Joe Rogan on mRNA 😱

Another dumb c unt post by Boston. A five second google search on this stupid shit:

the only certainties in life are that lord Alfred will cite the same 12 supplement hockers over and over and that lord Alfred will buy gold.
Kind of sucks when you think you’re important and your whole life is centered around Covid Vaccines, but then you have to come to terms that no one cares in 2024 except crazy sociopath Bill and Parade
Jesus fukcing Christ.

A 5 second google search on Dr. Soh is all it took. In no way, shape or form is she qualified to speak on this subject.

Bostwat once again confirms he's retarded. Same with Rogan.

Debra W. Soh is a Canadian columnist, author, and former academic sex researcher.[2]

Soh received her Ph.D. from York University in Toronto. She has extensively researched paraphilias, suggesting they are neurological conditions rather than learned behaviors. Soh has written articles for various publications, and she once hosted Quillette's Wrongspeak podcast with Jonathan Kay. She identifies as a former feminist who became disillusioned with the term.

Soh has criticized childhood gender transitions, arguing for waiting until a child reaches cognitive maturity. She has also written against anti-conversion therapy laws that include both sexual orientation and gender identity. In 2020, she published her first book, "The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society".

Lol, you got the vax cuz ur a pussy
More from that same five second google search:
In October 2022, the American Board of Internal Medicine recommended that McCullough's board certification be revoked due to his promotion of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.
Yep, the more right, the more they go after them.

I guess you missed the early 2023 disclosure where CDC Director Walensky admitted he [of course, indirectly] was correct?

Yes, our US CDC admitted the new vaccines were worse than being unvaccinated. They purposely withheld the data in fall of 2022 from the Biden administration and US FDA.

Sorry, but our dystopian future is real.
I guess you missed the early 2023 disclosure where CDC Director Walensky admitted he [of course, indirectly] was correct?

Yes, our US CDC admitted the new vaccines were worse than being unvaccinated. They purposely withheld the data in fall of 2022 from the Biden administration and US FDA.
Bullsh*t. [directly]

The only thing Walensky has 'admitted to' is that our health care systems across the country don't do a good job of combining their data sets in order to present a complete picture. She said U.S. public health officials ended up having to use more complete data available from the U.K. and Israel in order to determine vaccine effectiveness.
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Bullsh*t. [directly]

The only thing Walensky has 'admitted to' is that our health care systems across the country don't do a good job of combining their data sets in order to present a complete picture. She said U.S. public health officials ended up having to use more complete data available from the U.K. and Israel in order to determine vaccine effectiveness.

100%. These people are brainwashed inbred cult members.
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I understand why you guys are so scared I really do you should be. But what's done is done. Don't be an ass, just be aware of that your immune system is dis regulated and you got a scarred up ticking time bomb instead of a healthy heart. 👍🏻😱

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I understand why you guys are so scared I really do you should be. But what's done is done. Don't be an ass, just be aware of that your immune system is dis regulated and you got a scarred up ticking time bomb instead of a healthy heart. 👍🏻😱

Crazy told you he took the poison jab?

Prove it. Show us your proof and I will post my vaccination card.

If you have no proof, cancel your account and never post here again.

Show us.

Tick tock, tick tock.
I understand why you guys are so scared I really do you should be. But what's done is done. Don't be an ass, just be aware of that your immune system is dis regulated and you got a scarred up ticking time bomb instead of a healthy heart. 👍🏻😱

Still waiting on you showing proof that Crazyhole was vaccinated

Otherwise, go away you piece of human trash
Still waiting on you showing proof that Crazyhole was vaccinated
Proof of vaccination? Hell, I'm still waiting for proof from Boston that Crazyhole committed suicide to make us all feel guilty for driving the poor guy to end it all.
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Crazy Bill never posts this often at this time

Did your IT job fire your ass for playing on (X) all day and searching Covid vaccine conspiracy theories from Dr. Igor Chudov? 😂😂😂
This is the next big fiasco to hit people are finding their bodies are still pumping out spike from the vaccine two years later. This is going to lead to even more more cancers and deaths 😱💰🤦‍♀️

This is the next big fiasco to hit people are finding their bodies are still pumping out spike from the vaccine two years later. This is going to lead to even more more cancers and deaths 😱💰🤦‍♀️

Crazy told you he took the poison jab?

Prove it. Show us your proof and I will post my vaccination card.

If you have no proof, cancel your account and never post here again.

Show us.

Tick tock, tick tock.
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Kind of sucks when you think you’re important and your whole life is centered around Covid Vaccines, but then you have to come to terms that no one cares in 2024 except crazy sociopath Bill and Parade Float

Posting in the WC to an audience of <10. Pretty pathetic life.
  1. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

    You know she was at least 3 pokes in. Horrifying. Stories like this everywhere not being covered by MSM. Worse than the Nazi's and WWII once the true numbers come out. It's not letting up unfortunately. Just look at the guys on this thread. They view themselves as "leaders" and lie about their...
  2. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

    So sad. That's the thing with mRNA you never know when it's going to strike you down 💉💰🤦‍♀️😱
  3. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

    wesh 2 antivax
  4. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Behind on your covid booster?

    pandemic of the unvaccinated 🤣🤥💸💉🤦‍♀️
  5. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Joe Rogan on mRNA 😱

