Nickelodeon has gone off the rails

Typical sympathy play. I'm compassionate and understanding with people that truly have gender dysphoria. I draw the line when they try to change the meaning of words and try to hold me as an emotional hostage. Don't tell me that biology is wrong because you feel like its wrong, and if you're threatening to kill yourself if I don't accept your delusion, go ahead and pull the trigger. I can be empathetic without sacrificing science and my own well being.
Well, I'm sorry you have to feel so strongly and angrily about something the doesn't affect your daily life in any way, and lack empathy for the people whom are affected.
Well, I'm sorry you have to feel so strongly and angrily about something the doesn't affect your daily life in any way, and lack empathy for the people whom are affected.
Lol, I'm not the angry one. You've thrown out insults, I've just stated facts and common sense. I DO have empathy for people with gender dysphoria and have dealt with it first-hand. You speak out of generalities and platitudes that do nothing but encourage behavior that is damaging to the people that actually suffer from it.
Typical sympathy play. I'm compassionate and understanding with people that truly have gender dysphoria. I draw the line when they try to change the meaning of words and try to hold me as an emotional hostage. Don't tell me that biology is wrong because you feel like its wrong, and if you're threatening to kill yourself if I don't accept your delusion, go ahead and pull the trigger. I can be empathetic without sacrificing science and my own well being.
The simple cry of the LGB community going back to the old 'nurture vs. nature' days has always been "I was born this way." The "pro-family," anti-gay crowd used to adamantly proclaim to anyone who would listen that homosexuality was a lifestyle CHOICE -- until it was pointed out to them that such a stance indicated a person with strong bisexual tendencies. Oops. :oops:

Low and behold, the science finally got to the point where we now understand there is a wide spectrum in human sexuality. A majority of people fall into the heterosexual camp but there is a sizable number who do not. Today, heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality are all recognized as natural parts of the human condition.

Transgendered individuals are sometimes difficult for the general public to deal with because of their appearance. Nevertheless, they are part of that same sexual spectrum. It's funny. It took decades for people (at least in this country) to come to grips with the fact that people can be Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual, thus LGB. But the T for transgendered is part of it too.

Seems to me we live in a world that is challenging enough without the need to public shame trans people. Let them live their lives as they see fit.
The simple cry of the LGB community going back to the old 'nurture vs. nature' days has always been "I was born this way." The "pro-family," anti-gay crowd used to adamantly proclaim to anyone who would listen that homosexuality was a lifestyle CHOICE -- until it was pointed out to them that such a stance indicated a person with strong bisexual tendencies. Oops. :oops:

Low and behold, the science finally got to the point where we now understand there is a wide spectrum in human sexuality. A majority of people fall into the heterosexual camp but there is a sizable number who do not. Today, heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality are all recognized as natural parts of the human condition.

Transgendered individuals are sometimes difficult for the general public to deal with because of their appearance. Nevertheless, they are part of that same sexual spectrum. It's funny. It took decades for people (at least in this country) to come to grips with the fact that people can be Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual, thus LGB. But the T for transgendered is part of it too.

Seems to me we live in a world that is challenging enough without the need to public shame trans people. Let them live their lives as they see fit.
You are conflating things. LGB? I've got no problem there. They don't act like they have the wrong body. Nature vs nurture? Sure, that's a topic worth discussing but ultimately doesn't change anything.

Trans OTOH has completely co-opted the gay community and are trying to use their momentum to claim that genetics are irrelevant, that behavior is irrelevant, and the only the that matters is how someone feels. They are actually taking the position that a gay person may not actually be gay, when we all know that "gay" is quantifiable and gay people want it to be seen as quantifiable.
You are conflating things. LGB? I've got no problem there. They don't act like they have the wrong body. Nature vs nurture? Sure, that's a topic worth discussing but ultimately doesn't change anything.

Trans OTOH has completely co-opted the gay community and are trying to use their momentum to claim that genetics are irrelevant, that behavior is irrelevant, and the only the that matters is how someone feels. They are actually taking the position that a gay person may not actually be gay, when we all know that "gay" is quantifiable and gay people want it to be seen as quantifiable.
Yesterday, you were trying to convince us that drag queens are trans. Forgive us for thinking you're the one with the issues.
Yesterday, you were trying to convince us that drag queens are trans. Forgive us for thinking you're the one with the issues.
Drag queens are trans and always have been. You guys just changed the meaning of the word. Now it's just "dressing up", right?
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It should be noted that in this video, no reference is made to straight or gay people, just "life, healing, sunlight, nature, spirit, and trans people of color". Since when does the rainbow flag not include gay and straight people?
That's it? No input beyond saying you knew people would talk about it?

You all should know where I stand on these "issues" (or should I say, the only people making it an issue are the anti-cancel culture, anti-snowflake crowd. Ironic, isn't it?)

@Crazyhole you're completely offbase with your assumption of drag queen = trans, it's completely different. One is literally dress up, performance art, and one is an entire being and identity.

