More leftist violence

Find a more recent article then. It's an outdated topic because there havent been very many terror attacks recently.

Hahaha what? A kosher grocery store was attacked in December. 5 deaths.

4 months before that 28 people were killed in El Paso

4 months before that a synagogue was attacked in California and an old woman was killed.

In 2018 50 total extremist attacks happened and every single one was tied to right wing extremism.
Hahaha what? A kosher grocery store was attacked in December. 5 deaths.

4 months before that 28 people were killed in El Paso

4 months before that a synagogue was attacked in California and an old woman was killed.

In 2018 50 total extremist attacks happened and every single one was tied to right wing extremism.

Should be easy to prove with a link.
Should be easy to prove with a link.
I can easily provide a link to all the news articles on those right wing terrorist attacks.

I can't find a link for the left wing terrorist attacks that don't exist. I looked for a long time but these non-existent attacks seem very under reported on.
I can easily provide a link to all the news articles on those right wing terrorist attacks.

I can't find a link for the left wing terrorist attacks that don't exist. I looked for a long time but these non-existent attacks seem very under reported on.
If it's easy, do it.
5 dead in a Milwaukee Coors brewery shooting.
I was just there, at that location, a few years back. It was one of my final 'contract' gigs for Red Hat, after I left them as an employee (got tired of 90+ hour/weeks) and they brought me back hourly (at a much higher, hourly rate too).

The 'gun free zone' was one thing that was not liked, not at all, by several there. There was some conversations around that, especially since the US-based consultant of the UK integrator I was working with was seemingly former regiment (SAS, or in support of them). He certainly didn't like that the UK went gun-free, knife-free and makes self-defense, even in your own home, a mandatory manslaughter charge if the perpetrator is killed.

It will be interesting if people will start suing 'gun free zones' for lack of armed security or allowing carry. I mean, we're already suing over everything else.
Hahaha what? A kosher grocery store was attacked in December. 5 deaths.

4 months before that 28 people were killed in El Paso

4 months before that a synagogue was attacked in California and an old woman was killed.

In 2018 50 total extremist attacks happened and every single one was tied to right wing extremism.

you're telling us these Black Hebrew Israelites (the black separatist, anti-white movement) were Trump supporters?


your source is trash

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translated: we only like the black people who behave. the bad ones are your responsibility

You can't just assume that because someone is black that they are democrats. What similarities are there in the beliefs of the Black Hebrews and the Democratic party?

None. Racist argument from racist poster. I liked your previous account better.
You can't just assume that because someone is black that they are democrats. What similarities are there in the beliefs of the Black Hebrews and the Democratic party?

None. Racist argument from racist poster. I liked your previous account better.

They’re anti-Semites. Democrats are putting their own elected anti-Semites on magazine covers with Pelosi and the communist at the top of the ticket is using those anti-Semites as surrogates

These people are a perfect fit in the DNC.
You can't just assume that because someone is black that they are democrats. What similarities are there in the beliefs of the Black Hebrews and the Democratic party?

None. Racist argument from racist poster. I liked your previous account better.
on Black Israelites meeting Trump supporters:

“They called us 'racists,' 'bigots,' 'white crackers,' '******s' and 'incest kids.'”

Is that something you would say to people of a similar creed?

How ironic that 50% of that rhetoric is

your own.

Let’s just keep ignoring the elephant in the room that largest attack on Jewish people was conducted by a far-left group.

hold this L, bitch
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damn thats really sad. they release any details yet? been very busy at work this morning.
Apparently the shooter was a black guy who felt like he was being discriminated against. His coworkers took issue with him being on his phone all of the time at work. Sounds like a pretty paranoid guy, he thought his coworkers had bugged his house.
Nope. Liberal ideology must be at the root of it.

Did I do that right? Categorize mass killers based on political ideology regardless of any other factors.
No, you’re still doing it wrong. This guy was discriminated against and the only people who discriminate are on the right. Since he wouldn’t have done this unless he was discriminated against, then this is the fault of the right.
Nope. Liberal ideology must be at the root of it.

Did I do that right? Categorize mass killers based on political ideology regardless of any other factors.
What was his political ideology. I didn't see you mention it, just that he was black.
What was his political ideology. I didn't see you mention it, just that he was black.
Just like with all mass shooters, political ideology isnt a factor. The dude was just crazy.

Unlike politically motivated killings like what Castro, stalin, lenin, Mao, Pot, and Che performed most of the killers in the US are just insane or racists.
A bold (and easily disprovable) stance
Prolly not, but bias reigns supreme so why try? If you attribute islamic ideology to the right and dismiss legitimate mental issues that bring these kinds of things about, there probably isnt much point in trying to have a discussion.