My New Stance: Medicare For None


Diamond Knight
Jan 27, 2011
Boomers counting on government healthcare vote against Medicare for all yet all of their asses are on it.

The amount they paid in over their lives does not equal the amount they will cost the government. We need to end the Medicare program or sharply raise the price of their premiums and deductibles. If I'm going to keep paying out the ass for healthcare then they can join me.

There are plenty of good inexpensive plans out there such as Christian Partnerships.
Filthy boomers love their government plans. They just hate them for everyone else.

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90% of people over 65 have a favorable opinion on Medicare.

95% over 65 say it's important for the country as a whole.

93% say it's working for most seniors

That's far from the vision of the bungling government entity that can't do anything right that the chuds here paint. If Medicare is so awful I think we should take the elderly off of it and let them experience the joys of private for profit insurance. I mean, that's what they think is best for the rest of us.
Boomers counting on government healthcare vote against Medicare for all yet all of their asses are on it.

The amount they paid in over their lives does not equal the amount they will cost the government. We need to end the Medicare program or sharply raise the price of their premiums and deductibles. If I'm going to keep paying out the ass for healthcare then they can join me.

There are plenty of good inexpensive plans out there such as Christian Partnerships.

How about one we look at what is driving up costs? Fix Medicare where we aren't taking out 2 dollars for every dollar in. Limit lawsuits in general for healthcare. Incentives for healthy living. Cheaper options like CVS type clinics for general sickness.

Tax credits for those on Medicare for staying healthy and limiting costs.
How about one we look at what is driving up costs? Fix Medicare where we aren't taking out 2 dollars for every dollar in. Limit lawsuits in general for healthcare. Incentives for healthy living. Cheaper options like CVS type clinics for general sickness.

Tax credits for those on Medicare for staying healthy and limiting costs.
How about if government healthcare is too expensive for the healthiest Americans it's too expensive for everyone.
There are plenty of good inexpensive plans out there such as Christian Partnerships.
An investigative piece I watched this week exposed 90% of these so-called “Christian” partnership medical plans as shams.

But hey, they certainly are cheaper. :)
Joe Biden won and now Shook Chicken is throwing a hissy fit.

Since he's promised that he will not vote for a moderate, I look forward to him voting for some worthless 3rd party candidate in November to avoid being a total hypocrite.
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An investigative piece I watched this week exposed 90% of these so-called “Christian” partnership medical plans as shams.

But hey, they certainly are cheaper. :)

Oh, which investigative piece was that?
Why do only Baby Boomers get government healthcare? If they can't afford private health insurance, they can't afford to retire at 65. Get that ass back to work.

I know you're trying to be funny, but they probably do need to push up retirement age another year. Medicare they will need a solution to get more efficient. Now you're waiting a system that screwed up to be used by all? Makes no sense.
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Joe Biden won and now Shook Chicken is throwing a hissy fit.

Since he's promised that he will not vote for a moderate, I look forward to him voting for some worthless 3rd party candidate in November to avoid being a total hypocrite.
Lol no I didn't promise that. I'll have Biden signs all over my yard fam.
I know you're trying to be funny, but they probably do need to push up retirement age another year. Medicare they will need a solution to get more efficient. Now you're waiting a system that screwed up to be used by all? Makes no sense.
Push it back to 100. Old dusty ass boomers are so committed to making sure the rest of us aren't on a single payer plan then they need to get their insurance from the private market too. Medicare For None 2020
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Shook Chicken is here crying about boomers again while choosing not to acknowledge that the young, dipshit left wing socialists (again) didn't turn out to vote in any significant manner a few days ago. The supposed "Bernie Coalition!" that was going to usher in this great socialist revolution.

"Millions of new, young voters turning out!"

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Oh, which investigative piece was that?
I don't recall what news channel I was watching now. But the report highlighted a couple of the sham providers who have royally screwed over its Christian customers. One was Allera and the other one they looked into was Trinity. They talked with families who had their claims denied for all kind of appallingly bogus reasons. Apparently their favorite is denying claims due to preexisting conditions
im all for it.
But they're not.

