Rittenhouse trial is over before it begins

Was it a highly provocative? You bet!!! Was it a dangerous thing to do? Of Course it was!!! Could it lead to deadly violence? Absolutely!!!

But in the eyes of these 2A folks, showing up at a BLM protest rally with an assault rife was this stupid kid's God-Given RIGHT, baby! Screw the consequences!
and how about all the protesters who were holding entire city blocks and using all kinds of weapons. People want to jump on this kid, while backing armed protesters, and in Kamala's case even helping bail them out. weapons were all over the scene and not just held by this kid, or this kid and right wingers. This kid is not a hero, but had every right to defend himself once attacked. The same people hating this kid were supporting the burning of private businesses, and police stations, and federal courthouses that in some case were full of people. He was chased/stalked by 3 criminals and threatened, and attacked The attackers were taking the law into their unlawful hands. They were not innocents murdered, they were thugs killed by the person being attacked.
Was it a highly provocative? You bet!!! Was it a dangerous thing to do? Of Course it was!!! Could it lead to deadly violence? Absolutely!!!

But in the eyes of these 2A folks, showing up at a BLM protest rally with an assault rife was this stupid kid's God-Given RIGHT, baby! Screw the consequences!

It was his right. Too fuking bad if you are unhinged about that fact but it’s a fact. Rioters and lunatics don’t get to claim public spaces at the detriment of law abiding citizens which he was.
The left is losing its ever-loving mind over this and most of them don’t even know the most basic facts of the incident.

The sad part is no one from the national media carried the story of the 71 year old man that was beaten near to search by the same mob that attacked Rittenhouse. No left celeb or politician tweeted it. No representative asked for a federal investigation. What message do you think that sends to the public?
People being gunned down should make everyone uncomfortable, whether you agree with this decision or not. The hero worship part of this is what worries me, because it will lead to more of this.
I'd semi-agree with you on your last point if you would not have started with a 100% easily disproven bullshit statement. If you would make a set of truthful statements, then I could agree with you, because...

I don't like how some people are calling him a hero either. But you make a totally and easily disproven bullshit statement.

Understand the 1st guy shot by Rittenhouse was a bi-polar kiddie rapist who not only the state had continued issues with, but even the protestors and minorities were sick of him, because he was acosting and even attacking them! He literally came from the psychologist thy very day, and was a continued problem to society as was proven that night.

He didn't given a flying **** about Jacobs or protests, he just wanted to kick someone's ass.

Why people are acting like the 1st guy was there fighting for minority rights when he was hated by even the minorities protesting is beyond me.

The other 2 people shot were then part of pack of vigilantes who thought Rittenhouse murdered the 1st guy, and were upset police didn't arrest Rittenhouse when he tired to turn himself into police but they didn't believe him and left him.

So that mob chased him, kicked him, battered him with a skateboard (which is like battering someone with a steel re-enforced cut of plywood) and even pointed a loaded assault weapon at him, a while Rittenhouse was on the ground.

Stop making this like Rittenhouse 'gunned down' people. He only shot people not just casing him, not just assaulting him, but actually battering him and, in the last case, ran after him with a gun and pointed it at him. Rittenhouse was excessively restained.

Even the guy that survived had to testify he was actively pointing his assault weapon at Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse countered and shot him. His gun was loaded too.
The people I'm talking about arent confused. I am talking about Matt Gaetz and the like who want to give him internships and what not, and of course media figures. Agreeing with the decision is one thing, rewarding him for it is essentially a promotion of this type of thing. It does no one or the country any good to celebrate any of this. Its another sign that we are no longer a serious country.
But you're confused too. You think Rittenhouse 'gunned down' people.

Maybe of you didn't spew the same bullshit narrative as a Mass Media follower,Gaetz wouldn't have his followers either.

And that's the problem. Stop being polarizing, then complaining about people being polarizing.

If Rittenhouse 'gunned down' people, he couldn't have been found not guilty.
The left is losing its ever-loving mind over this and most of them don’t even know the most basic facts of the incident.

The sad part is no one from the national media carried the story of the 71 year old man that was beaten near to search by the same mob that attacked Rittenhouse. No left celeb or politician tweeted it. No representative asked for a federal investigation. What message do you think that sends to the public?
^ Exactly.
Nobody is asking you to, but being that we are a country already on edge, maybe we need to tone down the rhetoric (on both sides) and just let this kid wade off into obscurity.
nope, yall need to remember there are consequences for your childish tantrums and bully tactics.
nope, yall need to remember there are consequences for your childish tantrums and bully tactics.
And now they know that next time they want to go riot, loot, and commit arson it might not end up the way it had been. Maybe they will think twice and just stay home.
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And now they know that next time they want to go riot, loot, and commit arson it might not end up the way it had been. Maybe they will think twice and just stay home.
Or they come armed too, or more right wingers just go out looking to kill people, etc etc. I'm starting to think that is what some of yall want though.
There is a video of Kyle beating up a woman too, so if that is something you care about, lets not give him a pass on that and make him out to be a hero.

