
Yeah, lots of things. Most importantly though is why do you mock those that pose legitimate questions based on verifiable science and reports?

I'm sorry but you post about this shit 9,000 times a day and share tweet after tweet after tweet that runs the gamut of 1) getting deleted before anyone can read it 2) is from some "verifiable" source like @69clubgurl or @dickgozina or 3) suits your confirmation bias as an anti-vaxxer. I have neither the time or energy to sort through or read all of the stuff that you post from sunup till 2am. Thanks, but I will pass.
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I'm sorry but you post about this shit 9,000 times a day and share tweet after tweet after tweet that runs the gamut of 1) getting deleted before anyone can read it 2) is from some "verifiable" source like @69clubgurl or @dickgozina or 3) suits your confirmation bias as an anti-vaxxer. I have neither the time or energy to sort through or read all of the stuff that you post from sunup till 2am. Thanks, but I will pass.
I post nothing that isn't at least linked to verified sources. If you don't have the time, that's cool. But don't mock things when already admitting that you don't read it. That just makes you a brawndo boy.
Hey @Crazyhole what do you think of all the tools in this forum that are frantic or have already received their boosters and clamoring for more

What they don't know is that the LNP's are making landfall in the hearts of a great many number of people besides 12-29 year old athletic males. I seriously expect a lot of them to kick off early due to undiagnosed vaccine injury to the heart. More boosts, faster timelines.

I'm sorry but you post about this shit 9,000 times a day and share tweet after tweet after tweet that runs the gamut of 1) getting deleted before anyone can read it 2) is from some "verifiable" source like @69clubgurl or @dickgozina or 3) suits your confirmation bias as an anti-vaxxer. I have neither the time or energy to sort through or read all of the stuff that you post from sunup till 2am. Thanks, but I will pass.
That’s why I just post random bullshit. The guy is a complete tool. They are all obsessed with COVID and vaccines living in their basements. It’s the definition of a circlejerk
Hey @Crazyhole what do you think of all the tools in this forum that are frantic or have already received their boosters and clamoring for more

What they don't know is that the LNP's are making landfall in the hearts of a great many number of people besides 12-29 year old athletic males. I seriously expect a lot of them to kick off early due to undiagnosed vaccine injury to the heart. More boosts, faster timelines.

My first thought is that it's probably an unwise road to go down, because anything short of a mass die-off of the population there would be no evidence to prove that you aren't an extremely paranoid individual. Better to just stick with data and try to point out common sense, although that seems to be in short order anymore. Fear begets desperation, which begets irrational trust.
What exactly is your take away from this, other than sharing what some random person on Twitter quoted from the paper?
If you go back a page on this thread, it was in response to shuckster saying that letting omicron spread through the unvaccinated is asking for more mutations and that would be dangerous.

First of all, omicron is not a variant and it doesn't present with any SARS symptoms. Second of all, nobody has died from it or even had major symptoms. So it stands to reason that this variant doesn't pose much of a threat and isn't worth any response at all, let alone lockdowns or a new set of vaccines that taxpayers have to foot the bill for. They are selling fear and nothing else.
You unvaccinated morons still cowering at home scared of COVID?
If you go back a page on this thread, it was in response to shuckster saying that letting omicron spread through the unvaccinated is asking for more mutations and that would be dangerous.

First of all, omicron is not a variant and it doesn't present with any SARS symptoms. Second of all, nobody has died from it or even had major symptoms. So it stands to reason that this variant doesn't pose much of a threat and isn't worth any response at all, let alone lockdowns or a new set of vaccines that taxpayers have to foot the bill for. They are selling fear and nothing else.

It's not a variant of SARS-Cov2 according to whom? Every person that I've listened to with a shred of infectious disease expertise has called this a variant.

PS- as we're pissing about Omicron, the northern US is going through a massive Delta wave in which hospitalizations are through the roof and tons of unvaccinated people are dying. So keep up with that narrative that these vaccines suck.
It's not a variant of SARS-Cov2 according to whom? Every person that I've listened to with a shred of infectious disease expertise has called this a variant.

PS- as we're pissing about Omicron, the northern US is going through a massive Delta wave in which hospitalizations are through the roof and tons of unvaccinated people are dying. So keep up with that narrative that these vaccines suck.

It's not a variant of SARS-Cov2 according to whom? Every person that I've listened to with a shred of infectious disease expertise has called this a variant.

PS- as we're pissing about Omicron, the northern US is going through a massive Delta wave in which hospitalizations are through the roof and tons of unvaccinated people are dying. So keep up with that narrative that these vaccines suck.
Ask them which variant it mutated from.

I shared a link earlier about this where French and south African scientists say that omicron predates the Alpha variant. While other variants had few mutations, this one has 30-50 in the spike protein alone. It doesn't present with any SARS symptoms or even some of the unusual ones like loss of taste or smell.

So we have a coronavirus that acts like a common cold and predates the first known variant and has no respiratory symptoms. Just use some common sense on this one. And then ask why we need a 3 dose vaccine for it.
Are you going to get vaccinated against the omicron strain?
We don’t even talk about this anymore. I honestly couldn’t tell you all the details about it. I guess I need to quit my job, avoid human beings/females and get a Twitter account 😂😂😂
We don’t even talk about this anymore. I honestly couldn’t tell you all the details about it. I guess I need to quit my job, avoid human beings/females and get a Twitter account 😂😂😂
So you don't care if the government is lying to you for the purpose of enriching billion dollar companies and taking your liberties away?
Ask them which variant it mutated from.

