We also see very strong protection against serious COVID-19 disease in the 12-60yr group, with or without boosters, and for the >60yr group, the protection seems clearly stronger with boosters.
All of these data are consistent, suggesting the vaccines continue to provide strong protection vs. severe disease, critical disease or COVID-19 death.
For the older >60yr group, we see substantial protection vs. severe disease, critical disease or COVID-19 death from vaccination even with boosters (~70%), but this protection appears to have waned from the earlier reported numbers of >90%. However, a substantial proportion of this age group has already received boosters, and these have restored protection vs. severe disease, critical disease or death to very high levels (~93-96%) demonstrating a 4-fold to 6-fold reduction of risk of severe disease, critical disease, or COVID-19 deaths. Even though little time has passed since the booster program started, this provide support for their use in the older adult age group, especially at this time when the current Delta surge leads to high risk of exposure for this vulnerable population.
For the younger 12yr-60yr age group, we see vaccination provides a very high level of protection (~90%) vs. severe disease, critical disease, or COVID-19 death, whether boosted or not. These data do not provide any support for the benefit of boosters in these age groups, but given the low proportion boosted so far and the potential of a remaining Simpson's effect attenuating the estimated booster effectiveness numbers in this analysis , it is possible that as more time passes later data could reveal boosters provide a further reduction of risk.
Data and Details of Calculation:
I downloaded the data for this post from the
Israeli MoH dashboard on September 9, 2021. The datasets I downloaded include:
Key Points:1. I downloaded and analyzed data containing daily COVID-19 deaths and critical infection numbers from the Israeli ministry of health dashboard from August 10 and September 8, overall and split out by <60yr and >60yr, to assess effectiveness of boosters and vaccination without...