No, I'm arguing about the ignorance of what mRNA/Spike Protein vaccines do and do not do!!!
But to your point...
As more and more authorities are now coming out and saying, the continued vaccine hesitancy is partially because the masses lied about everything being known with 6 weeks of trials and that the vaccines would stop the spread.
If that superset of the public, let alone the US Media, could stop lying and we stop giving the anti-vaxxers any valid ammunition, and actually rebuild trust again.
That's why I said the pro-vaxxers have been just as bad as the anti-vaxxers. The masses of people lying have covered up the fact that once we did learn more about mRNA, the short-term complications did end up being rare, and easy to mitigate.
And even though the Spike Protein approach means they are only an IgG-predominate antibody Booster, they are so good and effective in that regard, they help even people who have been diseased by SARS-CoV-2 to better might serious Disease. But they still don't do much to stop the spread, and definitely not as well as natural immunity.
So guilting someone who has been diseased by SARS-CoV-2 for not getting a mRNA vaccine is just ignorance, as they already reduce the spread far better.
Win people over with facts, not 3rd grade pissing contests which, sadly, are actually their own misinformation.
And some here really need stop pissing on the Graves of everyone. This is why I cannot stand typical, berating, pro-vax conservatives as much as progressives as of late.