To those claiming things have gotten better for the trans community, sure - better, but just because something get's better doesn't mean it's in a good place. The trans community wasn't even fully accepted by the gay community (especially the well-off, white cis man gay community) until pretty recently, and even now, there's still a disconnect. We all must do better to not judge but support our trans community.
You all should know where I stand on these "issues" (or should I say, the only people making it an issue are the anti-cancel culture, anti-snowflake crowd. Ironic, isn't it?)

@Crazyhole you're completely offbase with your assumption of drag queen = trans, it's completely different. One is literally dress up, performance art, and one is an entire being and identity.

To those claiming things have gotten better for the trans community, sure - better, but just because something get's better doesn't mean it's in a good place. The trans community wasn't even fully accepted by the gay community (especially the well-off, white cis man gay community) until pretty recently, and even now, there's still a disconnect. We all must do better to not judge but support our trans community.
If a drag queen isn't trans, why have a drag queen singing a song about trans rights?
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The trans community wasn't even fully accepted by the gay community (especially the well-off, white cis man gay community) until pretty recently, and even now, there's still a disconnect. We all must do better to not judge but support our trans community.
This reminded me of a hilarious bit on the subject by Dave Chappell. If you haven't heard it before, it's worth a listen. :)

It should be noted that in this video, no reference is made to straight or gay people, just "life, healing, sunlight, nature, spirit, and trans people of color". Since when does the rainbow flag not include gay and straight people?
Then why are you snowflakes so upset about it? Looks to me like a dressed up actor talking about "life, healing, sunlight, nature, spirit, and trans people of color." It it really that horrible???
If a drag queen isn't trans, why have a drag queen singing a song about trans rights?
Because drag queens are fun!! And, kids usually like things that are fun, outgoing, colorful, and happy.

Your stance on this is idiotic, at best. Seriously. I know I insult people a lot, but you're really being a moron here. A large number (and I'd be willing to say most) of drag queens are gay males playing dress-up. They don't have gender identity questions. They are not trans. You are very wrong.
Then why are you snowflakes so upset about it? Looks to me like a dressed up actor talking about "life, healing, sunlight, nature, spirit, and trans people of color." It it really that horrible???
So it's someone that is pretending to be trans. Good deal.
I guess being deliberately obtuse is your thing. Cool.
Lol. More ad-homs.

If drag queens aren't trans, why is Nickelodeon using one as the spokesperson for trans rights? It's a very simple question.
If a drag queen isn't trans, why have a drag queen singing a song about trans rights?

If I sing a song about a straight couple falling in love, does that all a sudden make me straight?

Lol. More ad-homs.

If drag queens aren't trans, why is Nickelodeon using one as the spokesperson for trans rights? It's a very simple question.

Because Drag Queens are performers, they perform for people, whether it be through fashion or music or comedy, etc. Nina West is a well-known drag queen who was on RuPaul's Drag Race and is known for being colorful, camp and theater-oriented. She actually released a children's album already as well.

Robin Williams dressed up as a woman for Mrs. Doubtfire, is he all a sudden trans?
Lol. More ad-homs.

If drag queens aren't trans, why is Nickelodeon using one as the spokesperson for trans rights? It's a very simple question.
It is a dumb question, as if Nickelodeon is some barometer of science. I already answered your dumb question, anyway.

And, yes. Ad-homs. That is all you deserve for the dumbass stance you are taking on this one. Sometimes, that is all I have left to do: insult dumbasses for their dumbass takes when they are completely ignorant of the situation.
If I sing a song about a straight couple falling in love, does that all a sudden make me straight?

Because Drag Queens are performers, they perform for people, whether it be through fashion or music or comedy, etc. Nina West is a well-known drag queen who was on RuPaul's Drag Race and is known for being colorful, camp and theater-oriented. She actually released a children's album already as well.

Robin Williams dressed up as a woman for Mrs. Doubtfire, is he all a sudden trans?

It is as-if Crazyhole has never seen a single episode of Drag Race. What are we at, 14 seasons? I think there has been like two actual trans contestants during all of those years. Has he seen Pose? Paris is Burning? I am Divine? Any single pop-culture reference that might actually provide a tiny bit of insight to go along with everything else he ignores?
If I sing a song about a straight couple falling in love, does that all a sudden make me straight?

Because Drag Queens are performers, they perform for people, whether it be through fashion or music or comedy, etc. Nina West is a well-known drag queen who was on RuPaul's Drag Race and is known for being colorful, camp and theater-oriented. She actually released a children's album already as well.

Robin Williams dressed up as a woman for Mrs. Doubtfire, is he all a sudden trans?
Lol, that's quite the pivot.

So when kids see this video, do you think they won't associate drag queens with transgenderism? Of course they will because it's a presentation of transgenderism. I honestly can't believe that you guys are trying to separate the 2.
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Lol, that's quite the pivot.

