People's ability to fend off the virus when infected and not become diseased. We've been talking from Day 1 about spread without disease, but for some reason, people like yourself have automatically assumed mRNA vaccines sterilize the upper respiratory system and significantly reduce spread.How the heck do you think case numbers rise and fall?
That was never the design of mRNA vaccines and, now, we have the proof they are not. We are all infected, and we are all spreading ... sorry you assumed otherwise. I don't know where you decided that not diseased because the body fended it off and not diseased because the body had more IgG antibodies thanx to mRNA vaccines somehow equated to not being able to spread much.
In fact, natural immunity reduces the spread significantly more than mRNA vaccines, because it actually sterilizes in the upper respiratory tract and creates far more IgA antibodies. But in the end, I don't know if that's going to be enough, because we have never achieved even effective immunity against any CoV in the last 130 years (our known history of them).
No, no and ... no. Sorry, no. You literally speak like a 3rd grader. You keep thinking mRNA vaccines are sterilizing and will lead to herd immunity because of disease. Again, disease != spread. They are completely different concepts.There are a lot of factors, but certainly spread has a lot to do with it.
There are two types of herd immunity, sterilizing and effective. Neither has ever been achieved in the past 130 years of coronaviruses.One of these days you will actually learn exactly what herd immunity means
And the US NIH has confirmed, as it predicted a year ago, that mRNA vaccination isn't significantly reducing the spread. This has been backed by both the Brits (pre-Delta) and now the Scandinavians (with some Delta). That's why I've been warning from Day 1 that SARS-CoV-2 is the new OC43-CoV.
You just keep pulling crap out of your rectum.
It's why the US NIH has been on domestic Pharma to actually work on a defense-in-depth approach of a live, attenuated virus vaccine that far better mimics natural immunity with a sterilization and more IgA antibodies in the upper respiratory tract. That is our only chance, if it works.