I never made him out to be a hero. And if there is evidence of him beating a woman he should stand charged for it. That is how this system is designed to work.
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Seriously WTF??!? A rebuke of the 'unrelenting' attacks on the 2A and self-defense rights? Holy Hyperbole, Batman!

Ask yourself this question: Lay out the exact, same circumstances in this case but make the idiot a Black kid with an AR-15 out to protect and defend his fellow BLM protesters that night.

Do the police still wave him through their line of squad cars while bystanders are screaming he shot a bunch of people? Do the defenders of the 2A hold him up as their poster boy? Does the same jury render him the same innocent verdicts?

Yes. The same jury renders the exact same verdict. Because it was the right thing to do.

Don't be that guy that makes up things that never happened and then builds an argument on it.
Or they come armed too, or more right wingers just go out looking to kill people, etc etc. I'm starting to think that is what some of yall want though.

I hope you realize that in this situation YOU are the problem.

Your posts are littered with "they are making Kyle a hero" and "right wingers" and "looking to kill people". It's people like YOU that are the problem.

If there are some idiots out there making Kyle out to be a "hero" as you said, then they are just dumb. Nobody is a hero in this situation. The protesters were idiots and shouldn't have been there. Kyle was an idiot and shouldn't have been there. Don't rest all of your arguments on the arguments of the dumb. When you say "right wingers" you are just being political. You have been overtaken by the social media nightmare where you see everything as black and white.
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Or they come armed too, or more right wingers just go out looking to kill people, etc etc. I'm starting to think that is what some of yall want though.
I'm good with those scenarios. People need to be deterred from making stupid decisions and law enforcement hasn't exactly stepped up to the task.
I hope you realize that in this situation YOU are the problem.

Your posts are littered with "they are making Kyle a hero" and "right wingers" and "looking to kill people". It's people like YOU that are the problem.

If there are some idiots out there making Kyle out to be a "hero" as you said, then they are just dumb. Nobody is a hero in this situation. The protesters were idiots and shouldn't have been there. Kyle was an idiot and shouldn't have been there. Don't rest all of your arguments on the arguments of the dumb. When you say "right wingers" you are just being political. You have been overtaken by the social media nightmare where you see everything as black and white.
Yes, all my fault. I am the one offering him capitol hill internships, wants to make a federal holiday for him, filmed a document4ary on him, etc, etc
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I'm good with those scenarios. People need to be deterred from making stupid decisions and law enforcement hasn't exactly stepped up to the task.
I know you would be good with it. Have to keep those liberals in line by threatening their lives, a pro life Republicans wet dream.
Except for the part that is completely untrue, I agree.
Eh…. I’m not saying that everyone should be armed (there are plenty of people that shouldn’t be for one reason or another) but if the majority of people were armed there would be less problems in the streets not more.
Eh…. I’m not saying that everyone should be armed (there are plenty of people that shouldn’t be for one reason or another) but if the majority of people were armed there would be less problems in the streets not more.
There is nothing to back that up. We have guns all over this country and we have gun crime all over this country. There is no evidence that more guns leads to lesser crime, none.

Leftist tears. "How dare they stand up to our social justice riots, looting, and arson!?"

I can't wait until Kyle gets an endorsement deal on an AR-15. That thing will sell like hotcakes.
Eh…. I’m not saying that everyone should be armed (there are plenty of people that shouldn’t be for one reason or another) but if the majority of people were armed there would be less problems in the streets not more.
Everybody knows that the highest American value is to sit by and do nothing while violent extremists burn your city to the ground. That's why nobody needs a gun.
Just to levelset the falsehoods spreading in the media and on Twitter so we can all argue about this from an accurate foundation.

Just to levelset the falsehoods spreading in the media and on Twitter so we can all argue about this from an accurate foundation.

FYI, the people that believe all the lies have no intention of reading that article.

