I don't know. I honestly don't.Some of the clinicians in the field are already reporting ADE like disease progression. Is there smoke here, or just jumping to conclusions? Dunno and don't plan on finding out
But I do think we need to stop giving people a 3rd Booster that is based on a, now, original/minor variant that was synthesized 18 months ago. mRNA vaccines are supposed to be updated for the current threat, not one well back.
If it's someone's 1st set of shots, that's debatable. But this 2nd shot re-sold as a 'Booster'?! I'm a major skeptic, and I'm not alone ... Pfizer's CEO was chastized by the medical community for 'marketing' in July for that reason.
Wait for an actual Booster based on synthesis against the Delta variant, or whatever predominate. Either that or consider starting to giving people 'payloadless' Adenoviruses that help build up T-cells. Of course that means those Adenoviruses are useless as a 'vector' in the future for 'payloads.'
Some have been questioning this about influenza vaccine for awhile, given they only get it right 1 out of 5 or 6 times the last 3 years (prior to SARS-CoV-2). And those aren't even mRNA technology, and the influenza B/C variant mRNA trials weren't good.
This is one case where I'm not a doc, and I just don't know. I only tried to 'reset expectations' because the people of this country were continually lied to by politicians and the US Media, and doctors and researchers were supressed.
This is exactly why 'alternative viewpoints' from experts must NOT be censored in a free society of open debate, because it's NOT 'misinformation.' This isn't politics, it's fact, it's life, it's death.
In all seriousness, the reason I have a 'chip on my shoulder' is because that's what did for HP and Red Hat. I'd come in as the post-sales, implementation architect and/or engineer, and tell them what they were sold that was misleading or even flat-out incorrect. That's why I cannot stand politicians and people who defend them or say 'Science!' when it's not, and actually 'narrative.'
I hate sales, but even more so, marketing, and as Dilbert used to say, or illustrate ...
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