    Sad. Praying for the family. 🙏
  6. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Joe Rogan on mRNA 😱

    I understand why you guys are so scared I really do you should be. But what's done is done. Don't be an ass, just be aware of that your immune system is dis regulated and you got a scarred up ticking time bomb instead of a healthy heart. 👍🏻😱...
  7. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    RIP Crazyhole

    All the sudden you start bleeding out gastrointestinal ruptures, aortic aneurysms 15:44
  8. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    RIP Crazyhole

    Start at 15:00 of video for what happened to crazy, RIP brother. Exactly what I thought , the mRNA chewed a hole and auto immune disease fkd everything up
  9. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    FOX35 all over it
  10. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    The experts have duked it out and the conspiracy theorist have come out on top on this one. All the Talking Heads they threw at it failed miserably. Paul Offfit , Peter Hotz they couldn't hand wave their way through it. The DNA contamination will just mysteriously disappear at some point...
  11. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

  12. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

    Ryan Cole says he seen aorta chewed up from mRNA spike expression and auto immune disease 😱 This is like nuclear bad they're trapped Biden will never acknowledge this, and neither will Trump
  13. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Behind on your covid booster?

    Mike did you get your booster yet? Still waiting for your vax card 🤥 🤣
  14. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

  15. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

    aortic dissection through the roof. This one just after poison jab released. Poor parents are still scratching their heads.
  16. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

  17. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

    aortic dissection autoimmune 💉. Same thing taking out so many
  18. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Behind on your covid booster?

  19. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Joe Rogan on mRNA 😱

  20. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Behind on your covid booster?

    Sound familiar? 🐑 The differences these guys are paid by government as part of a psyop propaganda. But at least they're honest about shots and boosters and don't lie like Mike and the other useful idiots 💰😂🤦‍♀️
  1. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Joe Rogan on mRNA 😱

    Rubbery clots, huge cover-up
  2. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    Man, the cancers from this poison are insane. It's like your immune system becomes completely worthless. P53 suppressor gene compromised by mRNA and the toxicity of the sub clinical damage it's like surface of a volcano ready to blow🌋 💰🤦‍♀️
  3. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    tragic. So many cancers. Praying for all the victims
  4. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    Listen to your doctor. Listen to the experts. This shit is straight up gangsta
  5. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

  6. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    RIP Russ Wood

    The video is really good if you want to get a sense of Russ’ legacy. I watched almost half of it , very touching. Poor guy, I hope he wasn't coerced. 💉💰
  7. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

    Damn brutal 10 years old. Guess we know Sao Paulo 5-11 didn't get the placebo like most the US kids
  8. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    RIP Russ Wood

    Dude was very cool and nice to all us folks in the Dungeon. Praying for his family and all the victims of the mRNA experiment gone wrong. Same exact thing happened up here with my good buddy Billy. We had to do a wellness check and got the news died in sleep. Another guy I know had heart attack...
  9. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    RIP Crazyhole

    Poor bastard, if he only known that mRNA was going to chew a hole in his GI he would probably still be with us
  10. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Behind on your covid booster?

    Praying for victims of this horrific experiment . RIP Russ Wood
  11. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    22 yr old XFL Trainer Dies. Cause of death not released. Take care of yourselves outhere.

    mRNA is gonna blow away WWII in body count when all is said and done. And all the victims will be shit stains on history that the government will continue to fight to cover up “correlation does not equal causation” 🙄💰
  12. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    Very sad the soaps have been getting hit particularly hard
  13. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    RIP Crazyhole

    Poor guy. Had to take the experimental injection and it totally chewed a hole gave a ticking time bomb in GI. Just like all the sub clinical heart problems still out there . When it pops nobody knows 🎱
  14. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

  15. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    brutal, going on all over the world 🙏 The spike protein in his body from the vaccine is replicating and destroying his DNA
  16. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    My sister already had stage three kidneys disease when she was in the ICU for cardiac arrest. They didn't even know her kidney status and would've gladly hung a bag of Remdesivir if she tested positive 💰 I actually had it added to her orders no remdog. They lost the orders three times. I wrote...
  17. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

    What I've observed and I've known generally since mid 21 is that the statistical data published by the federal government is junk, and cannot be trusted. You have to look at the state level data to get a true sense of what's going on. There's several people that have scrutinized the state data...
  18. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Joe Rogan on mRNA 😱

    This is the next big fiasco to hit people are finding their bodies are still pumping out spike from the vaccine two years later. This is going to lead to even more more cancers and deaths 😱💰🤦‍♀️
  19. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    Behind on your covid booster?

  20. [IMG alt="Boston.Knight"][/IMG]

    RIP Crazyhole

    It's too bad his doctor never warned him about mrna and his pre-existing condition 💰🤦‍♀️
Certifiably insane.

Posting the entire year about Covid vaccine and not a single post about any other topic
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John “O’Loony” funeral director and noted vaccine expert. You can’t make this shit up. Lord Alfred parodying himself.

Austin Powers Love GIF
The scary thing about it is you can't stop the fibrin clots with traditional anti-clotting agents like aspirin or blood thinners 😱

Cover up of biblical proportion
Too bad little Jerry curl wasn't up here in MA. Jerry Senior welfare check would be having little Jerry get all shot up. Why travel 5000 miles to Africa to experiment on children when you can do it right here at home for free 💰

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