this or that, he specifically wanted a certain number of votes to make him the winner. We also have Bill Barr saying they found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and the Trump's own homeland security official saying it was the most secure election US history. So many of Trump's own people are saying it wasnt stolen. The only reason people think it was stolen is because Trump said it was. There is absolutely no actual information that indicates that is the case. ANd also remember, Trump said before the election if he lost he was going to claim it was stolen, so he was essentially declaring it stolen before it even took place.

TO believe this election was stolen, we essentially have to believe there was a mass conspiracy between many states, all which were either swing states or historically red states, that decide they wanted Trump out. Do we honestly believe that is the case? Do we honestly believe the government of GA, where most of the top officials were outspoken Trump supporters, were secretly allowing the state to be stolen from him? AZ? IT is a pretty big leap to think all of these states that are either ran by the GOP, or at least have significant GOP power, were trying to steal the election from him.

There are legal remedies available. There are lawsuits of some manner in most every election, and some are certainly successful. And Trump was allowed to pursue this legally, his team just couldnt come up with anything of significance to make his claims appear remotely believable.

ANd I agree this country is in a scary place. I disagree the reason. Trump is the one who has eroded confidence in our election. The system itself worked fine, but Trump just cant accept losing. Whether we will ever have confidence in our elections again I have no clue, but as long as we have people who believe in things like Qanon, then I am going to guess we are a long way from getting back to reality. I hope things calm down post Trump and we can get back to arguing about normal shit like tax rates and the boring political stuff. IF we cant, then I honestly think we might be in the twilight years of this country.
It is accurate and you’re spinning the decision while saying the same thing that I said. The “no evidence” is a bar that no other civil lawsuit but these has to make within days of filing. You’ve made it obvious that you’re too ignorant to understand this concept and your bias is keeping you from any enlightenment. The day will come when you lament the inability to effectively bring legal challenges to elections because of the deadlines. It always swings both ways.

While we’re on the subject, how do you feel about the Democrat-led House taking up a challenge to a House election where the Republican won and the Democrat won’t let Democracy play its course?
Lol... you partisan stooge. You blame Trump for eroding confidence in our elections but the last democrat to lose an election is still saying the election was stolen from her. Trump “just can’t accept losing,” but Hillary said in October that “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances.“

So go ahead, I’m sure you have some sort of excuse for why this is really Trump’s fault and he started the whole thing, and if it weren’t for him nobody would have ever questioned the integrity of an election before.

Hillary conceded the day after the election.
The fact that even fairly reasonable people like what we find on this board can't begin to negotiate on the security of elections is a pretty good indicator that this country is destined for civil war.

One entire month isn't enough time for people to show up in person to cast a vote. To say otherwise just means you want to stop black people from voting.

Plenty of states have used mail in ballots for years, and you guys had no issue with it until Trump told you to have an issue with it. You can say we dont care about security all you want, but until you show us there is a need to get rid of mail in ballots, then this is a solution seeking a problem, and nothing more.
It is accurate and you’re spinning the decision while saying the same thing that I said. The “no evidence” is a bar that no other civil lawsuit but these has to make within days of filing. You’ve made it obvious that you’re too ignorant to understand this concept and your bias is keeping you from any enlightenment. The day will come when you lament the inability to effectively bring legal challenges to elections because of the deadlines. It always swings both ways.

While we’re on the subject, how do you feel about the Democrat-led House taking up a challenge to a House election where the Republican won and the Democrat won’t let Democracy play its course?

IT isnt accurate and civil suits get thrown out all the time, not sure what else to really say.
The fact that even fairly reasonable people like what we find on this board can't begin to negotiate on the security of elections is a pretty good indicator that this country is destined for civil war.

One entire month isn't enough time for people to show up in person to cast a vote. To say otherwise just means you want to stop black people from voting.
The people that aren’t actually in their permanent address during in person voting timeframe may have issue with it. That’s the whole purpose of it to begin with and it was no big deal when Trump was using it or military because those are GOP voters. It only came up as a hot debate item during a global pandemic where left leaning voters would take it more seriously and be hesitant to turn up in person. You know all this. Once the pandemic is behind us and the majority of those voting absentee are military or people voting from their winter home (I.e. GOP voters) you won’t hear another peep about “potential for fraud”.
So go ahead, I’m sure you have some sort of excuse for why this is really Trump’s fault and he started the whole thing
Some sort of excuse? It IS Trump's fault and YES, he did start the whole thing. There's only a million youtube videos of Trump whining about voter fraud before the election as well as after it.

For the record, he did the exact, same thing in 2016. Even after he was shocked to learn he'd won, he felt compelled to say Hillary only won the popular vote because millions of illegal aliens voted. Hell, he even set up a commission to look into this 'voter fraud.' Last I heard, they quietly disbanded months later.
Some sort of excuse? It IS Trump's fault and YES, he did start the whole thing. There's only a million youtube videos of Trump whining about voter fraud before the election as well as after it.

For the record, he did the exact, same thing in 2016. Even after he was shocked to learn he'd won, he felt compelled to say Hillary only won the popular vote because millions of illegal aliens voted. Hell, he even set up a commission to look into this 'voter fraud.' Last I heard, they quietly disbanded months later.

A little off topic, but it is the same mindset as saying Obama was born in Kenya and he had investigators in Hawaii finding out all sorts of damning information about it. Of course to this day, we still havent seen the information he supposedly found, just like we havent seen any of the information that points to the election being stolen.
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A little off topic, but it is the same mindset as saying Obama was born in Kenya and he had investigators in Hawaii finding out all sorts of damning information about it. Of course to this day, we still havent seen the information he supposedly found, just like we havent seen any of the information that points to the election being stolen.
Hillary still maintains the 2016 election wasn’t “on the level.” But sure, only Trump is responsible for harming confidence in our elections. You guys are funny.
Hillary conceded the day after the election.
So? What’s inaccurate about what I said?

Trump did EXACTLY what Hillary said Biden should do, which was not concede under any circumstances. This wasn’t some hearsay quote, she said this on the record.
Hillary still maintains the 2016 election wasn’t “on the level.” But sure, only Trump is responsible for harming confidence in our elections. You guys are funny.

You are talking about Russian interference, which isnt really debatable at this point. We know Russia tried to influence the election in 2016 and also the Brexit election. That doesnt mean the election was stolen or Russia changed votes or trashed ballots. If she thought the election was actually stolen she wouldnt have conceded the following day. Comparing what she did to what Trump did is comparing apples to zebras.