The pandemic of the “unvaccinated” who love to prolong pandemics and post Twitter and Google articles without actually reading them

The 2 shit for brains anti-vaxxers remaining in the WC.

And no, I’m not wearing a mask anymore in public. Never was a Fauci fan
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The 2 shit for brains anti-vaxxers remaining in the WC.

And no, I’m not wearing a mask anymore in public. Never was a Fauci fan
^^^^ female guinea pig test subject #2 showing continued signs of premenstrual irritability.
^^^^ female guinea pig test subject #2 showing continued signs of premenstrual irritability.
Shit for brains suicidal loser will get COVID and be taken out without having to put a bullet through pea size brain
What's the point of getting a vaccine that only gives you 10 weeks worth of immunity?


Need more data. It says 8 vaccinated people died from Covid (or with Covid? lol) during the week. How many total deaths from Covid?

even from your favorite lefty source the politifact
Why is that my favorite source? I was wondering about the nickname emperor Joe. Since you were considering his advice on the vaccine I figured he may be your doctor.
Why is that my favorite source? I was wondering about the nickname emperor Joe. Since you were considering his advice on the vaccine I figured he may be your doctor.
its a term of endearment for our current president who has ruled over EA/EOs at an alarmingly high rate.

I think because it was loud he meant to say something completely different like what's that...what's that.. There is no expression for my butts been wiped.

Yeah, I am sure you know all of the expressions and references in the world. Regardless, keep wiping your ass please and encouraging your fellow Repubs to do the same, there is no government conspiracy with ass wiping I promise.
I do like that you're sticking up for Joe for this rambling nonsense. I'm giving you props for that. He is our fearless leader!

I am just trying to insure that the looney side of the Republicans dont walk around smelling like shit to own the libs.
I think it was either some joke or he’s asking a clarification on the question he couldn’t hear over the helicopter. Outside shot that his butt was wiped though.

If this is what’s trending on chud channels it means we are probably doing ok.
We are trying to figure out incoherent ramblings of a dementia patient, but maybe it was directed at those constantly indoors hiding. Once they get out they need to wipe. "Dr" Jill has been a good helper I guess.

We spent four years listening to Trump reinvent/rape/slosh his way through the English language. It should have prepared you for this component of your BDS, Melvin.
its a term of endearment for our current president who has ruled over EA/EOs at an alarmingly high rate.
Cool. The vast majority of his EOs have been symbolic or undoing Trump EOs. Was it emperor Donald when he signed between 40-50 EOs in his first 6 months or do you just reserve that title for Presidents you didn’t vote for?
Cool. The vast majority of his EOs have been symbolic or undoing Trump EOs. Was it emperor Donald when he signed between 40-50 EOs in his first 6 months or do you just reserve that title for Presidents you didn’t vote for?
seeing as how Trump had fewer EOs than Barry, GW and Bill (and Biden obviously on pace to blow the record out the park), i wouldn't really use that title for Trump.

Normally you need to rule with some sort of authoritarian power to be called an emperor, IE turn the executive branch into both the Exec and Legislative branch.

Semantics I guess.
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seeing as how Trump had fewer EOs than Barry, GW and Bill (and Biden obviously on pace to blow the record out the park), i wouldn't really use that title for Trump.

Normally you need to rule with some sort of authoritarian power to be called an emperor, IE turn the executive branch into both the Exec and Legislative branch.

Semantics I guess.

Trump had 220 EOs in one term. Obama had 276 in two terms.
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Need more data. It says 8 vaccinated people died from Covid (or with Covid? lol) during the week. How many total deaths from Covid?
I wish they would provide more information when they report this stuff so there is a point of reference. Israel does a much better job of that so they're my go to when trying to figure this crap out.

It appears that the Pfizer vaccine is around 85% effective in preventing serious illness and death, but less than 40% effective in preventing infection. That makes it a poor vaccine but a damn good therapeutic. It'll be interesting to watch those numbers over the next couple of months to see how much they move over time.