Boomers are the worst generation we've ever had. They want free healthcare for them and them alone. They love Medicare. But it's just too expensive for anyone else to have it and after all, in their minds, they have earned it. They retired at 57 after a hard 35 years of rustling papers at the same company that they started at earning 50k out of college and they paid off their $2500 in student loans without any help. When they crashed the stock market they were able to keep their jobs because they had seniority and were able to buy even more stocks for cheaper. When the market recovered they came out well ahead. Right before they retired they killed American manufacturing by moving all the jobs overseas to push that portfolio even higher. Oh and the best part is, they haven't paid taxes on almost any of their retirement because they created a tax free retirement savings for themselves. They mostly live on their gaurentee monthly government income and get mad when they take their RMD.

If anyone deserves for us to foot the healthcare bill for them, it's the boomers.
They went to pay for someone else's healthcare.
So screw my decades of monthly FICA taxes. When I go on Medicare, I like it because I'm a lazy moocher, not an investor in these programs??!? Is that the deal?

I'm sick and tired of the baseless attacks on our two major social programs. Social Security and Medicare are damn, good programs that are lifelines for a sizable percentage of our elderly.

The "how the hell are we going to pay for them?" argument is disingenuious because the fixes are easy and obvious.
So screw my decades of monthly FICA taxes. When I go on Medicare, I like it because I'm a lazy moocher, not an investor in these programs??!? Is that the deal?

I'm sick and tired of the baseless attacks on our two major social programs. Social Security and Medicare are damn, good programs that are lifelines for a sizable percentage of our elderly.

The "how the hell are we going to pay for them?" argument is disingenuious because the fixes are easy and obvious.

Slow down with the hyperbole.
The promised hoards of young Bernie Bro voters didn't show up but WAHHH!! - Boomers suck and stuff!
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MFA is so popular that it couldn't even get half of the support from the progressive party.
Democrats have boomers too. They all voted for Biden. Look at @DaShuckster. He loves Biden who was the only major candidate against MFA and I remember seeing that he's old enough for Medicare. So enlighten us @DaShuckster why should you get Medicare and not anyone else?
Democrats have boomers too. They all voted for Biden. Look at @DaShuckster. He loves Biden who was the only major candidate against MFA and I remember seeing that he's old enough for Medicare. So enlighten us @DaShuckster why should you get Medicare and not anyone else?

Probably because it would cost at least $3.5 Trillion per year in new spending and no one wants to crater the economy to attempt paying for that nonsense.
I can understand Trump boomers but I'll never understand why Democrat centrists are so concerned about kids dying in cages but not kids having guaranteed access to proper healthcare and developmental care.
What was hyperbole?

You opine "someone else is paying for it" and when I call you on your bullsh*t, you give me a whoa daddy, "slow down the hyperbole"? Priceless.

I didnt say that you didnt earn this benefit because obviously you did. I said that people like medicare because other people are paying for it, which is true. That's not hard to understand.
Probably because it would cost at least $3.5 Trillion per year in new spending and no one wants to crater the economy to attempt paying for that nonsense.
Kids dying in cages due to lack of care?
Centrist dems: Outrageous. Impeach Trump. This is disgusting.

Millions of kids have a lack of basic medical care in the United States and we can make a significant difference but your taxes are going to go up a little bit.
Centrist Dems: New phone who dis? #Biden2020
Democrats have boomers too. They all voted for Biden. Look at @DaShuckster. He loves Biden...
To be fair, I loved Mayor Pete but I'm ready to roll with Biden over an avowed socialist with skeletons in the family closet that the Trump attack machine will literally destroy.
….who was the only major candidate against MFA and I remember seeing that he's old enough for Medicare. So enlighten us...
Despite Trump's SOTU assertions, he's out to destroy the ACA, and you want to argue over whether Medicare for All or Biden's enhanced ACA plan are better??? Get Real.

In American politics, "revolution" comes in small, easy-to-digest mouth-fulls for most voters.
And for the umpteen time, I'm retired but that doesn't mean I'm eligible for Medicare, okay? This is one lazyass Boomer moocher who pays for his private health insurance the same as you do.
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Shook Chicken is intent to cry about everyone BUT the people who didn't turn out to vote that he assured us would, when inspired by Comrade Sanders.
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Kids dying in cages due to lack of care?
Centrist dems: Outrageous. Impeach Trump. This is disgusting.