So when kids see this video, do you think they won't associate drag queens with transgenderism? Of course they will because it's a presentation of transgenderism. I honestly can't believe that you guys are trying to separate the 2.
It is as-if Crazyhole has never seen a single episode of Drag Race. What are we at, 14 seasons? I think there has been like two actual trans contestants during all of those years. Has he seen Pose? Paris is Burning? I am Divine? Any single pop-culture reference that might actually provide a tiny bit of insight to go along with everything else he ignores?
Tell me please. Is Nina West (Andrew Levitt) a man or a woman, and what are his/her preferred pronouns? Do those pronouns match his/her biological birth sex?
Tell me please. Is Nina West (Andrew Levitt) a man or a woman, and what are his/her preferred pronouns? Do those pronouns match his/her biological birth sex?
Andrew Levitt is a gay man, and an actor.

Nina West is a character. A female character like Mrs. Doubtfire.

Andrew Levitt is Nina West when he wants to be Nina West, just like Paul Rubens is Pee Wee Herman when he wants to be.

A trans person is always a trans person, regardless if they want to be or not.

Is it really that damn hard to understand?
Andrew Levitt is a gay man, and an actor.

Nina West is a character. A female character like Mrs. Doubtfire.

Andrew Levitt is Nina West when he wants to be Nina West, just like Paul Rubens is Pee Wee Herman when he wants to be.

A trans person is always a trans person, regardless if they want to be or not.

Is it really that damn hard to understand?
OK. So Nina isn't transgender. Why not get an actual transgender person to present the video? Why not Bruce Springsteen or Miley Cyrus? Kanye?
Because drag queens are fun!! And, kids usually like things that are fun, outgoing, colorful, and happy.

Your stance on this is idiotic, at best. Seriously. I know I insult people a lot, but you're really being a moron here. A large number (and I'd be willing to say most) of drag queens are gay males playing dress-up. They don't have gender identity questions. They are not trans. You are very wrong.
Drag queens are not appropriate for kids. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen a drag show, but they’ve never been kid-friendly.
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Drag queens are not appropriate for kids.

When I google the dictionary definition of drag queen, it says "an entertainer (typically a man) who adopts a flamboyant or parodic feminine persona, with glamorous or exaggerated costumes and makeup."

The funny thing is when I look up the dictionary definition of clown, it says "a comic entertainer, especially one in a circus, wearing a traditional costume and exaggerated makeup."

What makes one 'tailor-made' for kids and the other one 'not appropriate'?
Drag queens are not appropriate for kids. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen a drag show, but they’ve never been kid-friendly.
It's fine. Trans people are just pretending, which Chemmie has laid out pretty well ITT. It isn't something that is quantifiable, it's totally based on presentation. The entire concept is paradoxical and he has admitted that there is no way to measure it so it doesn't actually exist. Trans=pretending to, or feeling like you are the opposite of your genetic code. There is no metric that can be used to measure what gender a person is because it can change from minute to minute. Even if you get hormone therapy and change your genitals, you can still become the exact opposite of what you became because it's entirely based on how a person identifies themself.

When I google the dictionary definition of drag queen, it says "an entertainer (typically a man) who adopts a flamboyant or parodic feminine persona, with glamorous or exaggerated costumes and makeup."

The funny thing is when I look up the dictionary definition of clown, it says "a comic entertainer, especially one in a circus, wearing a traditional costume and exaggerated makeup."

What makes one 'tailor-made' for kids and the other one 'not appropriate'?
Would you want your grandkids watching movies where actors pretend to be assassins and kill a bunch of people?
Drag queens are not appropriate for kids. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen a drag show, but they’ve never been kid-friendly.
Certain drag queens are not appropriate for kids, you are correct. Their performance is meant for adults - and that's the way they want it to be.

However, there are drag queens that also create performances for children. Once again, they are performers, and their performances can have different audiences. There's more drama/broadway-style queens, there are fashion queens, comedy queens, dancing queens, you name it.

OK. So Nina isn't transgender. Why not get an actual transgender person to present the video? Why not Bruce Springsteen or Miley Cyrus? Kanye?

You've seen straight people do advertisements and endorsements for the LGBTQ+ community before, correct? Nina West is a big name in the LGBTQ+ community and is a perfect fit. We are a community and we all aim to lift each other up. I am not trans, but I will gladly advocate for trans rights.

Meanwhile...there was one small mention of trans people in the whole song, the rest was geared towards the community as a whole.

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious @Crazyhole because you are making zero sense in here.
Certain drag queens are not appropriate for kids, you are correct. Their performance is meant for adults - and that's the way they want it to be.

However, there are drag queens that also create performances for children. Once again, they are performers, and their performances can have different audiences. There's more drama/broadway-style queens, there are fashion queens, comedy queens, dancing queens, you name it.

You've seen straight people do advertisements and endorsements for the LGBTQ+ community before, correct? Nina West is a big name in the LGBTQ+ community and is a perfect fit. We are a community and we all aim to lift each other up. I am not trans, but I will gladly advocate for trans rights.

Meanwhile...there was one small mention of trans people in the whole song, the rest was geared towards the community as a whole.

I honestly can't tell if you're being serious @Crazyhole because you are making zero sense in here.
OK, since you are willing to have a good faith discussion about this topic, tell me what makes you a homosexual? Define it if you would.