I shared a link earlier about this where French and south African scientists say that omicron predates the Alpha variant. While other variants had few mutations, this one has 30-50 in the spike protein alone. It doesn't present with any SARS symptoms or even some of the unusual ones like loss of taste or smell.

So we have a coronavirus that acts like a common cold and predates the first known variant and has no respiratory symptoms. Just use some common sense on this one. And then ask why we need a 3 dose vaccine for it.

John's Hopkins has this listed as a COVI19 variant. If you want to insist that you know more than Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers based upon some random tweets, then ok, I guess.

If this weren't a variant of COVID19 then it would simply circulate in a populace side by side with Delta. It's not - they are competing for circulatory space, while actual colds and influenza continue to circulate freely alongside.
John's Hopkins has this listed as a COVI19 variant. If you want to insist that you know more than Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers based upon some random tweets, then ok, I guess.

If this weren't a variant of COVID19 then it would simply circulate in a populace side by side with Delta. It's not - they are competing for circulatory space, while actual colds and influenza continue to circulate freely alongside.
Random tweets? Lol. Actual scientific studies aren't random tweets. What is random though, is the term "circulatory space".
So you do insist to know better than Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Nope. Never claimed to. The link you provided didn't have a lot of solid answers though so there can still be some speculation allowed.

And BTW, there have been plenty of studies from Johns Hopkins that have been shared here that brought up concerns about the vaccines. Do they hold any value to you?

Ah yes. The good old fashioned tradition of asking your guests for their vaccination papers when they come over to celebrate Christmas. Its my favorite of all of the traditions.
You know the wheels are coming off the vaccine narrative when #1 Pharma shill Peter Hotez is questioning Pfizer's findings on vaccine effectiveness.

The real number from the German study is

* 25% after 3x vaccine and 3 months , with many samples having 0%
* 58% after 3x vaccine 2 weeks after boost, with some samples having 0%
* 0% after any 2x vaccine for all samples

I suspect the Fade from 58% to 25% dropped faster earlier into the boost, i.e. not a linear decay

Of course not. Probably didn't get it
Nope. Never claimed to. The link you provided didn't have a lot of solid answers though so there can still be some speculation allowed.

And BTW, there have been plenty of studies from Johns Hopkins that have been shared here that brought up concerns about the vaccines. Do they hold any value to you?
Maybe if unvaccinated ask them to wear a star?
You know the wheels are coming off the vaccine narrative when #1 Pharma shill Peter Hotez is questioning Pfizer's findings on vaccine effectiveness.

The real number from the German study is

* 25% after 3x vaccine and 3 months , with many samples having 0%
* 58% after 3x vaccine 2 weeks after boost, with some samples having 0%
* 0% after any 2x vaccine for all samples

I suspect the Fade from 58% to 25% dropped faster earlier into the boost, i.e. not a linear decay

You know the wheels are coming off the vaccine narrative when #1 Pharma shill Peter Hotez is questioning Pfizer's findings on vaccine effectiveness.

The real number from the German study is

* 25% after 3x vaccine and 3 months , with many samples having 0%
* 58% after 3x vaccine 2 weeks after boost, with some samples having 0%
* 0% after any 2x vaccine for all samples

I suspect the Fade from 58% to 25% dropped faster earlier into the boost, i.e. not a linear decay

Weird running about 1,500 deaths per day and 150,000 daily infections with 84% of adults vaccinated. Now the 3rd or 4th shot will do the trick.
Or call the authorities. There is a place for people like that.

Weird running about 1,500 deaths per day and 150,000 daily infections with 84% of adults vaccinated. Now the 3rd or 4th shot will do the trick.

The third jab isn't going to do shit. For the virus that is. For your health,? That's another story.

Who knows how many lipid nano particles are landing on the heart and expressing S protein. When all is said and done, covid vaccines are going to go down as the biggest medical cluster fuk for at least the next 200 years

The third jab isn't going to do shit. For the virus that is. For your health,? That's another story.

Who knows how many lipid nano particles are landing on the heart and expressing S protein. When all is said and done, covid vaccines are going to go down as the biggest medical cluster fuk for at least the next 200 years

Interesting date on that article.
60% of the US population are fully vaccinated, and 69% have had at least one shot. Add to that those who have had Covid, and don't need to get the shot, If the vaccine was going to get rid of the Fauci/Wuhan flu it would have all but done it already. I am not against the shot, I have had both of them, I personally know 4 people Fauci Flu has killed, all were 80 years old or older, and the last one had both of his shots.

Wuhan just like the Spanish flu has hit in 2 major waves, over the course of 2 years, and it is not going to go away in our lifetimes. We have and will continue to get better at treating it, and the Wuhan vaccines are here to stay.
Yes it's like the Flu with a pneumonia kick. Roll up your sleeve every year like most do at their annual doctor appt.
Hey Crazy Mike will you be asking everyone you meet to see their government papers? Your Lord and savior says we must do so for a vaccine that barely works for one month

Weird running about 1,500 deaths per day and 150,000 daily infections with 84% of adults vaccinated. Now the 3rd or 4th shot will do the trick.

I know numbers are hard for you but once again this is not correct.

73% of all adults are fully vaccinated.

Just 60% of the entire US populace is vaccinated. That leaves 132M Americans unvaccinated that Delta can rip through as it's currently doing in the midwest and northern US.

And just like every single report from every single hospital during the summer, 90%+ of everyone in the hospital for COVID, or dying from COVID, is an unvaccinated moron.

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