Millions of kids have a lack of basic medical care in the United States and we can make a significant difference but your taxes are going to go up a little bit.
Centrist Dems: New phone who dis? #Biden2020

Biden is pushing for the public option which would be progress from where we are now. The problem with a lot of progressives isnt their ideas, its that they have absolutely no strategy to get those ideas pushed through, and this is where I dont agree with your narrative at all. If Bernie does go on and win, do you honestly expect M4A to get passed? I honestly dont. Republicans certainly wouldnt be for it, and many Democrats wouldnt be for it. So, can you really be a progressive if you cant get things done? The ideas part is just the first and easy part of it, the getting things done is the difficult part. I dont think it's fair to blame centrist Dems for having concerns about Bernie. I personally dont understand why Warren didnt get more traction, but I dont think Bernie has ever created confidence in a lot of people that he could actually achieve his goals.
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To be fair, I loved Mayor Pete but I'm ready to roll with Biden over an avowed socialist with skeletons in the family closet that the Trump attack machine will literally destroy.
Despite Trump's SOTU assertions, he's out to destroy the ACA, and you want to argue over whether Medicare for All or Biden's enhanced ACA plan are better??? Get Real.

In American politics, "revolution" comes in small, easy-to-digest mouth-fulls for most voters.
For the umpteen time, I'm retired but that doesn't mean I'm eligible for Medicare, okay? This is one lazyass Boomer moocher who pays for his private health insurance the same as you do.

You do know that Biden will get called a socialist the whole election too right?

We're all socialists in the eyes of fox news. Want potholes filled? Socialism. Want national parks? Socialism. Want new bus routes? Socialism.

Bernie is no more a socialist than Biden is. He's proposing ideas that are successful in capitalist based countries. You're just falling for the noise but I assure you that Joe Biden will be a socialist by September.

You are counting on Medicare when you're eligible. Why should you get it if you don't want anyone else to have it?
The problem with a lot of progressives isnt their ideas, its that they have absolutely no strategy to get those ideas pushed through, and this is where I dont agree with your narrative at all. If Bernie does go on and win, do you honestly expect M4A to get passed?
You nailed it, Cubs79!

That's why I had to laugh when people talked about how scary Warren's and Sander's various plans were. Every one of them was pure fantasy. They all had about as much chance of becoming law as me making love to Emma Watson or Scarlett Johansson (although, I still dream.)
Biden is pushing for the public option which would be progress from where we are now. The problem with a lot of progressives isnt their ideas, its that they have absolutely no strategy to get those ideas pushed through, and this is where I dont agree with your narrative at all. If Bernie does go on and win, do you honestly expect M4A to get passed? I honestly dont. Republicans certainly wouldnt be for it, and many Democrats wouldnt be for it. So, can you really be a progressive if you cant get things done? The ideas part is just the first and easy part of it, the getting things done is the difficult part. I dont think it's fair to blame centrist Dems for having concerns about Bernie. I personally dont understand why Warren didnt get more traction, but I dont think Bernie has ever created confidence in a lot of people that he could actually achieve his goals.
Ok so why should boomer dems who vote against a Medicare for all candidate get Medicare? Let's just end the program if it's such a bad idea. Biden won the over 45 population by like 65% to 15% on super Tuesday. If only 15% of people who are around medicare age think Medicare is a good idea then we should see how popular it would be to get rid of it.

See, you guys aren't too worried about healthcare because you know you have a government plan waiting for you. You don't want "SOCIALISM MEDICINE" but the withholdings from my paycheck pay for current Medicare that likely won't be there when I retire. For being afraid of big bad socialism I sure don't see older centrist dems quick to fight against Medicare for themselves.
You do know that Biden will get called a socialist the whole election too right?

We're all socialists in the eyes of fox news. Want potholes filled? Socialism. Want national parks? Socialism. Want new bus routes? Socialism.

Bernie is no more a socialist than Biden is. He's proposing ideas that are successful in capitalist based countries. You're just falling for the noise but I assure you that Joe Biden will be a socialist by September.

You are counting on Medicare when you're eligible. Why should you get it if you don't want anyone else to have it?

"Bernie is no more a socialist than Biden is"

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