Allegedly the combination of IgA+IgG+IgM antibodies from natural immunity, such as recovery, are 27x more effective those of IgG-predominate, blood-bourne mRNA vaccines. I'm sure there are different ways to 'slice' how they came up with that number, but the fact remains ...
Those with mRNA vaccine jabs do NOT get sterilization in their upper respiratory tract, and spread it almost as much, or in the case of Delta, just as much as the unvaccinated, even asymptomatic, or possibly not infected at all.
Those with natural immunity, especially post-recovery, spread it 1/10th as much, or less.
The CDC, obviously, didn't want to talk about this, as they feared less people would get vaccines, and the US Media are 3rd graders, so they don't even remotely understand how any vaccines work, much less mRNA for SARS-CoV-2. But the US NIH and, to its credit (especially as of late) WHO, actually have a lot of great info.
The Israelis (Pfizer-heavy) have been even better, as have the UK NHS (Pfizer-heavy with some Adenovirus AstraZeneca), just usually later than the Israelis.