Look at "russia collusion" for proof. People believe what they want to believe these days. Facts have been replaced by feelings.
Or they come armed too, or more right wingers just go out looking to kill people, etc etc. I'm starting to think that is what some of yall want though.
i love how for you, you've tunnel-visioned on a single outcome of the hundreds of times your team has gone out and burned cities down.

you're silent on hundreds, thousands of people acting like animals by looting and rioting, but god forbid some teenager who thought to himself "yknow, maybe they shouldn't be doing that" go out to administer aid and extinguish some fires before being promptly attacked and forced into self-defense by people who frankly are not equal in terms of what they offer to society.

yes, we would love for antifa/blm to be too scared to go rob then burn down every business in sight free of consequence. and if it means some people lose their life, then we can celebrate the active removal of losers from the gene pool.

if you were to be completely honest, you know its not the prospect of a couple starbucks baristas getting shot. it scares you that your side has been so good at bullying everyone into believing you have the moral high-ground, but normal people are starting to see how backwards your worldview really is.
i love how for you, you've tunnel-visioned on a single outcome of the hundreds of times your team has gone out and burned cities down.

you're silent on hundreds, thousands of people acting like animals by looting and rioting, but god forbid some teenager who thought to himself "yknow, maybe they shouldn't be doing that" go out to administer aid and extinguish some fires before being promptly attacked and forced into self-defense by people who frankly are not equal in terms of what they offer to society.

yes, we would love for antifa/blm to be too scared to go rob then burn down every business in sight free of consequence. and if it means some people lose their life, then we can celebrate the active removal of losers from the gene pool.

if you were to be completely honest, you know its not the prospect of a couple starbucks baristas getting shot. it scares you that your side has been so good at bullying everyone into believing you have the moral high-ground, but normal people are starting to see how backwards your worldview really is.

I will add, we need more people that aren't afraid to go out and kill child rapists.
This is one of the opinions I agree with, and how we've changed to utter lack of any objectivity. This is why we are doomed as a nation.

QUOTE: _'Most of us — including his defense counsel, following the verdict — were critical of Rittenhouse and his decision to take his AR-15 to a riot. However, the trial revealed key facts that sharply diverged from past media reports. For the first time, the public was not reading facts filtered and framed by the media. In a great demonstration of the value of cameras in courtrooms, the public could reach its own conclusions ... Yet the “white supremacist” narrative was a “fact too good to check” by the media, which almost uniformly failed to report on facts supporting the claim of self-defense ... Within days of the shootings, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden referenced Rittenhouse as a “white supremacist” despite no evidence supporting that widely repeated claim ... What is most concerning is the involvement of many in the media in this movement. We live in the age of “advocacy journalism,” in which figures such as former New York Times reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones are lionized for declaring that “all journalism is advocacy.”'_

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I think it's time to start discussing whether left wing media outlets should be shut down. They have spread so many lies and misinformation over the last several years, and fomented hatred and rage that its pretty obvious that they are a threat to our society.
I think it's time to start discussing whether left wing media outlets should be shut down. They have spread so many lies and misinformation over the last several years, and fomented hatred and rage that its pretty obvious that they are a threat to our society.
No. No one gets shut down. That's how freedom works. That's how Liberty works.

Although Rittenhouse is free to sue the media, but that's has an even much taller level of prosecutory evidence than proving murder, let alone manslaughter.

By default, the media can say what it wants, evne if harms someone, less the prosecution can prove willful harm. It can even extreme harm, but if it is not proven intentional and in spite, the media can do what it wants.

I hate it too, but it's what the 1st Amendment is all about, as much as it's abused.
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No. No one gets shut down. That's how freedom works. That's how Liberty works.
Liberty can only exist in a moral society. These people have no morals, and their goal is destruction. This is the thing you libertarians don't understand about real life.
I think it's time to start discussing whether left wing media outlets should be shut down. They have spread so many lies and misinformation over the last several years, and fomented hatred and rage that its pretty obvious that they are a threat to our society.
This gem from our resident Twitter news guy. :) :) :)
i love how for you, you've tunnel-visioned on a single outcome of the hundreds of times your team has gone out and burned cities down.

you're silent on hundreds, thousands of people acting like animals by looting and rioting, but god forbid some teenager who thought to himself "yknow, maybe they shouldn't be doing that" go out to administer aid and extinguish some fires before being promptly attacked and forced into self-defense by people who frankly are not equal in terms of what they offer to society.

yes, we would love for antifa/blm to be too scared to go rob then burn down every business in sight free of consequence. and if it means some people lose their life, then we can celebrate the active removal of losers from the gene pool.

if you were to be completely honest, you know its not the prospect of a couple starbucks baristas getting shot. it scares you that your side has been so good at bullying everyone into believing you have the moral high-ground, but normal people are starting to see how backwards your worldview really is.
I have spoken on all the shit before and I dont know why you think the left is anymore of a bully than the right.
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Liberty can only exist in a moral society. These people have no morals, and their goal is destruction. This is the thing you libertarians don't understand about real life.
This is nothing short of propaganda, with all your qanon stuff stuff, now this lecture in morality, they've got you deep yes? I guess next time we should all find a deeply moral candidate's like Republicans do, or something.