That'll show em. Yuri can suck a big fat one.

The latest Rabid Transactivism going after yet more LGBTQIAs ...

Rabid Trans-activism is undermining and canceling too much of the rest of the LGBTQIA community. I agree that 'Callout Culture' is the new 'Bullying,' and it is going after Progressives, let alone Liberals (or us Libertarians for that matter), even more than Conservatives.

The very people who have had their voice silenced for decades by Conservatives, even Clinton Democrats, only to be allowed to finally speak in the 21st Century, are now being silenced by the Trans-activism in the same community.

A fellow LGBTQIA, who didn't even write a book, merely saying that another book wasn't anti-trans, is canceled. At this point, it's clear... any LGBTQIA who defends monogamous relationships and concepts could be canceled.
The latest Rabid Transactivism going after yet more LGBTQIAs ...

Rabid Trans-activism is undermining and canceling too much of the rest of the LGBTQIA community. I agree that 'Callout Culture' is the new 'Bullying,' and it is going after Progressives, let alone Liberals (or us Libertarians for that matter), even more than Conservatives.

The very people who have had their voice silenced for decades by Conservatives, even Clinton Democrats, only to be allowed to finally speak in the 21st Century, are now being silenced by the Trans-activism in the same community.

A fellow LGBTQIA, who didn't even write a book, merely saying that another book wasn't anti-trans, is canceled. At this point, it's clear... any LGBTQIA who defends monogamous relationships and concepts could be canceled.
Parthenogenesis - I'm an objective, scientific Libertarian. I'm both fascinated and terrified by the implications, sociological. At the same time, I could see people getting political. E.g., at the same time some activists in the greater LBGTQIA might want to make the charge that men (Y cromo) is no longer required, I could also see the activists in the religions right make a similar charge about intelligent design and why Jesus was born of an underutilized egg of a higher power. As always, obvious to some, denied by others, it's all a matter of view, but we should cancel no views in the debate.


So does she know whether she's a woman or not? I hope you Biden voters are proud, because this is the kind of idiocracy you've brought to our country.

"In your opinion" means there is no wrong answer other than "I don't know". This woman may actually be mentally retarded.

"In your opinion" means there is no wrong answer other than "I don't know". This woman may actually be mentally retarded.

So does she know whether she's a woman or not? I hope you Biden voters are proud, because this is the kind of idiocracy you've brought to our country.

Walt Disney is probably rolling over in his grave right now.


So does she know whether she's a woman or not? I hope you Biden voters are proud, because this is the kind of idiocracy you've brought to our country.
Actually, that's a pretty good answer ... in the context of being a Justice. She's waiting for a lawyer to make an argument. I've said the same when GOP nominees have been put up.

She's not a politician, or a litigant, and she's not a SME ... she's a Justice.
Actually, that's a pretty good answer ... in the context of being a Justice. She's waiting for a lawyer to make an argument. I've said the same when GOP nominees have been put up.

She's not a politician, or a litigant, and she's not a SME ... she's a Justice.
Which would be fine if she hadn’t argued that other controversial matters are settled case law. She had to know these questions were coming and should have prepped better replies for them. Maybe even go so far as to cite relevant precedents.
How long did it take to go from "build back better" to food shortages and unsustainable inflation? Asking for my liberal friends?
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